417,578 research outputs found

    Upon a Message-Oriented Trading API

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    In this paper, we introduce the premises for a trading system application-programming interface (API) based on a message-oriented middleware (MOM), and present the results of our research regarding the design and the implementation of a simulation-trading system employing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and messaging. Our research has been conducted with the aim of creating a simulation-trading platform, within the academic environment, that will provide both the foundation for future experiments with trading systems architectures, components, APIs, and the framework for research on trading strategies, trading algorithm design, and equity markets analysis tools. Mathematics Subject Classification: 68M14 (distributed systems).Trading System API, Straight-Through Processing, Distributed Computing, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), Java Message Service (JMS), OpenMQ

    ASETS ā€“ An Academic Trading Simulation Platform

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    This paper is intended to present the results of our academic research upon a distributed computing environment dedicated to trading simulation. Our research has been conducted with the aim of creating a trading simulation platform, that would provide both the foundation for future experiments with trading systems architectures, components, APIs, and the framework for research on trading strategies, trading algorithms design, and equity markets analysis tools.Trading Systems, Simulation, Distributed Computing, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), Java Message Service (JMS)

    Action languages: Dimensions, effects

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    Dimensions of action languages are discussed for communication between humans and machines, and the message handling capabilities of object oriented programming systems are examined. Design of action languages is seen to be very contextual. Economical and effective design will depend on features of situations, the tasks intended to be accomplished, and the nature of the devices themselves. Current object oriented systems turn out to have fairly simple and straightforward message handling facilities, which in themselves do little to buffer action or even in some cases to handle competing messages. Even so, it is possible to program a certain amount of discretion about how they react to messages. Such thoughtfulness and perhaps relative autonomy of program modules seems prerequisite to future systems to handle complex interactions in changing situations

    A Formal Framework For Multi-Party Business Protocols (Revision of CentER DP 2008-79)

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    Enterprise-class information systems based on the principles of Service Oriented Architecture comprise large numbers of long-running, highly dynamic complex end-to-end service interactions, called conversations, based on message exchanges that typically transcend several organizations and span several geographical locations. Conversations in service-based systems can be described using business protocols that are formal notations specifying the timed message exchanges among participants in a conversation from a local point of view (orchestrations) or global (choreographies). In this work we introduce a formal framework based on Deterministic Finite Automata enriched with temporal constraints to describe multi-party business protocols. We also explore the notion of multi-party business protocol soundness and show how it is possible to execute a multi-party protocol consistently in a completely distributed manner and at the same time ensure the progression of the execution (i.e. no ā€œdeadlocksā€).service oriented architecture;message exchange patterns business protocols;orchestrations;choreographies;soundness

    An Object-Oriented Language-Database Integration Model: The Composition-Filters Approach

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    This paper introduces a new model, based on so-called object-composition filters, that uniformly integrates database-like features into an object-oriented language. The focus is on providing persistent dynamic data structures, data sharing, transactions, multiple views and associative access, integrated with the object-oriented paradigm. The main contribution is that the database-like features are part of this new object-oriented model, and therefore, are uniformly integrated with object-oriented features such as data abstraction, encapsulation, message passing and inheritance. This approach eliminates the problems associated with existing systems such as lack of reusability and extensibility for database operations, the violation of encapsulation, the need to define specific types such as sets, and the incapability to support multiple views. The model is illustrated through the object-oriented language Sina

    Schema-guided testing of message-oriented systems

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    Effective testing of message-oriented software requires describing the expected behaviour of the system and the causality relations between messages. This is often achieved with formal specifications based on temporal logics that require both first-order and metric temporal constructs ā€“ to specify constraints over data and real time. This paper proposes a technique to automatically generate tests for metric first-order temporal specifications that match well-understood specification patterns. Our approach takes in properties in a high-level specification language and identifies test schemas (strategies) that are likely to falsify the property. Schemas correspond to abstract classes of execution traces, that can be refined by introducing assumptions about the system. At the low level, concrete traces are successively produced for each schema using property-based testing principles. We instantiate this approach for a popular robotic middleware, ROS, and evaluate it on two systems, showing that schema-based test generation is effective for message-oriented software.The research leading to these results has received funding support from the projects: ERDF - European Re- gional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme; project PTDC/CCI-INF/29583/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029583) financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - FundaĆ§Ć£o para a CiĆŖncia e a Tecnologia; ā€œSTEROID - Verification and Validation of ADAS Components for Intelligent Vehicles of the Futureā€ from the European Union Financial Support (FEDER) under grant agreement No. 69989; and ā€œNORTE-06-3559-FSE-000046 - Emprego altamente qualificado nas empresas ā€“ ContrataĆ§Ć£o de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados (PME ou CoLAB)ā€ financed by the Norteā€™s Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) through the European Social Fund (ESF

    Middlewareā€™s message : the financial technics of codata

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    In this paper, I will argue for the relevance of certain distinctive features of messaging systems, namely those in which data (a) can be sent and received asynchronously, (b) can be sent to multiple simultaneous recipients and (c) is received as a ā€œpotentially infiniteā€ flow of unpredictable events. I will describe the social technology of the stock ticker, a telegraphic device introduced at the New York Stock Exchange in the 1860s, with reference to early twentieth century philosophers of synchronous experience (Bergson), simultaneous sign interpretations (Mead and Peirce), and flows of discrete events (Bachelard). Then, I will show how the tickerā€™s data flows developed into the 1990s-era technologies of message queues and message brokers, which distinguished themselves through their asynchronous implementation of ticker-like message feeds sent between otherwise incompatible computers and terminals. These latter systemsā€™ characteristic ā€œpublish/subscribeā€ communication pattern was one in which conceptually centralized (if logically distributed) flows of messages would be ā€œpublished,ā€ and for which ā€œsubscribersā€ would be spontaneously notified when events of interest occurred. This paradigmā€”common to the so-called ā€œmessage-oriented middlewareā€ systems of the late 1990sā€”would re-emerge in different asynchronous distributed system contexts over the following decades, from ā€œpush mediaā€ to Twitter to the Internet of Things

    A Programming Language for Web Service Development

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    There is now widespread acceptance of Web services and service-oriented architectures. But despite the agreement on key Web services standards there remain many challenges. Programming environments based on WSDL support go some way to facilitating Web service development. However Web services fundamentally rely on XML and Schema, not on contemporary programming language type systems such as those of Java or .NET. Moreover, Web services are based on a messaging paradigm and hence bring forward the traditional problems of messaging systems including concurrency control and message correlation. It is easy to write simple synchronous Web services using traditional programming languages; however more realistic scenarios are surprisingly difficult to implement. To alleviate these issues we propose a programming language which directly supports Web service development. The language leverages XQuery for native XML processing, supports implicit message correlation and has high level join calculus-style concurrency control. We illustrate the features of the language through a motivating example
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