9 research outputs found

    Memory usage verification using Hip/Sleek.

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    Embedded systems often come with constrained memory footprints. It is therefore essential to ensure that software running on such platforms fulfils memory usage specifications at compile-time, to prevent memory-related software failure after deployment. Previous proposals on memory usage verification are not satisfactory as they usually can only handle restricted subsets of programs, especially when shared mutable data structures are involved. In this paper, we propose a simple but novel solution. We instrument programs with explicit memory operations so that memory usage verification can be done along with the verification of other properties, using an automated verification system Hip/Sleek developed recently by Chin et al.[10,19]. The instrumentation can be done automatically and is proven sound with respect to an underlying semantics. One immediate benefit is that we do not need to develop from scratch a specific system for memory usage verification. Another benefit is that we can verify more programs, especially those involving shared mutable data structures, which previous systems failed to handle, as evidenced by our experimental results

    On Verifying Resource Contracts using Code Contracts

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    In this paper we present an approach to check resource consumption contracts using an off-the-shelf static analyzer. We propose a set of annotations to support resource usage specifications, in particular, dynamic memory consumption constraints. Since dynamic memory may be recycled by a memory manager, the consumption of this resource is not monotone. The specification language can express both memory consumption and lifetime properties in a modular fashion. We develop a proof-of-concept implementation by extending Code Contracts' specification language. To verify the correctness of these annotations we rely on the Code Contracts static verifier and a points-to analysis. We also briefly discuss possible extensions of our approach to deal with non-linear expressions.Comment: In Proceedings LAFM 2013, arXiv:1401.056

    On Symbolic Heaps Modulo Permission Theories

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    We address the entailment problem for separation logic with symbolic heaps admitting list pred- icates and permissions for memory cells that are essential to express ownership of a heap region. In the permission-free case, the entailment problem is known to be in P. Herein, we design new decision procedures for solving the satisfiability and entailment problems that are parameterised by the permission theories. This permits the use of solvers dealing with the permission theory at hand, independently of the shape analysis. We also show that the entailment problem without list predicates is coNP-complete for several permission models, such as counting permissions and binary tree shares but the problem is in P for fractional permissions. Furthermore, when list predicates are added, we prove that the entailment problem is coNP-complete when the entail- ment problem for permission formulae is in coNP, assuming the write permission can be split into as many read permissions as desired. Finally, we show that the entailment problem for any Boolean permission model with infinite width is coNP-complete

    Program Analysis in A Combined Abstract Domain

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    Automated verification of heap-manipulating programs is a challenging task due to the complexity of aliasing and mutability of data structures used in these programs. The properties of a number of important data structures do not only relate to one domain, but to combined multiple domains, such as sorted list, priority queues, height-balanced trees and so on. The safety and sometimes efficiency of programs do rely on the properties of those data structures. This thesis focuses on developing a verification system for both functional correctness and memory safety of such programs which involve heap-based data structures. Two automated inference mechanisms are presented for heap-manipulating programs in this thesis. Firstly, an abstract interpretation based approach is proposed to synthesise program invariants in a combined pure and shape domain. Newly designed abstraction, join and widening operators have been defined for the combined domain. Furthermore, a compositional analysis approach is described to discover both pre-/post-conditions of programs with a bi-abduction technique in the combined domain. As results of my thesis, both inference approaches have been implemented and the obtained results validate the feasibility and precision of proposed approaches. The outcomes of the thesis confirm that it is possible and practical to analyse heap-manipulating programs automatically and precisely by using abstract interpretation in a sophisticated combined domain

    Memory Usage Verification Using Hip/Sleek

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    Embedded systems often come with constrained memory footprints. It is therefore essential to ensure that software running on such platforms fulfils memory usage specifications at compile-time, to prevent memory-related software failure after deployment. Previous proposals on memory usage verification are not satisfactory as they usually can only handle restricted subsets of programs, especially when shared mutable data structures are involved. In this paper, we propose a simple but novel solution. We instrument programs with explicit memory operations so that memory usage verification can be done along with the verification of other properties, using an automated verification system Hip/Sleek developed recently by Chin et al.[10,19]. The instrumentation can be done automatically and is proven sound with respect to an underlying semantics. One immediate benefit is that we do not need to develop from scratch a specific system for memory usage verification. Another benefit is that we can verify more programs, especially those involving shared mutable data structures, which previous systems failed to handle, as evidenced by our experimental results

    Amortised resource analysis for object-oriented programs

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    As software systems rise in size and complexity, the need for verifying some of their properties increases. One important property to be verified is the resource usage, i.e. how many resources the program will need for its execution, where resources include execution time, memory, power, etc. Resource usage analysis is important in many areas, in particular embedded systems and cloud computing. Thus, resource analysis has been widely researched and some different approaches to this have been proposed based in particular on recurrence solving, abstract interpretation and amortised analysis. In the amortised analysis technique, a nonnegative number, called potential, is assigned to a data structure. The amortised cost of operations is then defined by its actual cost plus the difference in potential of the data structure before and after performing the operation. Amortised analysis has been used for automatic resource analysis of functional and object-oriented programs. The potentials are defined using refined types and typing rules then ensure that potential and actual resource usage is accounted for correctly. The automatic inference of the potential functions can then be achieved by type inference. In the case of functional programs, the structure of the types is known. Thus, type inference can be reduced to solving linear arithmetic constraints. For object-oriented programs, however, the refined types are more complicated because of the general nature of objects: they can be used to define any data structure. Thus, the type inference must discover not only the potential functions for the data structure but also the data structures themselves. Other features of object-oriented programs that complicate the analysis are aliasing and imperative update. Hofmann and Jost presented in 2006 a type system for amortised heap-space analysis of object-oriented programs, called Resource Aware JAva (RAJA). However, they left the problem of type inference open. In this thesis we present a type inference algorithm for the RAJA system. We were able to reduce the type inference problem to the novel problem of satisfiability of arithmetic constraints over infinite trees and we developed a heuristic algorithm for satisfiability of these constraints. We proved the soundness of the type inference algorithm and developed an OCaml implementation and experimental evaluation that shows that we can compute linear upper-bounds to the heap-space requirements of many programs, including sorting algorithms for lists such as insertion sort and merge sort and also programs that contain different interacting objects that describe real-life scenarios like a bank account. Another contribution of this thesis is a type checking algorithm for the RAJA system that is useful for verifying the types discovered by the type inference by using the \emph{proof carrying code} technology