3 research outputs found

    Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae)

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    In this study, we examined Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. collected in the Republic of North Macedonia, which are for the first time subjected to detailed micromorphological and structural analysis using light and scanning electron microscopy. The nutlets and mucilage were additionally subjected to spectroscopic analysis using Raman and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. The anatomical structure of stems and leaves is described and compared. The stems, leaves and calyces bear numerous one- and multi-cellular nonglandular trichomes, and various peltate, capitate and digitiform glandular trichomes. The nutlets differ in size and shape, as well as in myxocarpy. The nutlets predominantly contained α-linolenic and linoleic acid, whereas the mucilages are primarily formed of polysaccharides. The results obtained in this study confirmed the importance of micromorphological and anatomical analysis of Salvia L. spp. plant parts, particularly trichomes and nutlets, and hence contributing to the knowledge about the variety of micromorphological characteristics within the genus Salvia L.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Alimpić-Aradski, A.; Janosević, D.; Pećinar, I.; Budimir, S.; Dajić-Stevanović, Z.; Matevski, V.; Marin, P. D.; Duletić-Lausević, S. Micromorphological and Anatomical Characteristics of Salvia Amplexicaulis Lam., S. Jurisicii Kosanin and S. Ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae). Plant Biosystems 2021, 155 (1). [https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2020.1727976]

    Macromorphological characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae), chemical composition and biological activity of their essential oils and extracts

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    Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju dobijanja podataka o mikromorfološkim, anatomskim i hemijskim karakteristikama i biološkim dejstvima tri vrste žalfija iz Makedonije (Salvia amplexicaulis, S. jurisicii i S. ringens). Uzorci navedenih vrsta potvrgnuti su mikromorfološkim, anatomskim i citološkim analizama po prvi put, a zatim je sprovedeno sveobuhvatno ispitivanje hemijskog sastava i antioksidativne, antimikrobne, citotoksične i antineurodegenerativne aktivnosti njihovih etarskih ulja i ekstrakata. Mikromorfološke, anatomske i citološke analize vegetativnih i generativnih organa odabranih biljaka izvedene su upotrebom svetlosne i elektronske mikroskopije (skenirajuće i transmisione). Analizirane vrste poseduju bifacijalne, hipostromatične ili amfistomatične listove sa stomama paracitnog tipa i kolenhimom distribuiranim uz glavni nerv na abaksijalnoj strani. S. jurisicii i S. amplexicaulis poseduju četvorougaona, a S. ringens okruglo stablo. Vegetativni i generativni organi analiziranih vrsta nose raznovrsne neglandularne i glandularne - peltatne, kapitatne i digitiformne trihome. Broj ćelija sekretorne glavice pelatnih trihoma je varirao među analiziranim vrstama. „Niske“ kapitatne trihome (Tip I) su uočene kod sve tri vrste, dok su „visoke“ kapitatne trihome (Tip II) bile prisutne samo na cvetnim delovima S. ringens. Digitiformne trihome su nađene na listovima S. ringens i S. jurisicii. Orašice S. jurisicii i S. ringens su bile sferičnog, a S. amplexicaulis prolatno-sferičnog oblika, dok je ornamentacija površine orašica sve tri vrste okarakterisana kao retikulatna. Sitnije orašice S. amplexicaulis i S. jurisicii su osluznjavale nakon 15 minuta, a krupnije orašice S. ringens tek nakon 45 minuta. S. ringens poseduje heksakolpatna, radijalno simetrična i izopolarna polenova zrna, prolatnog oblika i sa biretikulatnom ornamentacijom egzine. U bazi plodnika S. ringens su uočljive floralne nektarije u obliku prstena...This study was carried out in order to obtain data on anatomical, micromorphological and phytochemical characteristics as well as biological activities of three sage species originating from Macedonia (Salvia amplexicaulis, S. jurisicii and S. ringens). Plant material of these species was analyzed from anatomical, micromorphological and cytological point of view for the first time. Subsequently, their essential oils and extracts were subjected to comprenhensive investigation of chemical composition and antioxidative, antimcrobial, cytotoxic and antineurodegenerative effects. Analyses of anatomical, micromorphological and cytological characteristics of vegetative and generative plant organs were performed using light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The leaves of analyzed species are bifacial, hypoand amfistomatic, with paracytic stomata and collenchyma distributed in the midrib on abaxial side. Stems of S. jurisicii and S. amplexicaulis are quadriangular in cross-section, while stem of S. ringens is round-shaped. Vegetative and generative organs of examined species bear a variety of non-glandular and glandular trihomes, including peltate, capitate and digitifom ones. Secretory head cells varied between different species. „Short“ capitate trihomes (Type I) had been noticed in all of species, while „long“ capitate trihomes (Type II) were present only in floral parts of S. ringens. Digitiform trihomes were found in S. jurisicii and S. ringens leaves. S. jurisicii and S. ringens have spherical and S. amplexicaulis prolate-spherical nutlets. Ornamentation of nutlets surfaces were characterized as reticulate. Mixocarpy was observed 15 minutes after wetting in smaller nutlets of S. amplexicaulis and S. jurisicii and after 45 minutes in larger S. ringens nutlets. Pollen grains of S. ringens are prolate, hexacolpate, radially simmetric, isopolar, with bireticulate egzine ornamentation..

    Caracterización morfo-histológica de las núculas y su valor taxonómico en lamiaceae nativa de Argentina

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2017Una vasta caracterización de la exomorfología y anatomía de las unidades de dispersión (núculas) aporta desde diferentes lugares al conocimiento, tanto científico como cotidiano. Sobre esta base se realizó el estudio de las unidades de dispersión en los representantes nativos de Argentina pertenecientes a la Fam. Lamiaceae, con el fin de proveer una acabada información morfo-anatómica de las núculas y valorar su incidencia taxonómica. Se analizaron 83 taxones de Lamiaceae que representan a 17 géneros, mediante observaciones exomorfológicas con microscopio estereoscópico y microscopía electrónica de barrido y análisis de preparados histológicos permanentes. Se lograron definir los descriptores para núculas y una detallada caracterización de los frutos que complementan la información faltante en las floras regionales y en la literatura carpológica del grupo. Tanto en la exomorfología como en la anatomía se observaron variaciones a distintos niveles jerárquicos; entre los primeros, se destacan la forma y sección transversal de los frutos, el tamaño, el color, la simetría, el aspecto general y la ornamentación de la superficie, los rasgos de la zona de abscisión y la producción de mucílagos (mixocarpia), y en la histología, las variaciones corresponden a tipos de células y su disposición para cada capa, el número de estratos, presencia de cristales, engrosamientos de las paredes y presencia/ausencia de tricomas en el epi- y endocarpo. Un segundo enfoque de estos resultados permitió la elaboración de una clave diferencial para los taxones nativos de Argentina, a través de sus núculas. Por último, se efectuó un análisis de agrupamiento mediante la selección de caracteres para su evaluación taxonómica en los distintos niveles de jerarquía, resultando que algunos caracteres que presentan valor para un grupo pueden no tenerlo para otro. En base a lo antes expuesto se concluye que los caracteres morfológicos de las núculas permiten identificar y diferenciar las Lamiaceae nativas de nuestro país, y a su vez, estos caracteres pueden ser utilizados como complementarios en análisis filogenéticos tendientes a la interpretación de la taxonomía de la familia y grupos relacionados.A detailed exomorphological and anatomical characterization of the dispersion units (nutlets) contribute both scientific and everyday knowledge from different places. In this framework the study of dispersion units was performed in native Argentinean species of Lamiaceae family, in order to provide a complete morphological and anatomical nutlets information and to evaluate their taxonomic incidence. Eighty three taxa of Lamiaceae representing 17 genera were analyzed through exomorphological observations with stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscopy as well as analysis of cross-section slides. It was possible to define the nutlets descriptors and a detailed characterization of the fruits that complement the missing information in the regional floras and carpological literature of the group. Both, the exomorphology and the anatomy of the fruits showed variations at different hierarchical levels; in the first case, shape and cross-section of the fruits, size, color, symmetry, surface general appearance and ornamentation, abscission zone characters, and mucilage production (Mixocarpy) stand out whereas the variation in the histology belongs to the type of cells and its disposition within each layer, the number of strata, the presence of crystals, the thickening of the walls, and the presence/ausence of trichomes in the epicarp and endocarp. A second approach of these results allowed the elaboration of a differential key for the native taxa of Argentina, through their nutlets. Finally, a clustering analysis was carried out by the selection of characters for taxonomic evaluation at different levels of hierarchy, resulting characters with value for one group could not have value for other groups. Based on the above, it is concluded that nutlets morphological characters allow to identify and differentiate the native Lamiaceae from our country, and at the same time, these characters can be used as complementary in phylogenetic analyzes in order to systematic interpretation of the family and related groups