1,062,191 research outputs found

    Effects of Gravity and Non-Perpendicularity during Powder-Fed Directed Energy Deposition of Ni-Based Alloy 718 through Two Types of Coaxial Nozzle

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    The consequences of gravity and the nozzle inclination angle in the powder-fed Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process were examined in this study. We also sought to define guidelines and manufacturing strategies, depending on the DED system configuration and the nozzle type. To do so, two nozzle types were used: a continuous coaxial nozzle with a slit of 0.5 mm and a four-stream discrete coaxial nozzle. Although the main effects of the configurations and the nozzles are well-known, their effects on the clad characteristics and the deposition strategy are as yet unclear. In this paper, measurements of a single clad and the effects of different deposition strategies on cladding applications and inclined walls are presented, and the consequences for manufacturing processes are discussed. Based on a complete study of a single clad, working vertically, five different tilted deposition strategies were applied: three to a single clad and two to an inclined wall. The results for both the single clad and the inclined wall reflect a pattern of changes to height, width, area, and efficiency, at both small and large nozzle angles and deposition strategies. The inclined wall presents a maximum horizontal displacement that can be reached per layer, without geometrical distortions. The amount of material per layer has to be adapted to this limitation.This research was funded by the European Commission through the project "PARADDISE: a Productive, Affordable and Reliable solution for large scale manufacturing of metallic components by combining laser-based Additive and Subtractive processes with high Efficiency” (Grant Agreement 723440), an initiative of the Public–Private Partnership “Photonics and Factories of the Future”. This research was also funded by European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), through the project "DEDALUS: Directed Energy Deposition machines with integrated process ALgorithms Under dedicated monitoring and control System” (ID 20094), and by the vice-counseling of technology, innovation and competitiveness of the Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza), under the ELKARTEK Program, PROCODA project, grant number KK-2019/00004

    Theory for the electromigration wind force in dilute alloys

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    A multiple scattering formulation for the electromigration wind force on atoms in dilute alloys is developed. The theory describes electromigration via a vacancy mechanism. The method is used to calculate the wind valence for electromigration in various host metals having a close-packed lattice structure, namely aluminum, the noble metals copper, silver and gold and the 4d4d transition metals. The self-electromigration results for aluminum and the noble metals compare well with experimental data. For the 4d4d metals small wind valences are found, which make these metals attractive candidates for the experimental study of the direct valence.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, epsfig, 8 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. B 56 of 15/11/199

    Stochastic linear scaling for metals and non metals

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    Total energy electronic structure calculations, based on density functional theory or on the more empirical tight binding approach, are generally believed to scale as the cube of the number of electrons. By using the localisaton property of the high temperature density matrix we present exact deterministic algorithms that scale linearly in one dimension and quadratically in all others. We also introduce a stochastic algorithm that scales linearly with system size. These results hold for metallic and non metallic systems and are substantiated by numerical calculations on model systems.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Study of the trace metal ion influence on the turnover of soil organic matter in cultivated contaminated soils

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    The role of metals in the behaviour of soil organic matter (SOM) is not well documented. Therefore, we investigated the influence of metals (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd) on the dynamic of SOM in contaminated soils where maize (C4 plant) replaced C3 cultures. Three pseudogley brown leached soil profiles under maize with a decreasing gradient in metals concentrations were sampled. On size fractions, stable carbon isotopic ratio (d13C), metals, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations were measured in function of depth. The determined sequence for the amount of C4 organic matter in the bulk fractions: M3 (0.9) > M2 (0.4) > M1 (0.3) is in agreement with a significant influence of metals on the SOM turnover. New C4 SOM, mainly present in the labile coarser fractions and less contaminated by metals than the stabilised C3 SOM of the clay fraction, is more easily degraded by microorganism

    Brazing method produces solid-solution bond between refractory metals

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    Brazing two refractory metals by diffusion bonding minimizes distortion and avoids excessive grain growth in the metals. This method requires the selection of an interface metal that forms intermediate low-melting eutectics or solid solutions with the metals to be brazed


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    Thin films, consisting of contacting layers of iron group metals Fe, Co, Ni and rare earth metals oxides are perspective for use in spintronics. Due to exchange f–d interaction at them interface, magnetization and magnetoresistance of this d – metals are rising