97 research outputs found

    Halving Balls in Deterministic Linear Time

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    Let \D be a set of nn pairwise disjoint unit balls in Rd\R^d and PP the set of their center points. A hyperplane \Hy is an \emph{mm-separator} for \D if each closed halfspace bounded by \Hy contains at least mm points from PP. This generalizes the notion of halving hyperplanes, which correspond to n/2n/2-separators. The analogous notion for point sets has been well studied. Separators have various applications, for instance, in divide-and-conquer schemes. In such a scheme any ball that is intersected by the separating hyperplane may still interact with both sides of the partition. Therefore it is desirable that the separating hyperplane intersects a small number of balls only. We present three deterministic algorithms to bisect or approximately bisect a given set of disjoint unit balls by a hyperplane: Firstly, we present a simple linear-time algorithm to construct an αn\alpha n-separator for balls in Rd\R^d, for any 0<α<1/20<\alpha<1/2, that intersects at most cn(d−1)/dcn^{(d-1)/d} balls, for some constant cc that depends on dd and α\alpha. The number of intersected balls is best possible up to the constant cc. Secondly, we present a near-linear time algorithm to construct an (n/2−o(n))(n/2-o(n))-separator in Rd\R^d that intersects o(n)o(n) balls. Finally, we give a linear-time algorithm to construct a halving line in R2\R^2 that intersects O(n(5/6)+ϵ)O(n^{(5/6)+\epsilon}) disks. Our results improve the runtime of a disk sliding algorithm by Bereg, Dumitrescu and Pach. In addition, our results improve and derandomize an algorithm to construct a space decomposition used by L{\"o}ffler and Mulzer to construct an onion (convex layer) decomposition for imprecise points (any point resides at an unknown location within a given disk)

    Indexability, concentration, and VC theory

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    Degrading performance of indexing schemes for exact similarity search in high dimensions has long since been linked to histograms of distributions of distances and other 1-Lipschitz functions getting concentrated. We discuss this observation in the framework of the phenomenon of concentration of measure on the structures of high dimension and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory of statistical learning.Comment: 17 pages, final submission to J. Discrete Algorithms (an expanded, improved and corrected version of the SISAP'2010 invited paper, this e-print, v3

    Data depth and floating body

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    Little known relations of the renown concept of the halfspace depth for multivariate data with notions from convex and affine geometry are discussed. Halfspace depth may be regarded as a measure of symmetry for random vectors. As such, the depth stands as a generalization of a measure of symmetry for convex sets, well studied in geometry. Under a mild assumption, the upper level sets of the halfspace depth coincide with the convex floating bodies used in the definition of the affine surface area for convex bodies in Euclidean spaces. These connections enable us to partially resolve some persistent open problems regarding theoretical properties of the depth

    An Invitation to Generalized Minkowski Geometry

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    The present thesis contributes to the theory of generalized Minkowski spaces as a continuation of Minkowski geometry, i.e., the geometry of finite-dimensional normed spaces over the field of real numbers. In a generalized Minkowski space, distance and length measurement is provided by a gauge, whose definition mimics the definition of a norm but lacks the symmetry requirement. This seemingly minor change in the definition is deliberately chosen. On the one hand, many techniques from Minkowski spaces can be adapted to generalized Minkowski spaces because several phenomena in Minkowski geometry simply do not depend on the symmetry of distance measurement. On the other hand, the possible asymmetry of the distance measurement set up by gauges is nonetheless meaningful and interesting for applications, e.g., in location science. In this spirit, the presentation of this thesis is led mainly by minimization problems from convex optimization and location science which are appealing to convex geometers, too. In addition, we study metrically defined objects, which may receive a new interpretation when we measure distances asymmetrically. To this end, we use a combination of methods from convex analysis and convex geometry to relate the properties of these objects to the shape of the unit ball of the generalized Minkowski space under consideration
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