585 research outputs found

    A Program Logic for Verifying Secure Routing Protocols

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    The Internet, as it stands today, is highly vulnerable to attacks. However, little has been done to understand and verify the formal security guarantees of proposed secure inter-domain routing protocols, such as Secure BGP (S-BGP). In this paper, we develop a sound program logic for SANDLog-a declarative specification language for secure routing protocols for verifying properties of these protocols. We prove invariant properties of SANDLog programs that run in an adversarial environment. As a step towards automated verification, we implement a verification condition generator (VCGen) to automatically extract proof obligations. VCGen is integrated into a compiler for SANDLog that can generate executable protocol implementations; and thus, both verification and empirical evaluation of secure routing protocols can be carried out in this unified framework. To validate our framework, we encoded several proposed secure routing mechanisms in SANDLog, verified variants of path authenticity properties by manually discharging the generated verification conditions in Coq, and generated executable code based on SANDLog specification and ran the code in simulation

    SDNsec: Forwarding Accountability for the SDN Data Plane

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    SDN promises to make networks more flexible, programmable, and easier to manage. Inherent security problems in SDN today, however, pose a threat to the promised benefits. First, the network operator lacks tools to proactively ensure that policies will be followed or to reactively inspect the behavior of the network. Second, the distributed nature of state updates at the data plane leads to inconsistent network behavior during reconfigurations. Third, the large flow space makes the data plane susceptible to state exhaustion attacks. This paper presents SDNsec, an SDN security extension that provides forwarding accountability for the SDN data plane. Forwarding rules are encoded in the packet, ensuring consistent network behavior during reconfigurations and limiting state exhaustion attacks due to table lookups. Symmetric-key cryptography is used to protect the integrity of the forwarding rules and enforce them at each switch. A complementary path validation mechanism allows the controller to reactively examine the actual path taken by the packets. Furthermore, we present mechanisms for secure link-failure recovery and multicast/broadcast forwarding.Comment: 14 page

    Structured Intuition: A Methodology to Analyse Entity Authentication

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    Union, intersection, and refinement types and reasoning about type disjointness for security protocol analysis

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    In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. The two type systems combine prior work on refinement types with union and intersection types and with the novel ability to reason statically about the disjointness of types. The increased expressivity enables the analysis of important protocol classes that were previously out of scope for the type-based analyses of cryptographic protocols. In particular, our type systems can statically analyze protocols that are based on zero-knowledge proofs, even in scenarios when certain protocol participants are compromised. The analysis is scalable and provides security proofs for an unbounded number of protocol executions. The two type systems come with mechanized proofs of correctness and efficient implementations.In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue Typsysteme vorgestellt, mit denen die Sicherheit kryptographischer Protokolle, modelliert in einem spi-Kalkül, und Protokollimplementierungen, beschrieben in einem nebenläufigen Lambdakalkül, verifiziert werden kann. Die beiden Typsysteme verbinden vorausgehende Arbeiten zu Verfeinerungstypen mit disjunktiven und konjunktiven Typen, und ermöglichen außerdem, statisch zu folgern, dass zwei Typen disjunkt sind. Die Ausdrucksstärke der Systeme erlaubt die Analyse wichtiger Klassen von Protokollen, die bisher nicht durch typbasierte Protokollanalysen behandelt werden konnten. Insbesondere ist mit den vorgestellten Typsystemen auch die statische Analyse von Protokollen möglich, die auf Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen basieren, selbst unter der Annahme, dass einige Protokollteilnehmer korrumpiert sind. Die Analysetechnik skaliert und erlaubt Sicherheitsbeweise für eine unbeschränkte Anzahl von Protokollausführungen. Die beiden Typsysteme sind formal korrekt bewiesen und effizient implementiert

    Seems Legit: Automated Analysis of Subtle Attacks on Protocols that Use Signatures

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    The standard definition of security for digital signatures---existential unforgeability---does not ensure certain properties that protocol designers might expect. For example, in many modern signature schemes, one signature may verify against multiple distinct public keys. It is left to protocol designers to ensure that the absence of these properties does not lead to attacks. Modern automated protocol analysis tools are able to provably exclude large classes of attacks on complex real-world protocols such as TLS 1.3 and 5G. However, their abstraction of signatures (implicitly) assumes much more than existential unforgeability, thereby missing several classes of practical attacks. We give a hierarchy of new formal models for signature schemes that captures these subtleties, and thereby allows us to analyse (often unexpected) behaviours of real-world protocols that were previously out of reach of symbolic analysis. We implement our models in the Tamarin Prover, yielding the first way to perform these analyses automatically, and validate them on several case studies. In the process, we find new attacks on DRKey and SOAP\u27s WS-Security, both protocols which were previously proven secure in traditional symbolic models

    Preuves mécanisées de protocoles cryptographiques et leur lien avec des implémentations vérifiées

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    Cryptographic protocols are one of the foundations for the trust people put in computer systems nowadays, be it online banking, any web or cloud services, or secure messaging. One of the best theoretical assurances for cryptographic protocol security is reached through proofs in the computational model. Writing such proofs is prone to subtle errors that can lead to invalidation of the security guarantees and, thus, to undesired security breaches. Proof assistants strive to improve this situation, have got traction, and have increasingly been used to analyse important real-world protocols and to inform their development. Writing proofs using such assistants requires a substantial amount of work. It is an ongoing endeavour to extend their scope through, for example, more automation and detailed modelling of cryptographic building blocks. This thesis shows on the example of the CryptoVerif proof assistant and two case studies, that mechanized cryptographic proofs are practicable and useful in analysing and designing complex real-world protocols.The first case study is on the free and open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) protocol WireGuard that has recently found its way into the Linux kernel. We contribute proofs for several properties that are typical for secure channel protocols. Furthermore, we extend CryptoVerif with a model of unprecedented detail of the popular Diffie-Hellman group Curve25519 used in WireGuard.The second case study is on the new Internet standard Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE), that has already been picked up for use in a privacy-enhancing extension of the TLS protocol (ECH), and in the Messaging Layer Security secure group messaging protocol. We accompanied the development of this standard from its early stages with comprehensive formal cryptographic analysis. We provided constructive feedback that led to significant improvements in its cryptographic design. Eventually, we became an official co-author. We conduct a detailed cryptographic analysis of one of HPKE's modes, published at Eurocrypt 2021, an encouraging step forward to make mechanized cryptographic proofs more accessible to the broader cryptographic community.The third contribution of this thesis is of methodological nature. For practical purposes, security of implementations of cryptographic protocols is crucial. However, there is frequently a gap between a cryptographic security analysis and an implementation that have both been based on a protocol specification: no formal guarantee exists that the two interpretations of the specification match, and thus, it is unclear if the executable implementation has the guarantees proved by the cryptographic analysis. In this thesis, we close this gap for proofs written in CryptoVerif and implementations written in F*. We develop cv2fstar, a compiler from CryptoVerif models to executable F* specifications using the HACL* verified cryptographic library as backend. cv2fstar translates non-cryptographic assumptions about, e.g., message formats, from the CryptoVerif model to F* lemmas. This allows to prove these assumptions for the specific implementation, further deepening the formal link between the two analysis frameworks. We showcase cv2fstar on the example of the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe protocol. cv2fstar connects CryptoVerif to the large F* ecosystem, eventually allowing to formally guarantee cryptographic properties on verified, efficient low-level code.Les protocoles cryptographiques sont l'un des fondements de la confiance que la société accorde aujourd'hui aux systèmes informatiques, qu'il s'agisse de la banque en ligne, d'un service web, ou de la messagerie sécurisée. Une façon d'obtenir des garanties théoriques fortes sur la sécurité des protocoles cryptographiques est de les prouver dans le modèle calculatoire. L'écriture de ces preuves est délicate : des erreurs subtiles peuvent entraîner l'invalidation des garanties de sécurité et, par conséquent, des failles de sécurité. Les assistants de preuve visent à améliorer cette situation. Ils ont gagné en popularité et ont été de plus en plus utilisés pour analyser des protocoles importants du monde réel, et pour contribuer à leur développement. L'écriture de preuves à l'aide de tels assistants nécessite une quantité substantielle de travail. Un effort continu est nécessaire pour étendre leur champ d'application, par exemple, par une automatisation plus poussée et une modélisation plus détaillée des primitives cryptographiques. Cette thèse montre sur l'exemple de l'assistant de preuve CryptoVerif et deux études de cas, que les preuves cryptographiques mécanisées sont praticables et utiles pour analyser et concevoir des protocoles complexes du monde réel. La première étude de cas porte sur le protocole de réseau virtuel privé (VPN) libre et open source WireGuard qui a récemment été intégré au noyau Linux. Nous contribuons des preuves pour plusieurs propriétés typiques des protocoles de canaux sécurisés. En outre, nous étendons CryptoVerif avec un modèle d'un niveau de détail sans précédent du groupe Diffie-Hellman populaire Curve25519 utilisé dans WireGuard. La deuxième étude de cas porte sur la nouvelle norme Internet Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE), qui est déjà utilisée dans une extension du protocole TLS destinée à améliorer la protection de la vie privée (ECH), et dans Messaging Layer Security, un protocole de messagerie de groupe sécurisée. Nous avons accompagné le développement de cette norme dès les premiers stades avec une analyse cryptographique formelle. Nous avons fourni des commentaires constructifs ce qui a conduit à des améliorations significatives dans sa conception cryptographique. Finalement, nous sommes devenus un co-auteur officiel. Nous effectuons une analyse cryptographique détaillée de l'un des modes de HPKE, publiée à Eurocrypt 2021, un pas encourageant pour rendre les preuves cryptographiques mécanisées plus accessibles à la communauté des cryptographes. La troisième contribution de cette thèse est de nature méthodologique. Pour des utilisations pratiques, la sécurité des implémentations de protocoles cryptographiques est cruciale. Cependant, il y a souvent un écart entre l'analyse de la sécurité cryptographique et l'implémentation, tous les deux basées sur la même spécification d'un protocole : il n'existe pas de garantie formelle que les deux interprétations de la spécification correspondent, et donc, il n'est pas clair si l'implémentation exécutable a les garanties prouvées par l'analyse cryptographique. Dans cette thèse, nous comblons cet écart pour les preuves écrites en CryptoVerif et les implémentations écrites en F*. Nous développons cv2fstar, un compilateur de modèles CryptoVerif vers des spécifications exécutables F* en utilisant la bibliothèque cryptographique vérifiée HACL* comme fournisseur de primitives cryptographiques. cv2fstar traduit les hypothèses non cryptographiques concernant, par exemple, les formats de messages, du modèle CryptoVerif vers des lemmes F*. Cela permet de prouver ces hypothèses pour l'implémentation spécifique, ce qui approfondit le lien formel entre les deux cadres d'analyse. Nous présentons cv2fstar sur l'exemple du protocole Needham-Schroeder-Lowe. cv2fstar connecte CryptoVerif au grand écosystème F*, permettant finalement de garantir formellement des propriétés cryptographiques sur du code de bas niveau efficace vérifié

    Scyther : semantics and verification of security protocols

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    Recent technologies have cleared the way for large scale application of electronic communication. The open and distributed nature of these communications implies that the communication medium is no longer completely controlled by the communicating parties. As a result, there has been an increasing demand for research in establishing secure communications over insecure networks, by means of security protocols. In this thesis, a formal model for the description and analysis of security protocols at the process level is developed. At this level, under the assumption of perfect cryptography, the analysis focusses on detecting aws and vulnerabilities of the security protocol. Starting from ??rst principles, operational semantics are developed to describe security protocols and their behaviour. The resulting model is parameterized, and can e.g. capture various intruder models, ranging from a secure network with no intruder, to the strongest intruder model known in literature. Within the security protocol model various security properties are de??ned, such as secrecy and various forms of authentication. A number of new results about these properties are formulated and proven correct. Based on the model, an automated veri??cation procedure is developed, which signi ??cantly improves over existing methods. The procedure is implemented in a prototype, which outperforms other tools. Both the theory and tool are applied in two novel case studies. Using the tool prototype, new results are established in the area of protocol composition, leading to the discovery of a class of previously undetected attacks. Furthermore, a new protocol in the area of multiparty authentication is developed. The resulting protocol is proven correct within the framework

    Defining an approximation to formally verify cryptographic protocols

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    Electronic forms of communication are abundant in todays world, and much emphasis is placed on these methods of communication in every day life. In order to guarantee the secrecy and authenticity of information exchanged, it is vital to formally verify the cryptographic protocols used in these forms of communications. This verification does, however, present many challenges. The systems to verify are infinite, with an infinite number of sessions and of p articipants. As if this was not enough, there is also a reactive element to deal with: th e intruder. The intruder will attack the protocol to achieve his goal: usurping identity, stealing confidential information, etc. His behavior is unpredictable! This thesis describes a method of verification based 011 the verification of systems by approximation. Starting from an initial configuration of the network, an overapproximation of the set of messages exchanged is automatically computed. Secrecy and authentication properties can then be checked on the approximated system. Starting from an existing semi-automatic proof method developed by Genet and Klay, an automatic solution is developed. Starting from an existing semi-automatic proof method developed by Genet and Klay, an automatic solution is developed. This thesis defines a particular approximation function that can be generated automatically and that guarantees that the computation of the approximated system terminates. Th e verification by approximation only tells if properties are verified. When the verification fails no conclusion can be drawn on the property. Thus, this thesis also shows how the approximation technique can easily be combined with another verification technique to combine the strengths of both approaches. Finally, the tool developed to validate these developments and the results of cryptographic protocol verifications carried out in the course of this research are included