8 research outputs found

    ICT in telemedicine: conquering privacy and security issues in health care services

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    Advancement in telecommunication combined with improved information technology infrastructures has opened up new dimensions in e-health environment. Such technologies make readily available to access, store, manipulate and replicate medical information and images. These technologies help reduced the time and effort in diagnoses and treatment at lower cost. However, protection and authentication of such medical information and images are now becoming increasingly important in telemedicine environment, where images are readily distributed over electronic networks. Intruders/hackers may gain access to confidential information and possible alter or even delete such vital records. The ultimate success of telemedicine demands an effective technology as well as privacy and security of records should be main concern. This paper explores recent identified privacy and security issues that affect telemedicine. Featuring threats on security and authentication of medical records, and proposing digital watermarking as a technology to curb authentication issues in telemedicine is highlighted

    Mobile-based Telemedicine Application using SVD and F-XoR Watermarking for Medical Images

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    منصة الخدمات الطبية عبارة عن تطبيق متنقل يتم من خلاله تزويد المرضى بتشخيصات الأطباء بناءً على المعلومات المستقاة من الصور الطبية. يجب ألا يتم تبديل محتوى هذه النتائج التشخيصية بشكل غير قانوني أثناء النقل ويجب إعادته إلى المريض الصحيح. في هذه المقالة، نقدم حلاً لهذه المشكلات باستخدام علامة مائية عمياء وقابلة للانعكاس وهشة استنادًا إلى مصادقة صورة المضيف. في الخوارزمية المقترحة، يتم استخدام الإصدار الثنائي من ترميز بوس_شوهوري _هوكوينجهام (BCH) للتقرير الطبي للمريض (PMR) والصورة الطبية الثنائية للمريض (PMI) بعد استخدام الغامض الحصري أو (F-XoR) لإنتاج العلامة الفريدة للمريض باستخدام مخطط المشاركة السرية (SSS). يتم استخدامه لاحقًا كعلامة مائية ليتم تضمينها في مضيف (PMI) باستخدام خوارزمية تحليل القيمة المفرد (SVD) العمياء القائمة على العلامة المائية. وهو حل جديد اقترحناه أيضًا بتطبيق SVD على صورة العلامة المائية العمياء. تحافظ الخوارزمية الخاصة بنا على مصادقة محتوى (PMI) أثناء النقل وملكية (PMR) للمريض لنقل التشخيص المصاحب فيما بعد إلى المريض الصحيح عبر تطبيق التطبيب عن بعد المحمول. يستخدم تقييم الخوارزمية لدينا علامات مائية مسترجعة توضح النتائج الواعدة لمقاييس الأداء العالية مقارنتا مع نتائج الاعمال السابقة في مقاييس الكشف عن التزوير وإمكانية الاسترداد الذاتي، مع قيمة 30NB PSNR، قيمة NC هي 0.99.A medical- service platform is a mobile application through which patients are provided with doctor’s diagnoses based on information gleaned from medical images. The content of these diagnostic results must not be illegitimately altered during transmission and must be returned to the correct patient. In this paper, we present a solution to these problems using blind, reversible, and fragile watermarking based on authentication of the host image. In our proposed algorithm, the binary version of the Bose_Chaudhuri_Hocquengham (BCH) code for patient medical report (PMR) and binary patient medical image (PMI) after fuzzy exclusive or (F-XoR) are used to produce the patient's unique mark using secret sharing schema (SSS). The patient’s unique mark is used later as a watermark to be embedded into host PMI using blind watermarking-based singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm. This is a new solution that we also proposed to applying SVD into a blind watermarking image. Our algorithm preserves PMI content authentication during the transmission and PMR ownership to the patient for subsequently transmitting associated diagnosis to the correct patient via a mobile telemedicine application. The performance of experimental results is high compare to previous results, uses recovered watermarks demonstrating promising results in the tamper detection metrics and self-recovery capability, with 30db PSNR, NC value is 0.99

    Efficiency of LSB steganography on medical information

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    The development of the medical field had led to the transformation of communication from paper information into the digital form. Medical information security had become a great concern as the medical field is moving towards the digital world and hence patient information, disease diagnosis and so on are all being stored in the digital image. Therefore, to improve the medical information security, securing of patient information and the increasing requirements for communication to be transferred between patients, client, medical practitioners, and sponsors is essential to be secured. The core aim of this research is to make available a complete knowledge about the research trends on LSB Steganography Technique, which are applied to securing medical information such as text, image, audio, video and graphics and also discuss the efficiency of the LSB technique. The survey findings show that LSB steganography technique is efficient in securing medical information from intruder

    Distortion-Free Digital Watermarking for Medical Images (Fundus) using Complex- Valued Neural Network

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    Fundus image is the interior surface of the eye that includes the optic nerves, macula and retinal blood vessels. The optic nerve which is responsible for transmitting of electrical impulses from the retina to the brain is connected to the back of the eye near the macula has a visible portion of the optic nerve called the optic disc. Optic disk has been shown to provide diagnostic information related to diabetic retinopathy (DR) and glaucoma diseases. Since such image are used for early detection of numbers of ocular disease which still remain the legal cause of blindness in working age population. Protection and authentication of such medical images are now becoming increasingly important in an e-Health environment. Though several high-ranking watermarking schemes using neural networks have been proposed in order to make watermark stronger in protection of medical images to resist attacks. However, the current system only deals with real value data. Once the data become complex, the current algorithms are not capable of handling complex data. In this study, a distortion-free digital watermarking scheme based on Complex-Valued Neural Network (CVNN) in transform domain is proposed. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was used to obtain the complex number (real and imaginary part) of the host image. The complex values form the input data of the Complex Back-Propagation (CBP) algorithm. Because neural networks perform best on detection, classification, learning and adaption, these features are employed to simulate the Safe Region (SR) to embed the watermark, thus, watermark are appropriately mapped to the mid frequency of selected coefficients. The algorithm was appraised by Mean Squared Error MSE and Average Difference Indicator (ADI). Implementation results have shown that this watermarking algorithm has a high level of robustness and accuracy in recovery of the watermark

    On the Use of Secret Sharing as a Secure Multi-use Pad

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    Secret sharing (SS) is a cryptographic method proposed independently by Adi Shamir and George Blakley in 1979 to encode the keys of public-key cryptography by splitting them into maximally entropic shares that are distributed to participants, only revealing the secret when combined. Each new sharing instance, even of the same key, produces a different set of shares to distribute anew. This paper investigates SS as an independent cipher to secure confidential messages between a limited set of trusted participants by eliminating the need to redistribute shares. A participant's master share is permanently fixed and unlimited temporary shares are created and combined with it to reveal new messages. Security is argued against specific and general attacks

    Implementasi Algoritme SPECK Block Cipher Dan Shamir's Secret Sharing Pada File Teks

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    File merupakan data dengan sifat penting yang tersimpan dalam komputer. Surat formal merupakan file berisi pesan penting yang hanya boleh diketahui oleh orang terteittu. Natiluh dengan MrWhibaiigriya tAnologi, kearyiatiati sebuah file dikatakan lemah karena adanya penyadapan maupun kehilangan data. Karena file tersebut bersifat penting, maka dibutuhkan sistem yang digunakan untuk mengamankahrwa. Mengamatikan data dengan teknik petiyaridiali hierupakati konsep dari kriptografi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua algoritme untuk mengamankan sebuah file teks yaitu Speck Block Cipher dan Shamir's Secret Sharing. Algoritme Speck Block Cipher digunakan untuk proses enkripsi fan dekripsi file dan memberikan aspek kerahasiaan pada file tersebut, sedangkan algoritme Shamir's Secret Sharing digunakan untuk memecah (share) dan metigetiibalikah (recohgtruct)file dengan memberikan aspek dikiikibility file teks. Algoritme SPECK yang digunakan adalah varian 128/128 karena varian 128 merupakan varian yang paling aman sedangkan key schedule 128 mempunyai 32 round sehingga tidak memerlukan proses yang lama untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Algoritme Shamir's yang digunakan adalah kombinasi dari share 5 dan reconstruct 2, 3 dan 5 karena waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk share dan reconstruct tidak terlalu lama serta lebih efisien. Terdapat tiga ukuran file yang di uji yaitu ukuran 4 KB dengan isi file 3, 8, dan 13 baris. Hasil pengujian rata-rata waktu keseluruhan sistem dengan ukuran file 4 KB yang berisi 3, 8, dan 13 baris yaitu 9.433 5, 91.938 s, 619.036 s. Hashl pengujian rata-rata pemakaian CPU pada semua proses yaitu pada ukuran file 4 KB ukuran 4 KB dengan isi file 3, 8, dan 13 baris yaitu 7,058%, 25,885%, dan 31,095%. Hashf pengujian rata-rata banyaknya pemakaian RAM pada ukuran 4 KB dengan isi file 3, 8, dan 13 baris yaitu 377,277 MB, 414,283 MB, dan 440,231 MB

    Sayısal görüntülerde blok ve tarama sırası temelli yeni bir veri gizleme algoritması tasarımı

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Teknolojinin hızlı ilerleyişiyle sayısal veri elde etme oldukça kolay hale gelmiştir. Uçtan uca veri iletiminde ise ister istemez özel veya gizli veriler üçüncü şahısların eline geçebilmektedir. Rahatlıkla veri iletimi gerçekleştirebilmek için, veri gizleme gibi bazı ek önlemlerin alınması gerekmektedir. Gizli veri iletiminin kullanılabileceği yerlerden biri de sayısal görüntülerdir. Amacı veri gizleme olan steganografi bilimi ile istenilen bu gizliliği sağlamak mümkündür. Yapılan bu çalışmada, sayısal görüntülerde kullanılmak üzere blok eşleştirmeli ve tarama sırası seçimli tabanlı LSB tekniğini kullanan yeni bir veri gizleme algoritması geliştirilmiştir. Ana amacı görüntü üzerinde en az değişimi yapmak olan bu yeni algoritmada, görüntü ilk olarak 8×8 boyutunda bloklara ayrılmaktadır. Yaygın olarak kullanılan iki tarama sırasına ilave olarak, yeni tasarlanan altı çeşit tarama sırasıyla bu bloklardaki pikseller taranarak verinin gizleneceği en uygun yer belirlenmektedir. Değişimin en az yapılacağı bloklar ve bunu sağlayan tarama sırası seçilip veriler bu bloklara gizlenmektedir. Oluşan yeni görüntünün piksellerinde böylece en az değişimin yapılması sağlanmıştır. Geliştirilen algoritmanın başarımında ise MSE, PSNR, UQI, MSSIM, CQM, AD, SC, NCC ve NAE kalite ölçütleri kullanılıp yapılan hesaplamaların tamamında en iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca görüntülerde gizli verinin olup/olmadığını ve eğer varsa ortaya çıkarılmasında kullanılan steganaliz ataklarına karşı testler yapılmış, geliştirilen algoritma bu ataklara karşı da başarılı olmuştur. Nihai olarak, algoritmanın kullanılabilmesi için bir yazılım gerçekleştirilmiş, yazılımla tıbbi görüntülerin incelenmesi, rapor hazırlanması ve veri gizlenmesi sağlanmıştır.With the rapid progress of the technology, obtaining of digital data has been become very simple. During data transmissions, special and secret data might fall into the hands of third parties. Data can be protected using some data hiding methods during their transmission through communication. Digital images are the one of the places where confidential data transmission can be used. It is possible to provide the desired privacy with steganography, which aims to hide data. In this study, a new algorithm is proposed that is based on block matching and scanning order selection using LSB to hide information in digital images. The fundamental aim of this study is ensuring as few bit changes as possible on the image, and so, firstly the cover image separated into different sub-blocks and each sub-block has a dimension of 8×8 pixels. To find the best block for secret data, the cover image scanned with eight different scanning orders where two of these scanning orders are commonly used and where six of these scanning orders are newly designed. After scanning progress, blocks are selected which need minimum changes and uses the most suitable one of eight scanning orders. Then the secret data can be hidden in these blocks. So that, the stego image which has secret data, includes minimum changes. The image quality of the stego images obtained via the proposed method has been measured with the MSE, PSNR, UQI, M−SSIM, CQM, AD, SC, NCC and NAE image quality metrics, and best results have been achieved. The results of steganalysis, which is the process used for identifying hidden data within stego images, have been verified the robustness of the stego images. Finally, a software is developed to hide data in medical image, to create report about medical image and to analyze medical image

    Security in Distributed, Grid, Mobile, and Pervasive Computing

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    This book addresses the increasing demand to guarantee privacy, integrity, and availability of resources in networks and distributed systems. It first reviews security issues and challenges in content distribution networks, describes key agreement protocols based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and key management protocols for complex distributed systems like the Internet, and discusses securing design patterns for distributed systems. The next section focuses on security in mobile computing and wireless networks. After a section on grid computing security, the book presents an overview of security solutions for pervasive healthcare systems and surveys wireless sensor network security