13 research outputs found

    El efecto estrat茅gico de la colaboraci贸n entre ETICS

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between networking capabilities and the motives behind SMEs taking part in collaborative relationships with firms within the same sector. Specifically, we analyzed inter-firm collaborations for new product development and the decision(s) to outsource. The main contribution of this paper is focused on identifying the existence of the mediating effect that Hybrid growth strategy has, connected to these relations. It is argued that the Hybrid growth strategy mediates the relationship between networking capabilities and the different collaborative modes with firms within the same sector. The results, obtained through a binomial logit model, supported these arguments by using a database formed by 450 face-to-face surveys, from which 296 took part in an inter-firm collaboration between 2012-2014. The surveys were given to CEOs from SMEs that participated in collaborative activities with other firms in the Electronic, Technology, Information, and Communications sector (ETICS) in Mexico.El presente art铆culo analiza la relaci贸n entre las capacidades relacionales y los motivos de las PYMEs, que establecen relaciones de colaboraci贸n con empresas del mismo sector. Espec铆ficamente, analizamos las colaboraciones entre empresas para el desarrollo de nuevos productos y las decisiones de subcontratar. La principal contribuci贸n del art铆culo se centra en identificar la existencia del efecto mediador que tiene la estrategia de crecimiento h铆brida, entre estas relaciones. Se argumenta que la estrategia de crecimiento h铆brido media la relaci贸n entre las capacidades relacionales y los diferentes motivos de colaboraci贸n con empresas dentro del mismo sector. Los resultados, obtenidos a trav茅s de un modelo logit binomial, respaldaron estos argumentos mediante el uso de una base de datos formada por 450 encuestas realizadas cara a cara, de las cuales 296 participaron en una colaboraci贸n entre empresas entre 2012 y 2014. Las encuestas fueron realizadas a CEOs de PYMEs que participaron en actividades de colaboraci贸n con otras empresas del sector de Electr贸nica, Tecnolog铆a, Informaci贸n y Comunicaciones (ETICS) en M茅xico

    Models for Reducing Deadheading through Carrier and Shipper Collaboration

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    The competitive nature in the trucking industry has forced trucking firms to develop innovative solutions to improve their operational efficiency and decrease marginal costs. There is also a great need to reduce deadheading miles of heavy trucks to help reduce the amount of air pollutants they emit. One way carriers and shippers are attempting to accomplish these goals is through various collaborative operational strategies. This work focuses on developing multiple collaboration frameworks and formulating optimization models for each framework that demonstrates the operations and reveals the potential cost savings of each framework.;The first collaboration framework focuses on how a medium level shipper or carrier can introduce collaboration in their operations by fulfilling a collaborative carrier\u27s or shipper\u27s delivery requests on its backhaul route. Two optimization models are developed to route the carrier of interest\u27s backhaul routes and select collaborative shipments to fulfill; one is formulated as an integer program and the other is formulated as a mixed integer program. Two solution methodologies, a greedy heuristic and tabu search, are used to solve the two problems, and numerical analysis is performed with a real world freight network. Numerical analysis on a real world freight network reveals that the percentage of cost savings for backhaul routes can be as high as 27%.;The second collaboration framework focuses on a group of shippers that collaborate their operations and form cycles between their long-haul shipping lanes. If the shippers provide the bundled lanes, as loops, to a common carrier they can realize cost savings from the carrier. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer program and forms least cost loops between the shipping lanes. A tabu search heuristic is used to solve the second collaboration framework and results using a real freight network reveal collaborative network costs savings between 7% to 12%. Three cost allocation mechanisms are proposed for the problem to distribute the costs to the shippers involved in the collaboration and computational results are provided for each of the allocation mechanisms

    Optimization of Container Line Networks with Flexible Demands

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    Ocean container transport in global supply chains: Overview and research opportunities

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    This paper surveys the extant research in the field of ocean container transport. A wide range of issues is discussed including strategic planning, tactical planning and operations management issues, which are categorized into six research areas. The relationships be- tween these research areas are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed. Representative models are selected or modified to provide a flavour of their functions and application context, and used to explain current shipping practices. Future research opportunities bearing in mind the emerging phenomena in the field are discussed. The main purpose is to raise awareness and encourage more research into and application of operations management techniques and tools in container transport chains