7 research outputs found

    Collective cluster-based map merging in multi robot SLAM

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    New challenges arise with multi-robotics, while information integration is among the most important problems need to be solved in this field. For mobile robots, information integration usually refers to map merging . Map merging is the process of combining partial maps constructed by individual robots in order to build a global map of the environment. Different approaches have been made toward solving map merging problem. Our method is based on transformational approach, in which the idea is to find regions of overlap between local maps and fuse them together using a set of transformations and similarity heuristic algorithms. The contribution of this work is an improvement made in the search space of candidate transformations. This was achieved by enforcing pair-wise partial localization technique over the local maps prior to any attempt to transform them. The experimental results show a noticeable improvement (15-20%) made in the overall mapping time using our technique

    A New Frontier Based Approach for Multi-Robot Coverage in Unknown Environments

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    With the emergence of technology in our daily lives, robots are being increasingly used for coverage tasks which were earlier considered too dangerous or monotonous to be performed by humans such as interplanetary exploration and search & rescue. Out of all the multi-robot coverage approaches, the frontier based approach is one of the most widely used. Most of the coverage approaches developed so far, face the issue of frontier duplication and require access to the maps of the environment prior to coverage. In this work, we have developed a new frontier based approach for multi-robot coverage in unknown environments. This new approach is scalable to multiple robots and does not require prior access to the maps. This approach also uses a new frontier allocation and robot coordination algorithm, which reduces the frontier duplication in the robots and improves the efficiency of robot coverage

    Multi-Robot Navigation and Cooperative Mapping in a Circular Topology

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    Cooperative mapping of an environment by a team of multiple robots is an important problem to advance autonomous robot tasks for example in the field of service robotics or emergency assistance. A precise, global overview of the area the robots are working in, and the ability to navigate this area while avoiding obstacles and collisions between robots is a fundamental requirement for a large number of higher level robot-tasks in those domains. A cooperative mapping, navigation and communication framework supposing unknown initial relative robot positions is developed in this project based on the ROS libraries. It realizes robot displacement, localization and mapping under realistic real-world conditions. Such, the framework provides the underlying functions needed to realize a task of human activity observation in the future. Initially , local maps are individually constructed by the robots using the common gmapping SLAM algorithm from the ROS libraries. The robots are evolving on circles around the scene keeping a constant distance towards it or they can change radius, for example to circumvent obstacles. Local maps are continuously tried to align to compute a joint, global representation of the environment. The hypothesis of a common center point shared between the robots greatly facilitates this task, as the translation between local maps is inherently known and only the rotation has to be found. The map-merging is realized by adapting several methods known in literature to our specific topology. The developed framework is verified and evaluated in real-world scenarios using a team of three robots. Commonly available low-cost robot hardware is utilized. Good performances are reached in multiple scenarios, allowing the robots to construct a global overview by merging their limited local views of the scene

    Cooperative simultaneous localization and mapping framework

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    This research work is a contribution to develop a framework for cooperative simultaneous localization and mapping with multiple heterogeneous mobile robots. The presented research work contributes in two aspects of a team of heterogeneous mobile robots for cooperative map building. First it provides a mathematical framework for cooperative localization and geometric features based map building. Secondly it proposes a software framework for controlling, configuring and managing a team of heterogeneous mobile robots. Since mapping and pose estimation are very closely related to each other, therefore, two novel sensor data fusion techniques are also presented, furthermore, various state of the art localization and mapping techniques and mobile robot software frameworks are discussed for an overview of the current development in this research area. The mathematical cooperative SLAM formulation probabilistically solves the problem of estimating the robots state and the environment features using Kalman filter. The software framework is an effort toward the ongoing standardization process of the cooperative mobile robotics systems. To enhance the efficiency of a cooperative mobile robot system the proposed software framework addresses various issues such as different communication protocol structure for mobile robots, different sets of sensors for mobile robots, sensor data organization from different robots, monitoring and controlling robots from a single interface. The present work can be applied to number of applications in various domains where a priori map of the environment is not available and it is not possible to use global positioning devices to find the accurate position of the mobile robot. Therefore the mobile robot(s) has to rely on building the map of its environment and using the same map to find its position and orientation relative to the environment. The exemplary areas for applying the proposed SLAM technique are Indoor environments such as warehouse management, factory floors for parts assembly line, mapping abandoned tunnels, disaster struck environment which are missing maps, under see pipeline inspection, ocean surveying, military applications, planet exploration and many others. These applications are some of many and are only limited by the imagination.Diese Forschungsarbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines Framework für kooperatives SLAM mit heterogenen, mobilen Robotern. Die präsentierte Forschungsarbeit trägt in zwei Aspekten in einem Team von heterogenen, mobilen Robotern bei. Erstens stellt es einen mathematischen Framework für kooperative Lokalisierung und geometrisch basierende Kartengenerierung bereit. Zweitens schlägt es einen Softwareframework zur Steuerung, Konfiguration und Management einer Gruppe von heterogenen mobilen Robotern vor. Da Kartenerstellung und Poseschätzung miteinander stark verbunden sind, werden zwei neuartige Techniken zur Sensordatenfusion präsentiert. Weiterhin werden zum Stand der Technik verschiedene Techniken zur Lokalisierung und Kartengenerierung sowie Softwareframeworks für die mobile Robotik diskutiert um einen Überblick über die aktuelle Entwicklung in diesem Forschungsbereich zu geben. Die mathematische Formulierung des SLAM Problems löst das Problem der Roboterzustandsschätzung und der Umgebungmerkmale durch Benutzung eines Kalman filters. Der Softwareframework ist ein Beitrag zum anhaltenden Standardisierungsprozess von kooperativen, mobilen Robotern. Um die Effektivität eines kooperativen mobilen Robotersystems zu verbessern enthält der vorgeschlagene Softwareframework die Möglichkeit die Kommunikationsprotokolle flexibel zu ändern, mit verschiedenen Sensoren zu arbeiten sowie die Möglichkeit die Sensordaten verschieden zu organisieren und verschiedene Roboter von einem Interface aus zu steuern. Die präsentierte Arbeit kann in einer Vielzahl von Applikationen in verschiedenen Domänen benutzt werden, wo eine Karte der Umgebung nicht vorhanden ist und es nicht möglich ist GPS Daten zur präzisen Lokalisierung eines mobilen Roboters zu nutzen. Daher müssen die mobilen Roboter sich auf die selbsterstellte Karte verlassen und die selbe Karte zur Bestimmung von Position und Orientierung relativ zur Umgebung verwenden. Die exemplarischen Anwendungen der vorgeschlagenen SLAM Technik sind Innenraumumgebungen wie Lagermanagement, Fabrikgebäude mit Produktionsstätten, verlassene Tunnel, Katastrophengebiete ohne aktuelle Karte, Inspektion von Unterseepipelines, Ozeanvermessung, Militäranwendungen, Planetenerforschung und viele andere. Diese Anwendungen sind einige von vielen und sind nur durch die Vorstellungskraft limitiert


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    Documentos apresentados no âmbito do reconhecimento de graus e diplomas estrangeiro

    Merging maps of multiple robots

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