16,612 research outputs found

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    We investigate the mesh colors method for per-face parameterization for texture-mapping of geometry, implemented in the game engine Frostbite 3, for the purpose of evaluating the method compared to traditional texture-mapping in a real-time application. Traditional UV-mapping often causes discontinuities which commonly results in visible seams in the end results. If any change is done to the vertex positions or the topology a remapping of the UV-map has to be done. Mesh colors aims to avoid these problems by skipping the transformation to 2D space as in UV-mapping, and associating color samples directly with the geometry of a mesh. The implementation was done in Frostbite 3 in C++ and HLSL shader code, and rendered with the DirectX graphics API. The results show that mesh colors is a viable alternative in a real-time renderer. Though not as fast as regular UV-mapped textures due to lack of hardware accelerated filtering operations, mesh colors is a realistic alternative for special cases where regular texture-mapping would be cumbersome to work with or produce sub-par results. Possible areas of future research are efficient data structures suitable to handle data insertion dynamically, compression of mesh colors data, and mesh colors in the context of mesh LOD generation

    Plane-Based Optimization of Geometry and Texture for RGB-D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes

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    We present a novel approach to reconstruct RGB-D indoor scene with plane primitives. Our approach takes as input a RGB-D sequence and a dense coarse mesh reconstructed by some 3D reconstruction method on the sequence, and generate a lightweight, low-polygonal mesh with clear face textures and sharp features without losing geometry details from the original scene. To achieve this, we firstly partition the input mesh with plane primitives, simplify it into a lightweight mesh next, then optimize plane parameters, camera poses and texture colors to maximize the photometric consistency across frames, and finally optimize mesh geometry to maximize consistency between geometry and planes. Compared to existing planar reconstruction methods which only cover large planar regions in the scene, our method builds the entire scene by adaptive planes without losing geometry details and preserves sharp features in the final mesh. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it onto several RGB-D scans and comparing it to other state-of-the-art reconstruction methods.Comment: in International Conference on 3D Vision 2018; Models and Code: see https://github.com/chaowang15/plane-opt-rgbd. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1905.0885

    Interactive Vegetation Rendering with Slicing and Blending

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    Detailed and interactive 3D rendering of vegetation is one of the challenges of traditional polygon-oriented computer graphics, due to large geometric complexity even of simple plants. In this paper we introduce a simplified image-based rendering approach based solely on alpha-blended textured polygons. The simplification is based on the limitations of human perception of complex geometry. Our approach renders dozens of detailed trees in real-time with off-the-shelf hardware, while providing significantly improved image quality over existing real-time techniques. The method is based on using ordinary mesh-based rendering for the solid parts of a tree, its trunk and limbs. The sparse parts of a tree, its twigs and leaves, are instead represented with a set of slices, an image-based representation. A slice is a planar layer, represented with an ordinary alpha or color-keyed texture; a set of parallel slices is a slicing. Rendering from an arbitrary viewpoint in a 360 degree circle around the center of a tree is achieved by blending between the nearest two slicings. In our implementation, only 6 slicings with 5 slices each are sufficient to visualize a tree for a moving or stationary observer with the perceptually similar quality as the original model

    ITEM: Inter-Texture Error Measurement for 3D Meshes

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    We introduce a simple and innovative method to compare any two texture maps, regardless of their sizes, aspect ratios, or even masks, as long as they are both meant to be mapped onto the same 3D mesh. Our system is based on a zero-distortion 3D mesh unwrapping technique which compares two new adapted texture atlases with the same mask but different texel colors, and whose every texel covers the same area in 3D. Once these adapted atlases are created, we measure their difference with ITEM-RMSE, a slightly modified version of the standard RMSE defined for images. ITEM-RMSE is more meaningful and reliable than RMSE because it only takes into account the texels inside the mask, since they are the only ones that will actually be used during rendering. Our method is not only very useful to compare the space efficiency of different texture atlas generation algorithms, but also to quantify texture loss in compression schemes for multi-resolution textured 3D meshes

    Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures

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    This paper presents an extension to the KinectFusion algorithm which allows creating simplified 3D models with high quality RGB textures. This is achieved through (i) creating model textures using images from an HD RGB camera that is calibrated with Kinect depth camera, (ii) using a modified scheme to update model textures in an asymmetrical colour volume that contains a higher number of voxels than that of the geometry volume, (iii) simplifying dense polygon mesh model using quadric-based mesh decimation algorithm, and (iv) creating and mapping 2D textures to every polygon in the output 3D model. The proposed method is implemented in real-time by means of GPU parallel processing. Visualization via ray casting of both geometry and colour volumes provides users with a real-time feedback of the currently scanned 3D model. Experimental results show that the proposed method is capable of keeping the model texture quality even for a heavily decimated model and that, when reconstructing small objects, photorealistic RGB textures can still be reconstructed.Comment: 2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Page 1 -

    Multi-Resolution Texture Coding for Multi-Resolution 3D Meshes

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    We present an innovative system to encode and transmit textured multi-resolution 3D meshes in a progressive way, with no need to send several texture images, one for each mesh LOD (Level Of Detail). All texture LODs are created from the finest one (associated to the finest mesh), but can be re- constructed progressively from the coarsest thanks to refinement images calculated in the encoding process, and transmitted only if needed. This allows us to adjust the LOD/quality of both 3D mesh and texture according to the rendering power of the device that will display them, and to the network capacity. Additionally, we achieve big savings in data transmission by avoiding altogether texture coordinates, which are generated automatically thanks to an unwrapping system agreed upon by both encoder and decoder
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