11 research outputs found

    Memristive Devices Fabricated with Silicon Nanowire Schottky Barrier Transistors

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    This paper reports on the memory and memristive effects of Schottky barrier field effect transistors (SBFET) with gate-all-around (GAA) configuration and Si nanowire (SiNW) channel. Similar behavior has also been investigated for SBFETs with poly-Si nanowire (poly-SiNW) channel in back-gate configuration. The memristive devices presented here have the potential of a very high integration density, and they are suitable for hybrid CMOS co-fabrication with a CMOS-compatible process. We show that 2 different regimes are possible, making these devices suitable either for volatile ambipolar memory or resistive random access memory (RRAM) applications. In addition, frequency- and amplitude- dependence of the memristive behavior are reported

    Ambipolar Si Nanowire Field Effect Transistors for Low Current and Temperature Sensing

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    This paper reports on the fabrication and characterization of a pA current and temperature sensing device with ultra-low power consumption based on a Schottky barrier silicon nanowire transistor. Thermionic and trap-assisted tunneling current conduction mechanisms are identified and discussed on the base of the device sensitivity upon current and temperature biasing. In particular, very low current sensing properties are confirmed also with previously reported polysilicon- channel nanowire Schottky barrier transistors. demonstrating that these devices are suitable for temperature and current sensing applications. Moreover, the process flow compatibility for both sensing and logic applications makes these devices suitable for heterogeneous integration

    Vertically-stacked gate-all-around polysilicon nanowire FETs with sub-μm gates patterned by nanostencil lithography

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    We report on the top-down fabrication of vertically-stacked polysilicon nanowire (NW) gate-all-around (GAA) field-effect-transistors (FET) by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) etching and nanostencil lithography. The nanostencil is used to form sub-μm GAA gates over polysilicon NW array channels with high aspect ratio, considerably simplifying the lithographic steps above regions with deep 3D topography and non-planar surface features. This process lead to fabrication yields larger than 70% and authors envisage even larger yields of ⩾85% with optimized mask design. Electrical measurements confirm the results obtained from similar devices fabricated with a standard lithography method while achieving higher density, larger reproducibility and yield, maintaining the performance improvement related with scaling

    Modeling Memristive Biosensors

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    In the present work, a computational study is carried out investigating the relationship between the biosensing and the electrical characteristics of two-terminal Schottky- barrier silicon nanowire devices. The model suggested successfully reproduces computationally the experimentally obtained electrical behavior of the devices prior to and after the surface bio-modification. Throughout modeling and simulations, it is confirmed that the nanofabricated devices present electrical behavior fully equivalent to that of a memristor device, according to literature. Furthermore, the model introduced successfully reproduces computationally the voltage gap appearing in the current to voltage characteristics for nanowire devices with bio- modified surface. Overall, the present study confirms the implication of the memristive effect for bio sensing applications, therefore demonstrating the Memristive Biosensors

    Gunn Effect in Silicon Nanowires: Charge Transport under High Electric Field

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    Gunn (or Gunn-Hilsum) Effect and its associated negative differential resistivity (NDR) emanates from transfer of electrons between two different energy bands in a semiconductor. If applying a voltage (electric field) transfers electrons from an energy sub band of a low effective mass to a second one with higher effective mass, then the current drops. This manifests itself as a negative slope or NDR in the I-V characteristics of the device which is in essence due to the reduction of electron mobility. Recalling that mobility is inversely proportional to electron effective mass or curvature of the energy sub band. This effect was observed in semiconductors like GaAs which has direct bandgap of very low effective mass and its second indirect sub band is about 300 meV above the former. More importantly a self-repeating oscillation of spatially accumulated charge carriers along the transport direction occurs which is the artifact of NDR, a process which is called Gunn oscillation and was observed by J. B. Gunn. In sharp contrast to GaAs, bulk silicon has a very high energy spacing (~1 eV) which renders the initiation of transfer-induced NDR unobservable. Using Density Functional Theory (DFT), semi-empirical 10 orbital (sp3d5ssp^{3}d^{5}s^{*}) Tight Binding (TB) method and Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) simulations we show for the first time that (a) Gunn Effect can be induced in narrow silicon nanowires with diameters of 3.1 nm under 3 % tensile strain and an electric field of 5000 V/cm, (b) the onset of NDR in I-V characteristics is reversibly adjustable by strain and (c) strain can modulate the value of resistivity by a factor 2.3 for SiNWs of normal I-V characteristics i.e. those without NDR. These observations are promising for applications of SiNWs in electromechanical sensors and adjustable microwave oscillators.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 63 reference

    Alternative Design Methodologies for the Next Generation Logic Switch (invited paper)

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    Next generation logic switch devices are ex- pected to rely on radically new technologies mainly due to the increasing difficulties and limitations of state-of-the-art CMOS switches, which, in turn, will also require innovative design methodologies that are distinctly different from those used for CMOS technologies. In this paper, three alternative emerging technologies are showcased in terms of their re- quirements for design implementation and in terms of poten- tial advantages. First, a CMOS evolutionary approach based on vertically-stacked gate-all-around Si nanowire FETs is discussed. Next, an alternative design methodology based on ambipolar carbon nanotube FETs is presented. Finally, a novel approach based on the recently discovered memristive devices is presented, offering the possibility of combining memory and logic functions

    Memristive Biosensors Under Varying Humidity Conditions

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    We attempt to examine the potential of silicon nanowire memristors in the field of nanobiosensing. The mem- ristive devices are crystalline Silicon (Si) Nanowires (NWs) with Nickel Silicide (NiSi) terminals. The nanowires are fabricated on a Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) wafer by an Ebeam Lithography Technique (EBL) process that allows high resolution at the nanoscale. A Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) technique is used to define free-standing nanowires. The close alignment between Silicon (Si) and Nickel-Silicide (NiSi) terminals forms a Schottky- barrier at their junction. The memristive effect of the fabricated devices matches well with the memristor theory. An equivalent circuit reproducing the memristive effect in current-voltage (I- V) characteristics of our silicon nanowires is presented too. The memristive silicon nanowire devices are then functionalized with anti-human VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) antibody and I-V characteristics are examined for the nanowires prior to and after protein functionalization. The uptake of bio- molecules linked to the surface of the memristive NWs is con- firmed by the increased voltage gap in the hysteresis curve. The effects of varying humidity conditions on the conductivity of bio- modified memristive silicon nanowires are deeply investigate

    Applications of Multi-Terminal Memristive Devices: A Review

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    Memristive devices have the potential for a complete renewal of the electron devices landscape, including memory, logic and sensing applications. This is especially true when considering that the memristive functionality is not limited to two-terminal devices, whose practical realization has been demonstrated within a broad range of different technologies. For electron devices, the memristive functionality can be generally attributed to a state modification, whose dynamics can be engineered to target a specific application. In this review paper, we show examples of two-terminal Resistive RAMs (ReRAM) for standalone memory and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) applications. Moreover, a Generic Memory Structure (GMS) utilizing two ReRAMs for 3D-FPGA is discussed. In addition, we show that trap charging dynamics can explain some of the memristive effects previously reported for Schottky-barrier field-effect Si nanowire transistors (SB SiNW FETs). Moreover, the SB SiNW FETs do show additional memristive functionality due to trap charging at the metal/semiconductor surface. The combination of these two memristive effects into multi-terminal MOSFET devices gives rise to new opportunities for both memory and logic applications as well as new sensors based on the physical mechanism that originate memristance. Finally, the multi-terminal memristive devices presented here have the potential of a very high integration density, and they are suitable for hybrid CMOS co-fabrication with a CMOS-compatible process

    An organic memristor as the building block for bio-inspired adaptive networks

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    This thesis reports the research path I followed during my PhD course, which i followed from January 2008 to December 2010 working at the University of Parma, in the Laboratory of Molecular Nanotechnologies, under the supervision of Prof. Marco P. Fontana and Dr. Victor Erokhin, within the framework of an interdisciplinary, international research project called BION – Biologically inspired Organized Networks. The keystone of my research is an organic memristor, a two terminal polymeric electronic device recently developed in our research group at the university of Parma. A memristor is a passive electronic device in which the electrical resistance depends on the electrical charge that has passed through it, and hence is adjustable by applying the appropriate electric potential or sequence of potentials. As of the beginning of my PhD, the device was in its early characterization stages, but it was already clear that it could be used to mimic the kind of plasticity found in synapses within neuronal circuits. In the thesis I show some further characterization work, used for engineering the device to maximize its more useful characteristics and to deepen our understanding of the functioning of the device, as well as the work done on. The knowledge of computational neuroscience acquired during this side project has proved very useful to better coordinate research in the material science side of the project, whose ultimate goal is the realization of a new, highly innovative technology for the production of functional molecular assemblies that can perform advanced tasks of information processing, involving learning and decision making, and that can be tailored down to the nanoscale.Questa tesi riporta il percorso di ricerca seguito durante il mio dottorato di ricerca, che ho svolto da gennaio 2008 a dicembre 2010 lavorando nel Laboratorio di Nanotecnologie Molecolari, presso l'Università di Parma, , sotto la supervisione del Prof. Marco P. Fontana e del Dott. Victor Erokhin, nel quadro di un approccio interdisciplinare, progetto di ricerca internazionale denominato BION - Biologically ispired Organized Networks . La chiave di svolta della mia ricerca è un memristor organico, un dispositivo a due terminali elettronici polimerici recentemente messo a punto nel nostro gruppo di ricerca presso l'università di Parma. Un memristor è un dispositivo elettronico passivo in cui la resistenza elettrica dipende dalla carica elettrica che è passata attraverso di essa, e quindi è regolabile applicando il potenziale elettrico appropriato o una sequenza di potenziali. A partire dall'inizio del mio dottorato di ricerca, il dispositivo è stato nelle sue fasi di caratterizzazione iniziale, ma era già chiaro che poteva essere usata per simulare il tipo di plasticità trovato in sinapsi all'interno di circuiti neuronali. Nella tesi ho mostrato un ulteriore lavoro di caratterizzazione, utilizzato per l'ingegneria del dispositivo al fine di massimizzare le sue caratteristiche più utili e di approfondire la nostra comprensione del funzionamento del dispositivo, così come il lavoro svolto. La conoscenza delle neuroscienze computazionali acquisite nel corso di questo progetto parallelo si è rivelato molto utile per meglio coordinare la ricerca per quanto riguarda il materiale scientifico del progetto, il cui scopo ultimo è la realizzazione di una nuova tecnologia altamente innovativa per la produzione di composti molecolari funzionali in grado di eseguire attività avanzate di elaborazione delle informazioni, che coinvolgano l'apprendimento e il processo decisionale, e che può essere adattata fino alla scala nanometrica