9 research outputs found

    A panoramic view on metadata application profiles of the last decade

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    This paper describes a study developed with the goal to understand the panorama of the metadata Application Profiles (AP): (i) what AP have been developed so far; (ii) what type of institutions have developed these AP; (iii) what are the application domains of these AP; (iv) what are the Metadata Schemes (MS) used by these AP; (v) what application domains have been producing MS; (vi) what are the Syntax Encoding Schemes (SES) and the Vocabulary Encoding Schemes (VES) used by these AP; and finally (vii) if these AP have followed the Singapore Framework (SF). We found (i) 74 AP; (ii) the AP are mostly developed by the scientific community, (iii) the ‘Learning Objects’ domain is the most intensive producer; (iv) Dublin Core metadata vocabularies are the most used and are being used in all domains of application and IEEE LOM is the second most used but only inside the ‘Learning Objects’ application domain; (v) the most intensive producer of MS is the domain of ‘Libraries and Repositories’; (vi) 13 distinct SES and 90 distinct VES were used; (vi) five of the 74 AP found follow the SF.This work is sponsored by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE) and by National funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of the project: FCOMP01-0124-FFEDER-022674.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building blocks of metadata: What can we learn from Lego™?

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    The idea that metadata, particularly Dublin Core, could be usable as a Lego™-like construction kit has been a popular suggestion for over a decade. In this paper, we first explore what this metaphor originally meant – why the idea is so appealing, and what design lessons we might take from the idea. We take a look at how close we are today to that ideal, looking at examples of real-world metadata design projects, and suggest that at present the situation is often more analogous to a game of Tetris – that is, the construction kit is sometimes limited, time concerns are often an issue, and there is limited opportunity for creativity. We explore patterns of collaboration in existing projects, such as the Scholarly Works Application Profile development. Finally, we ask how what we know about the process of building a shared understanding and formalisation about a domain can help us come closer to the ideal of Dublin Core as an approachable puzzle-game or construction kit

    Astrophysicists and physicists as creators of ArXiv-based commenting resources for their research communities. An initial survey

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    This paper conveys the outcomes of what results to be the first, though initial, overview of commenting platforms and related 2.0 resources born within and for the astrophysical community (from 2004 to 2016). Experiences were added, mainly in the physics domain, for a total of 22 major items, including four epijournals, and four supplementary resources, thus casting some light onto an unexpected richness and consonance of endeavours. These experiences rest almost entirely on the contents of the database ArXiv, which adds to its merits that of potentially setting the grounds for web 2.0 resources, and research behaviours, to be explored. Most of the experiences retrieved are UK and US based, but the resulting picture is international, as various European countries, China and Australia have been actively involved. Final remarks about creation patterns and outcome of these resources are outlined. The results integrate the previous studies according to which the web 2.0 is presently of limited use for communication in astrophysics and vouch for a role of researchers in the shaping of their own professional communication tools that is greater than expected. Collaterally, some aspects of ArXiv s recent pathway towards partial inclusion of web 2.0 features are touched upon. Further investigation is hoped for.Comment: Journal article 16 page

    Arxiv-based commenting resources by and for astrophysicists and physicists: an initial survey

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    This paper results to be the first, though absolutely initial, overview of commenting platforms and other web 2.0 resources which were born for and within the astrophysical research community, from 2004 to 2016. Additional experiences, chiefly in the physics domain, were added for a total of twenty-one tools, inclusive of four items in the specific area of epijournals – plus four supplementary resources which have been simply mentioned or anyway much more synthetically described due to their specific features –, thus casting some light onto an unexpected richness and consonance of endeavours. These experiences rest on the contents of the pioneering database ArXiv, which adds to its universally recognized merits that of setting the grounds for web 2.0 resources, and research behaviours, to be put in place

    Developing a systematic model for the capturing and use of African oral poetry: the Bongani Sitole experience

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    Oral traditions and oral literature have long contributed to human communication. The advent of arguably the most important technology, the written word, altered human ability to create and develop. However, this development for all its potential and scope created one of the most insidious dichotomies. As the written word developed so too the oral word became devalued and pushed to the fringes of societal development. One of the unfortunate outcomes has been a focus on the nomenclatures associated with orality and oral tradition, which although of importance, has skewed where the focus could and should have been located, namely, how to support and maintain the oral word and its innate value to human society in the face of what has become rampant technological developments. It is now ironic that technology is creating a fecund environment for a rebirth of orality. The study aims to mobilize technauriture as a paradigm in order to further embed orality and oral traditions to coherently embrace this changing technological environment. The central tenet of the study is that in order to enhance the status of orality the innate value embodied in indigenous knowledge systems must be recognized. Using the work of Bongani Sitole, an oral poet, as a backdrop the study will demonstrate a basic model that can act as a foundation for the effective integration of orality into contemporary structures. This is based on work that I published in the Journal of African Contemporary Studies (2009). Given the obvious multi-disciplinary nature of the material the work covers a wide cross section of the debate, from questions of epistemology and knowledge in general in terms of oral traditions, through the consciousness and technical landscapes, via the experience with Sitole’s material to issues of copyright and ownership. This work has also been submitted for publication together with my supervisor as a co-author. The study intends to consolidate the technauriture debate and lay a solid foundation to support further study

    Development of a framework for the e-education of educators of special groups aiming to improve their compatibility with their learners

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    En las sociedades multiculturales modernas la diversidad es una característica que se extiende incuestionablemente a la educación. Educadores y estudiantes de diferentes culturas y etnias, con diferentes orígenes lingüísticos y sociales tienen un punto de encuentro e interacción en los procedimientos educativos. En la educación multicultural el papel del profesor es primordial para potenciar o no a los estudiantes en la clase, por lo que es muy importante mejorar las capacidades docentes del formador a este respecto si se desea conseguir la igualdad educativa. Esto cobra mayor relevancia aún cuando los educadores se hacen cargo de grupos espaciales, es decir, de cualquier grupo social cuyas características (sociales, culturales, étnicas, lingüísticas, físicas, etc) sean causa de exclusión social, marginalización o estigmatización de sus miembros (inmigrantes, gitanos, ex-convictos, ex-adictos o personas con necesidades especiales). En la educación de grupos especiales la compatibilidad entre educadores y educandos, o lo que es lo mismo, el nivel de conocimiento y aceptación del grupo de discentes y la actitud positiva hacia el mismo afecta directamente a la eficiencia y éxito del procedimiento educativo. Por otro lado, y dado el auge de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación ?con el potencial que esto conlleva?, la utilización de las mismas para conducir programas educativos personalizados ha llegado a ser una práctica globalmente adoptada. Esto permite que la personalización se adecúe a las necesidades del educador en cualquier momento y lugar y que se puedan reducir costes asociados a la educación del educador. En este documento se presenta un marco (denominado ESG) para la educación a través de medios electrónicos de los educadores de grupos especiales para la mejora de su compatibilidad con los educandos. El marco ESG se sustenta tanto en la tecnología educativa como en la educación multicultural y la educación de adultos, combinando elementos necesarios de todos estos campos. El marco ESG está basado en el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) con la adición de una fase nueva: Mantenimiento de la red de la comunidad educativa. El marco ESG proporciona para cada fase directrices dinámicas, flexibles y claras que pueden ser seguidas por diseñadores, desarrolladores, administradores y educadores, optimizando el aprendizaje electrónico personalizado y dotando de una educación efectiva a los educadores de grupos especiales. Para validar el marco ESG se ha llevado a cabo una aplicación piloto con educadores de un grupo de personas de raza gitana en Grecia. La evaluación del curso piloto ha probado que el marco ESG es eficiente y funcional para la mejora de la compatibilidad entre educadores y estudiantes y que ofrece la posibilidad mediante el uso de tecnologías de e-learning de una personalización de los programas educativos de acuerdo a las necesidades del educador independientemente del lugar y momento en el que se requieran las acciones formativas

    Development of a framework for the e-education of educators of special groups aiming to improve their compatibility with their learners

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    En las sociedades multiculturales modernas la diversidad es una característica que se extiende incuestionablemente a la educación. Educadores y estudiantes de diferentes culturas y etnias, con diferentes orígenes lingüísticos y sociales tienen un punto de encuentro e interacción en los procedimientos educativos. En la educación multicultural el papel del profesor es primordial para potenciar o no a los estudiantes en la clase, por lo que es muy importante mejorar las capacidades docentes del formador a este respecto si se desea conseguir la igualdad educativa. Esto cobra mayor relevancia aún cuando los educadores se hacen cargo de grupos espaciales, es decir, de cualquier grupo social cuyas características (sociales, culturales, étnicas, lingüísticas, físicas, etc) sean causa de exclusión social, marginalización o estigmatización de sus miembros (inmigrantes, gitanos, ex-convictos, ex-adictos o personas con necesidades especiales). En la educación de grupos especiales la compatibilidad entre educadores y educandos, o lo que es lo mismo, el nivel de conocimiento y aceptación del grupo de discentes y la actitud positiva hacia el mismo afecta directamente a la eficiencia y éxito del procedimiento educativo. Por otro lado, y dado el auge de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación ?con el potencial que esto conlleva?, la utilización de las mismas para conducir programas educativos personalizados ha llegado a ser una práctica globalmente adoptada. Esto permite que la personalización se adecúe a las necesidades del educador en cualquier momento y lugar y que se puedan reducir costes asociados a la educación del educador. En este documento se presenta un marco (denominado ESG) para la educación a través de medios electrónicos de los educadores de grupos especiales para la mejora de su compatibilidad con los educandos. El marco ESG se sustenta tanto en la tecnología educativa como en la educación multicultural y la educación de adultos, combinando elementos necesarios de todos estos campos. El marco ESG está basado en el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) con la adición de una fase nueva: Mantenimiento de la red de la comunidad educativa. El marco ESG proporciona para cada fase directrices dinámicas, flexibles y claras que pueden ser seguidas por diseñadores, desarrolladores, administradores y educadores, optimizando el aprendizaje electrónico personalizado y dotando de una educación efectiva a los educadores de grupos especiales. Para validar el marco ESG se ha llevado a cabo una aplicación piloto con educadores de un grupo de personas de raza gitana en Grecia. La evaluación del curso piloto ha probado que el marco ESG es eficiente y funcional para la mejora de la compatibilidad entre educadores y estudiantes y que ofrece la posibilidad mediante el uso de tecnologías de e-learning de una personalización de los programas educativos de acuerdo a las necesidades del educador independientemente del lugar y momento en el que se requieran las acciones formativas

    Expanding perspective on open science: communities, cultures and diversity in concepts and practices

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    Twenty-one years ago, the term ‘electronic publishing’ promised all manner of potential that the Web and network technologies could bring to scholarly communication, scientific research and technical innovation. Over the last two decades, tremendous developments have indeed taken place across all of these domains. One of the most important of these has been Open Science; perhaps the most widely discussed topic in research communications today. This book presents the proceedings of Elpub 2017, the 21st edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, held in Limassol, Cyprus, in June 2017. Continuing the tradition of bringing together academics, publishers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in the issues surrounding electronic publishing, this edition of the conference focuses on Open Science, and the 27 research and practitioner papers and 1 poster included here reflect the results and ideas of researchers and practitioners with diverse backgrounds from all around the world with regard to this important subject. Intended to generate discussion and debate on the potential and limitations of openness, the book addresses the current challenges and opportunities in the ecosystem of Open Science, and explores how to move forward in developing an inclusive system that will work for a much broader range of participants. It will be of interest to all those concerned with electronic publishing, and Open Science in particular

    3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology

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    This open access peer-reviewed volume was inspired by the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology International Workshop held at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia in November 2016. Content is based on, but not limited to, the work presented at the workshop which was dedicated to 3D recording and interpretation for maritime archaeology. The volume consists of contributions from leading international experts as well as up-and-coming early career researchers from around the globe. The content of the book includes recording and analysis of maritime archaeology through emerging technologies, including both practical and theoretical contributions. Topics include photogrammetric recording, laser scanning, marine geophysical 3D survey techniques, virtual reality, 3D modelling and reconstruction, data integration and Geographic Information Systems. The principal incentive for this publication is the ongoing rapid shift in the methodologies of maritime archaeology within recent years and a marked increase in the use of 3D and digital approaches. This convergence of digital technologies such as underwater photography and photogrammetry, 3D sonar, 3D virtual reality, and 3D printing has highlighted a pressing need for these new methodologies to be considered together, both in terms of defining the state-of-the-art and for consideration of future directions. As a scholarly publication, the audience for the book includes students and researchers, as well as professionals working in various aspects of archaeology, heritage management, education, museums, and public policy. It will be of special interest to those working in the field of coastal cultural resource management and underwater archaeology but will also be of broader interest to anyone interested in archaeology and to those in other disciplines who are now engaging with 3D recording and visualization