255 research outputs found

    An improved memetic algorithm to solve the energy-efficient distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem with transportation and start-stop constraints

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    In the current global cooperative production environment, modern industries are confronted with intricate production plans, demanding the adoption of contemporary production scheduling strategies. Within this context, distributed manufacturing has emerged as a prominent trend. Manufacturing enterprises, especially those engaged in activities like automotive mold production and welding, are facing a significant challenge in managing a significant amount of small-scale tasks characterized by short processing times. In this situation, it becomes imperative to consider the transportation time of jobs between machines. This paper simultaneously considers the transportation time of jobs between machines and the start-stop operation of the machines, which is the first time to our knowledge. An improved memetic algorithm (IMA) is proposed to solve the multi-objective distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem (MODFJSP) with the goal of minimizing maximum completion time and energy consumption. Then, a new multi-start simulated annealing algorithm is proposed and integrated into the IMA to improve the exploration ability and diversity of the algorithm. Furthermore, a new multiple-initialization rule is designed to enhance the quality of the initial population. Additionally, four improved variable neighborhood search strategies and two energy-saving strategies are designed to enhance the search ability and reduce energy consumption. To verify the effectiveness of the IMA, we conducted extensive testing and comprehensive evaluation on 20 instances. The results indicate that, when faced with the MODFJSP, the IMA can achieve better solutions in almost all instances, which is of great significance for the improvement of production scheduling in intelligent manufacturing

    Effective Scheduling of Multi-Load Automated Guided Vehicle in Spinning Mill: A Case Study

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    In the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), where material processing is carried out in the form of tasks from one department to another, the use of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) is significant. The application of multiple-load AGVs can be understood to boost FMS throughput by multiple orders of magnitude. For the transportation of materials and items inside a warehouse or manufacturing plant, an AGV, a mobile robot, offers extraordinary industrial capabilities. The technique of allocating AGVs to tasks while taking into account the cost and time of operations is known as AGV scheduling. Most research has exclusively addressed single-objective optimization, whereas multi-objective scheduling of AGVs is a complex combinatorial process without a single solution, in contrast to single-objective scheduling. This paper presents the integrated Local Search Probability-based Memetic Water Cycle (LSPM-WC) algorithm using a spinning mill as a case study. The scheduling model’s goal is to maximize machine efficiency. The scheduling of the statistical tests demonstrated the applicability of the proposed model in lowering the makespan and fitness values. The mean AGV operating efficiency was higher than the other estimated models, and the LSPM-WC surpassed the different algorithms to produce the best result

    Energy Efficient Manufacturing Scheduling: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The social context in relation to energy policies, energy supply, and sustainability concerns as well as advances in more energy-efficient technologies is driving a need for a change in the manufacturing sector. The main purpose of this work is to provide a research framework for energy-efficient scheduling (EES) which is a very active research area with more than 500 papers published in the last 10 years. The reason for this interest is mostly due to the economic and environmental impact of considering energy in production scheduling. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review of recent papers in this area, provide a classification of the problems studied, and present an overview of the main aspects and methodologies considered as well as open research challenges

    A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for achieving energy efficiency in production environments integrated with multiple automated guided vehicles

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    Increasing energy shortages and environmental pollution have made energy efficiency an urgent concern in manufacturing plants. Most studies looking into sustainable production in general and energy-efficient production scheduling in particular, however, have not paid much attention to logistical factors (e.g., transport and setup). This study integrates multiple automated guided vehicles (AGVs) into a job-shop environment. We propose a multiobjective scheduling model that considers machine processing, sequence-dependent setup and AGV transport, aiming to simultaneously minimize the makespan, total idle time of machines and total energy consumption of both machines and AGVs. To solve this problem, an effective multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (EMOEA) is developed. Within the EMOEA, an efficient encoding/decoding method is designed to represent and decode each solution. A new crossover operator is proposed for AGV assignment and AGV speed sequences. To balance the exploration and exploitation ability of the EMOEA, an opposition-based learning strategy is incorporated. A total of 75 benchmark instances and a real-world case are used for our experimental study. Taguchi analysis is applied to determine the best combination of key parameters for the EMOEA. Extensive computational experiments show that properly increasing the number of AGVs can shorten the waiting time of machines and achieve a balance between economic and environmental objectives for production systems. The experimental results confirm that the proposed EMOEA is significantly better at solving the problem than three other well-known algorithms. Our findings here have significant managerial implications for real-world manufacturing environments integrated with AGVs

    Energy-Aware Multi-Objective Job Shop Scheduling Optimization with Metaheuristics in Manufacturing Industries: A Critical Survey, Results, and Perspectives

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    In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, becoming one of the key pillars of what has been called Industry 4.0. In this context, we focus on the job shop scheduling problem (JSP), which aims at productions orders to be carried out, but considering the reduction of energy consumption as a key objective to fulfill. Finding the best combination of machines and jobs to be performed is not a trivial problem and becomes even more involved when several objectives are taken into account. Among them, the improvement of energy savings may conflict with other objectives, such as the minimization of the makespan. In this paper, we provide an in-depth review of the existing literature on multi-objective job shop scheduling optimization with metaheuristics, in which one of the objectives is the minimization of energy consumption. We systematically reviewed and critically analyzed the most relevant features of both problem formulations and algorithms to solve them effectively. The manuscript also informs with empirical results the main findings of our bibliographic critique with a performance comparison among representative multi-objective evolutionary solvers applied to a diversity of synthetic test instances. The ultimate goal of this article is to carry out a critical analysis, finding good practices and opportunities for further improvement that stem from current knowledge in this vibrant research area.Javier Del Ser acknowledges funding support from the Basque Government (consolidated research group MATHMODE, Ref. IT1294-19). Antonio J. Nebro is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Andalusian PAIDI program with Grant P18-RT-2799

    Hybrid Monte Carlo tree search based multi-objective scheduling

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    As markets demand targeted products for highly differentiated use cases, the number of variants in production increases, whilst the volume per variant decreases. Different product variants result in differences in work content on workstation level which cause takt time losses and result in a poor utilization. In this context, matrix-structured production systems with neither temporal nor spacial linkage emerged to reduce the effects of different work content on the entire production system. However, matrix-structured production systems require far more complex production control. To that end, this paper presents a scheduling approach. The proposed scheduling system considers variable process sequences and their allocation to different workstations in order to optimize scheduling objectives. This contribution presents a Monte Carlo tree search based optimizer combined with local search as post optimizer to derive schedules in a short time span to enabling reactive scheduling. The application of the scheduler to a benchmark problem and an industrial scheduling problem demonstrates the quality of the results and illustrates how the scheduler reassigns the work content dynamically

    Multicriteria hybrid flow shop scheduling problem: literature review, analysis, and future research

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    This research focuses on the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem, which is one of the most difficult problems to solve. The literature points to several studies that focus the Hybrid Flow Shop scheduling problem with monocriteria functions. Despite of the fact that, many real world problems involve several objective functions, they can often compete and conflict, leading researchers to concentrate direct their efforts on the development of methods that take consider this variant into consideration. The goal of the study is to review and analyze the methods in order to solve the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem with multicriteria functions in the literature. The analyses were performed using several papers that have been published over the years, also the parallel machines types, the approach used to develop solution methods, the type of method develop, the objective function, the performance criterion adopted, and the additional constraints considered. The results of the reviewing and analysis of 46 papers showed opportunities for future researchon this topic, including the following: (i) use uniform and dedicated parallel machines, (ii) use exact and metaheuristics approaches, (iv) develop lower and uppers bounds, relations of dominance and different search strategiesto improve the computational time of the exact methods,  (v) develop  other types of metaheuristic, (vi) work with anticipatory setups, and (vii) add constraints faced by the production systems itself

    Mixed integer programming and adaptive problem solver learned by landscape analysis for clinical laboratory scheduling

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    This paper attempts to derive a mathematical formulation for real-practice clinical laboratory scheduling, and to present an adaptive problem solver by leveraging landscape structures. After formulating scheduling of medical tests as a distributed scheduling problem in heterogeneous, flexible job shop environment, we establish a mixed integer programming model to minimize mean test turnaround time. Preliminary landscape analysis sustains that these clinics-orientated scheduling instances are difficult to solve. The search difficulty motivates the design of an adaptive problem solver to reduce repetitive algorithm-tuning work, but with a guaranteed convergence. Yet, under a search strategy, relatedness from exploitation competence to landscape topology is not transparent. Under strategies that impose different-magnitude perturbations, we investigate changes in landscape structure and find that disturbance amplitude, local-global optima connectivity, landscape's ruggedness and plateau size fairly predict strategies' efficacy. Medium-size instances of 100 tasks are easier under smaller-perturbation strategies that lead to smoother landscapes with smaller plateaus. For large-size instances of 200-500 tasks, extant strategies at hand, having either larger or smaller perturbations, face more rugged landscapes with larger plateaus that impede search. Our hypothesis that medium perturbations may generate smoother landscapes with smaller plateaus drives our design of this new strategy and its verification by experiments. Composite neighborhoods managed by meta-Lamarckian learning show beyond average performance, implying reliability when prior knowledge of landscape is unknown

    Artificial Intelligence to Solve Production Scheduling Problems in Real Industrial Settings: Systematic Literature Review

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    This literature review examines the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing systems, in line with the principles of Industry 4.0 and the growth of smart factories. AI is essential for managing the complexities in modern manufacturing, including machine failures, variable orders, and unpredictable work arrivals. This study, conducted using Scopus and Web of Science databases and bibliometric tools, has two main objectives. First, it identifies trends in AI-based scheduling solutions and the most common AI techniques. Second, it assesses the real impact of AI on production scheduling in real industrial settings. This study shows that particle swarm optimization, neural networks, and reinforcement learning are the most widely used techniques to solve scheduling problems. AI solutions have reduced production costs, increased energy efficiency, and improved scheduling in practical applications. AI is increasingly critical in addressing the evolving challenges in contemporary manufacturing environments

    Nature-inspired Methods for Stochastic, Robust and Dynamic Optimization

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    Nature-inspired algorithms have a great popularity in the current scientific community, being the focused scope of many research contributions in the literature year by year. The rationale behind the acquired momentum by this broad family of methods lies on their outstanding performance evinced in hundreds of research fields and problem instances. This book gravitates on the development of nature-inspired methods and their application to stochastic, dynamic and robust optimization. Topics covered by this book include the design and development of evolutionary algorithms, bio-inspired metaheuristics, or memetic methods, with empirical, innovative findings when used in different subfields of mathematical optimization, such as stochastic, dynamic, multimodal and robust optimization, as well as noisy optimization and dynamic and constraint satisfaction problems