60 research outputs found


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    Education is beginning to undergo enormous change due to changes in communication habits driven by the widespread availability of digital technology. Research has found significant differences between generations that recently inhabited our society in relationships with digital communication. This semi-structured qualitative pilot study was designed as research to determine what differences existed between generations in education settings surrounding their preferred communication methods. The research for this study framed around the following three questions: (a) Are there differences in preferred methods of communication-based on generational classification? (b) Is there any difference in the use of technology as a socialization instrument between generations? (c) Is there a difference in the perceived quality of intermediate and indirect communication? A focused semi-structured interview created to determine how much of the daytime different generations spend on intermediate and indirect communication and how the quality is perceived. The results of the study from 450 samples from three generations demonstrate differences between the students and teacher perception of communication.

    High School Nutrition Education Modules for Homeschooling

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    The increasing prevalence of obesity is increasing in the adolescent population. Many preventable diseases that may manifest later in life are associated with modifiable risk factors established during this time. Adolescents are at risk for chronic diseases related to diets consisting of increased fat, sodium, and sugars combined with decreased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and high fiber or calcium-containing foods. General nutrition knowledge questionnaires demonstrate that students receive inadequate nutrition education. Homeschooling is growing in popularity in the United States, which allows the opportunity to integrate nutrition education because the instructor or parent accompanies their students during cooking, tasting, and education sessions. Family-based intervention is the basis of weight management in children because it involves the entire family in dietary modification and increased physical activity. This multi-component approach course consists of 16 weekly modules that allow students to learn about the foods they consume daily and how it affects their health

    Relationship between the use of video games and physical-healthy, psychosocial and academic indicators in primary schoolchildren

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    The use of different digital devices is a widespread practice among young people. These acts will be a key conditioning factor in their health and quality of life. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to establish the relationships between the problematic use of video games with physical-healthy and psychosocial variables in Primary Education students. This study is descriptive and cross-sectional in nature, developed in a sample of 577 primary schoolchildren, aged between 11-12 years (M = 11.41; S.D. = 0.492). An Ad-Hoc questionnaire was used to record hours of physical activity, hours of sleep and use of screens. Likewise, for the problematic use with video games, the Questionnaire of Experiences Related to Video Games (CESR) was used, as well as the questionnaire of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (KIDMED). Those young people who register more hours of sleep and more hours of physical activity, do not offer problems with video games. However, the higher values of use of digital screens are related to severe problems. Those students who do not have problems with video games obtain higher values at academic, emotional, family and physical levels. In contrast, higher values of social self-concept are associated with severe problems. Finally, higher body mass indices are associated with severe problems with video games, while greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with those who do not have problems

    Self-report Participation of Physical Activity Outside of School on Rate of Motor Skills Development in Elementary Students

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    In this research project, the question of why some younger children appear to have better motor skills than older children is investigated. The hypothesis proposed is that children involved in physical activities after school or in the evenings have better motor skills at younger ages than children who are not involved in physical activities outside of school. Young children have very varied levels of motor skills competency that have developed due to living in different environments and having varied opportunity to be physically active. These differences are a result of factors like socioeconomic status, parental influence, climate, culture, etc.1 Sports and physical activities are usually executed in team settings, allowing children to develop important social skills like team work, leadership, sportsmanship, and responsibility among other ethical skills.2 But what if in addition to these numerous benefits, physical activity throughout childhood also offered an improvement in the rate of development of motor skills? One hundred and thirty-five students in grades K-5 participated in a program looking at perception, cognition and motor skills. There were no exclusion criteria for the study and all children were invited to participate.  A total of 95% of the kids participated in the study. This study focuses on a portion of a larger study that was completed prior to the start of the program. Children’s motor skills were evaluated with a standardized measure Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2). Three sections of the (BOT-2) were implemented: running speed and agility, balance, and upper limb coordination. The scores were analyzed along with self-reported surveys on the levels of physical activity of the children. The results showed evidence to support an association between the amount of physical activity outside of school, either after or in the evenings, r = .621, p = .001. An association was also seen between the amount of time spent in physical activity after school/evenings and running speed and agility scores, r = 0.295 and 0.269 p=.001. This work will be useful in understanding the relationship between children’s participation in physical activity after school and motor skill development rate. The information gathered from this research can be used to promote and support the increase of physical activity time that is available to students during school. Allowing children to have more experiences and opportunities of physical activity at school can help minimize any disadvantage in the rate of motor skills development that children who are not physically active at home may have

    The Relationship between Problematic Mobile Use and Sleep Quality among Nursing Students: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress

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    Background and Aims: Excessive and problematic use of mobile phones could have several negative effects on different aspects of students’ lives. The current study aimed to explore the relationship between excessive mobile use and sleep quality among nursing students by considering the mediating role of perceived stress.Material & Methods: The present study was descriptive with a correlational design. One hundred and thirty-eight nursing students (103 females, 35 males) were randomly chosen through random sampling. The data collection instruments included Cell-Phone Over-Use Scale (COS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale. Pearson Product Moment Correlation, Independent Samples t Test, and Hierarchical Regression Analysis were run in SPSS (version 22) to analyze the data.Result: The mean of students’ age, mobile use, sleep quality, and perceived stress were 20.81±1.89, 52.17±14.70, 11.8±2.69, and 22.60±6.45, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of the aforementioned variables among male and female nursing students. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that mobile use in the first model can predict students’ sleep quality (β=.38). Upon entering the perceived stress to the equation, β of mobile use decreased, indicating the incomplete mediating role of perceived stress.Conclusion: Given the increasing use of mobile phones, it is highly important to examine their negative effects such as low sleep quality, high perceived stress, and their undesirable effects on students’ life. Hence, students’ awareness of negative effects of problematic mobile use could be raised via taking appropriate measures and making necessary interventions.

    Evaluation of Nature Awareness in Secondary School Students by Nature Education Projects with A Case Study in Bursa, Türkiye

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    The importance of education given in primary and secondary education period is very important in raising new generations who respect nature and protect nature. In this study, the results of nature education in understanding biological and cultural diversity were evaluated with the example of a Nature Education Project, which was carried out in 2022 and supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) via 4004 Science Schools and Nature Education program for the students of the Regional Boarding School selected as the target group in the Protected Natural Areas of Bursa. The project aims to enable the students who will be the elders of the future living in Bursa and the teachers who will train the students to get to know the biodiversity and natural resources of Bursa by obtaining the information from the first source, by making observations and using the technology, to gain awareness of protection in order to ensure the sustainability of these resources, environmental pollution. It was carried out in order to enable students to establish strong bonds with nature by gaining awareness about nature. Within the scope of the project, the environmental perception scale and environmental attitude scale were applied to the participants as a pre-posttest in the project, and in addition to these tests, the natural science diaries kept during the project and the pictures they made about the activities were evaluated. The nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to determine whether there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores. At the end of the project, the target audience to establish a strong bond with nature, to recognize the factors that make up ecosystems, to gain awareness of protecting natural assets, to raise awareness about the limited nature of natural resources and to increase their awareness of environmental pollution and its effects, to transfer it to the society through social interaction after the project, to raise awareness, It has been observed that in the future, Bursa has gained awareness in the form of taking social responsibility in a way that will protect its values and developing by making use of ecotourism. Keywords: Nature Education; Regional Boarding School students; Biodiversity conservation; Protected areas; Türkiye DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-10-01 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Tempo de tela acima das recomendações em crianças e adolescentes: análise dos fatores nutricionais, comportamentais e parentais associados

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    Introduction: Sedentary routines characterised by multimedia games favour an increase in the prevalence of obesity in schoolchildren and their parents. Thus, identifying the factors associated with screen time during childhood and adolescence is essential for the development of public health strategies. Objective: To analyse whether excessive time in front of screens in children and adolescents is associated with nutritional, behavioural and parental factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study on 795 schoolchildren, of which 354 were male, aged between 7 and 17 years, and their parents (father or mother) from a municipality in southern Brazil. The screen time spent by the students was self-reported, obtained in hours, considering excessive to be ≥ 2 hours a day. The parents’ nutritional profile was assessed in terms of body mass index (BMI). For the data analysis, the prevalence ratio (PR) was used and analysed using the Poisson regression, with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: We found a high frequency of overweight/obese students (30.9%), with low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (53.7%), who spend ≥ 2 hours daily on the TV, computer or video games (57.1%). Screen time was associated with the prevalence of being overweight (PR = 1.06; CI = 1.00-1.13) and obesity (PR = 1.10; CI =: 1.03-1.18) among fathers, only among adolescents. Conclusion: Excessive screen time among adolescents was associated with the father’s nutritional status. It is suggested that strategies to reduce screen time should be implemented from childhood, involving the entire family.Introdução: As rotinas sedentárias caracterizadas pelos jogos multimídias favorecem o aumento da prevalência do excesso de peso em escolares e seus pais. Objetivo: Analisar se o tempo excessivo em frente às telas de crianças e adolescentes está associado com fatores nutricionais, comportamentais e parentais. Método: Estudo transversal com participação de 795 escolares, 354 do sexo masculino, com idade entre 7 a 17 anos, e seus pais (pai ou mãe), de um município do sul do Brasil. O tempo de tela dispendido pelo escolar foi autorreferido, obtido emhoras, considerando como excessivo ≥ duas horas diárias. O perfil nutricional dos pais foi avaliado pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC). Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada razão de prevalência (RP), analisada pela regressão de Poisson, e os intervalos de confiança (IC) para 95%. Resultados: Foi encontrada elevada frequência de escolares com sobrepeso/obesidade (30,9%), com baixos níveis de aptidão cardiorrespiratória (53,7%) e que dispendem ≥ duas horas diárias na TV,  computador ou videogame (57,1%). O tempo de tela esteve associado com a presença de sobrepeso (RP: 1,06; IC: 1,00-1,13) e obesidade (RP: 1,10; IC: 1,03-1,18) do pai, somente entre os adolescentes. Conclusão: O tempo excessivo em frente às telas em adolescentes associou-se com o estado nutricional do pai. Sugere-se que estratégias para redução do tempo de tela devem ser estimuladas desde cedo, envolvendo toda a família do escolar

    What Mathematics Calculations do Adults do in their Everyday Lives?: Part 1 of a Report on the Everyday Mathematics Project

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    This first part of a report on the Everyday Mathematics Project presents information about the topics, frequency, amount, type, nature and methods used by adults in calculations in their everyday lives. This serves to demonstrate the relevance of primary school mathematics, especially in terms of mental computation and estimation strategies situated within authentic contexts