101 research outputs found

    Design and assessment of a reconfigurable behavioral assistive robot: a pilot study

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    IntroductionFor patients with functional motor disorders of the lower limbs due to brain damage or accidental injury, restoring the ability to stand and walk plays an important role in clinical rehabilitation. Lower limb exoskeleton robots generally require patients to convert themselves to a standing position for use, while being a wearable device with limited movement distance.MethodsThis paper proposes a reconfigurable behavioral assistive robot that integrates the functions of an exoskeleton robot and an assistive standing wheelchair through a novel mechanism. The new mechanism is based on a four-bar linkage, and through simple and stable conformal transformations, the robot can switch between exoskeleton state, sit-to-stand support state, and wheelchair state. This enables the robot to achieve the functions of assisted walking, assisted standing up, supported standing and wheelchair mobility, respectively, thereby meeting the daily activity needs of sit-to-stand transitions and gait training. The configuration transformation module controls seamless switching between different configurations through an industrial computer. Experimental protocols have been developed for wearable testing of robotic prototypes not only for healthy subjects but also for simulated hemiplegic patients.ResultsThe experimental results indicate that the gait tracking effect during robot-assisted walking is satisfactory, and there are no sudden speed changes during the assisted standing up process, providing smooth support to the wearer. Meanwhile, the activation of the main force-generating muscles of the legs and the plantar pressure decreases significantly in healthy subjects and simulated hemiplegic patients wearing the robot for assisted walking and assisted standing-up compared to the situation when the robot is not worn.DiscussionThese experimental findings demonstrate that the reconfigurable behavioral assistive robot prototype of this study is effective, reducing the muscular burden on the wearer during walking and standing up, and provide effective support for the subject's body. The experimental results objectively and comprehensively showcase the effectiveness and potential of the reconfigurable behavioral assistive robot in the realms of behavioral assistance and rehabilitation training

    Adaptive control for wearable robots in human-centered rehabilitation tasks

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    Robotic rehabilitation therapies have been improving by providing the needed assistance to the patient, in a human-centered environment, and also helping the therapist to choose the necessary procedure. This thesis presents an adaptive "Assistance-as-needed" strategy which adheres to the specific needs of the patient and with the inputs from the therapist, whenever needed. The exertion of assistive and responsive behavior of the lower limb wearable robot is dedicated for the rehabilitation of incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. The main objective is to propose and evaluate an adaptive control model on a wearable robot, assisting the user and adhering to their needs, with no or less combination of external devices. The adaptation must be more interactive to understand the user needs and their volitional orders. Similarly, by using the existing muscular strength, in incomplete SCI patients, as a motivation to pursue the movement and assist them, only when needed. The adaptive behavior of the wearable robot is proposed by monitoring the interaction and movement of the user. This adaptation is achieved by modulating the stiffness of the exoskeleton in function of joint parameters, such as positions and interaction torques. These joint parameters are measured from the user independently and then used to update the new stiffness value. The adaptive algorithm performs with no need of external sensors, making it simple in terms of usage. In terms of rehabilitation, it is also desirable to be compatible with combination of assistive devices such as muscle stimulation, neural activity (BMI) and body balance (Wii), to deliver a user friendly and effective therapy. Combination of two control approaches has been employed, to improve the efficiency of the adaptive control model and was evaluated using a wearable lower limb exoskeleton device, H1. The control approaches, Hierarchical and Task based approach have been used to assist the patient as needed and simultaneously motivate the patient to pursue the therapy. Hierarchical approach facilitates combination of multiple devices to deliver an effective therapy by categorizing the control architecture in two layers, Low level and High level control. Task-based approaches engage in each task individually and allow the possibility to combine them at any point of time. It is also necessary to provide an interaction based approach to ensure the complete involvement of the user and for an effective therapy. By means of this dissertation, a task based adaptive control is proposed, in function of human-orthosis interaction, which is applied on a hierarchical control scheme. This control scheme is employed in a wearable robot, with the intention to be applied or accommodated to different pathologies, with its adaptive capabilities. The adaptive control model for gait assistance provides a comprehensive solution through a single implementation: Adaptation inside a gait cycle, continuous support through gait training and in real time. The performance of this control model has been evaluated with healthy subjects, as a preliminary study, and with paraplegic patients. Results of the healthy subjects showed a significant change in the pattern of the interaction torques, elucidating a change in the effort and adaptation to the user movement. In case of patients, the adaptation showed a significant improvement in the joint performance (flexion/extension range) and change in interaction torques. The change in interaction torques (positive to negative) reflects the active participation of the patient, which also explained the adaptive performance. The patients also reported that the movement of the exoskeleton is flexible and the walking patterns were similar to their own distinct patterns. The presented work is performed as part of the project HYPER, funded by Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación, Spain. (CSD2009 - 00067 CONSOLIDER INGENIOLas terapias de rehabilitación robóticas han sido mejoradas gracias a la inclusión de la asistencia bajo demanda, adaptada a las variaciones de las necesidades del paciente, así como a la inclusión de la ayuda al terapeuta en la elección del procedimiento necesario. Esta tesis presenta una estrategia adaptativa de asistencia bajo demanda, la cual se ajusta a las necesidades específicas del paciente junto a las aportaciones del terapeuta siempre que sea necesario. El esfuerzo del comportamiento asistencial y receptivo del robot personal portátil para extremidades inferiores está dedicado a la rehabilitación de pacientes con lesión de la médula espinal (LME) incompleta. El objetivo principal es proponer y evaluar un modelo de control adaptativo en un robot portátil, ayudando al usuario y cumpliendo con sus necesidades, en ausencia o con reducción de dispositivos externos. La adaptación debe ser más interactiva para entender las necesidades del usuario y sus intenciones u órdenes volitivas. De modo similar, usando la fuerza muscular existente (en pacientes con LME incompleta) como motivación para lograr el movimiento y asistirles solo cuando sea necesario. El comportamiento adaptativo del robot portátil se propone mediante la monitorización de la interacción y movimiento del usuario. Esta adaptación conjunta se consigue modulando la rigidez en función de los parámetros de la articulación, tales como posiciones y pares de torsión. Dichos parámetros se miden del usuario de forma independiente y posteriormente se usan para actualizar el nuevo valor de la rigidez. El desempeño del algoritmo adaptativo no requiere de sensores externos, lo que favorece la simplicidad de su uso. Para una adecuada rehabilitación, efectiva y accesible para el usuario, es necesaria la compatibilidad con diversos mecanismos de asistencia tales como estimulación muscular, actividad neuronal y equilibrio corporal. Para mejorar la eficiencia del modelo de control adaptativo se ha empleado una combinación de dos enfoques de control, y para su evaluación se ha utilizado un exoesqueleto robótico H1. Los enfoques de control Jerárquico y de Tarea se han utilizado para ayudar al usuario según sea necesario, y al mismo tiempo motivarle para continuar el tratamiento. Enfoque jerárquico facilita la combinación de múltiples dispositivos para ofrecer un tratamiento eficaz mediante la categorización de la arquitectura de control en dos niveles : el control de bajo nivel y de alto nivel. Los enfoques basados en tareas involucran a la persona en cada tarea individual, y ofrecen la posibilidad de combinarlas en cualquier momento. También es necesario proporcionar un enfoque basado en la interacción con el usuario, para asegurar su participación y lograr así una terapia eficaz. Mediante esta tesis, proponemos un control adaptativo basado en tareas y en función de la interacción persona-ortesis, que se aplica en un esquema de control jerárquico. Este esquema de control se emplea en un robot portátil, con la intención de ser aplicado o acomodado a diferentes patologías, con sus capacidades de adaptación. El modelo de control adaptativo propuesto proporciona una solución integral a través de una única aplicación: adaptación dentro de la marcha y apoyo continúo a través de ejercicios de movilidad en tiempo real. El rendimiento del modelo se ha evaluado en sujetos sanos según un estudio preliminar, y posteriormente también en pacientes parapléjicos. Los resultados en sujetos sanos mostraron un cambio significativo en el patrón de los pares de interacción, elucidando un cambio en la energía y la adaptación al movimiento del usuario. En el caso de los pacientes, la adaptación mostró una mejora significativa en la actuación conjunta (rango de flexión / extensión) y el cambio en pares de interacción. El cambio activo en pares de interacción (positivo a negativo) refleja la participación activa del paciente, lo que también explica el comportamiento adaptativo

    User Based Development and Test of the EXOTIC Exoskeleton:Empowering Individuals with Tetraplegia Using a Compact, Versatile, 5-DoF Upper Limb Exoskeleton Controlled through Intelligent Semi-Automated Shared Tongue Control

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    This paper presents the EXOTIC- a novel assistive upper limb exoskeleton for individuals with complete functional tetraplegia that provides an unprecedented level of versatility and control. The current literature on exoskeletons mainly focuses on the basic technical aspects of exoskeleton design and control while the context in which these exoskeletons should function is less or not prioritized even though it poses important technical requirements. We considered all sources of design requirements, from the basic technical functions to the real-world practical application. The EXOTIC features: (1) a compact, safe, wheelchair-mountable, easy to don and doff exoskeleton capable of facilitating multiple highly desired activities of daily living for individuals with tetraplegia; (2) a semi-automated computer vision guidance system that can be enabled by the user when relevant; (3) a tongue control interface allowing for full, volitional, and continuous control over all possible motions of the exoskeleton. The EXOTIC was tested on ten able-bodied individuals and three users with tetraplegia caused by spinal cord injury. During the tests the EXOTIC succeeded in fully assisting tasks such as drinking and picking up snacks, even for users with complete functional tetraplegia and the need for a ventilator. The users confirmed the usability of the EXOTIC

    Modelling and Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons and Walking Aid for Fundamental Mobility Tasks

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    Development of a standing disruptive concept for the mobility of individuals with motor disability

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical EngineeringThe present project intends to explore the idea of creating a new and better kind of mobility device, capable of transporting individuals who suffer of mobility impairments. The developments of the dissertation culminated in an explanatory prototype based of a set of requirements and of withdrawn conclusions of the state of the art of mobility devices. It is proposed a novel concept of vertical transport for the mobility impaired. The present idea allows the user greater agility than most mobility devices, improved self-autonomy and operating while in a vertical stance, reducing health risks which the mobility disabled are prone to, both mental and physical. Firstly, it is presented a literature review of the mobility devices targeted for the mobility impaired developed thus far. The analysis of the development throughout history and of the devices currently presented in the market allowed to understand which necessities of the mobility disabled are yet to be answered. Said knowledge is the foundation of a project intended to further improve the quality of life of whoever has such special needs. To counter the list of requirements and specifications, the complex engineering problem was divided in smaller subfunctions that could be more easily answered to. After presenting several solutions to each subfunction, the ones considered best were selected and developed. For designing the device, several steps were taken. For a broader triage of concepts, it was used sketching. Later, the best notions were recreated on the CAD software SolidWorks, which allowed for virtual testing of the wouldbe prototype. Once a design was deemed worthy, the pieces of the mechanism were 3D printed, creating a physical model of the final goal of the project. Thus, it was created the basis of a mobility device for the individuals who suffer from mobility impairments that can be used in the outdoors, reach running speeds and assists in maintaining a vertical stance, diminishing the risks of developing health problems triggered from prolonged times in a seated position.O presente projeto pretende explorar a ideia de criar um novo e melhor dispositivo de mobilidade, capaz de transportar indivíduos que sofrem de deficiências de mobilidade. A evolução da dissertação culminou num protótipo elucidativo baseado num conjunto de requisitos e conclusões retiradas do estado da arte de dispositivos de mobilidade. Propõe-se um novo conceito de transporte vertical para quem sofre de problemas de mobilidade. A ideia permite ao usuário uma maior agilidade do que a maioria dos dispositivos de mobilidade, auto autonomia aprimorada e ser operável em posição vertical, reduzindo os riscos de saúde a que os deficientes de mobilidade são propensos, tanto a nível mental como físico. Em primeiro lugar, é apresentada a revisão da literatura sobre os dispositivos de mobilidade desenvolvidos até agora para quem sofre de problemas de mobilidade. A análise do desenvolvimento ao longo da história e dos dispositivos atualmente apresentados no mercado permitiu entender quais as necessidades dos deficientes que ainda necessitam de ser respondidas. O referido conhecimento é o fundamento de um projeto destinado a melhorar ainda mais a qualidade de vida de quem tem tais necessidades especiais. Para a lista de requisitos e especificações, o complexo problema de engenharia foi dividido em subfunções menores que poderiam ser mais facilmente respondidas. Depois de apresentar várias soluções para cada subfunção, os considerados melhores foram selecionados e desenvolvidos. Para projetar o dispositivo, foram tomadas várias etapas. Para uma triagem mais ampla de conceitos, foram utilizados esboços. Mais tarde, as melhores noções foram recriadas no software CAD SolidWorks, o que permitiu testes virtuais do potencial protótipo. Uma vez que um design foi considerado digno, as peças do mecanismo foram impressas em 3D, criando um modelo físico do objetivo final do projeto. Assim, foi criada a base de um dispositivo de mobilidade para os indivíduos que sofrem de deficiências de mobilidade que pode ser usado no exterior, alcança velocidades de corrida e ajudam a manter uma posição vertical, diminuindo os riscos de desenvolver problemas de saúde desencadeados por períodos prolongados na posição sentada

    Design and Control of Lower Limb Assistive Exoskeleton for Hemiplegia Mobility

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    Assistive mobility devices focusing on smart walkers : classification and review

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    In an aging society it is extremely important to develop devices, which can support and aid the elderly in their daily life. This demands means and tools that extend independent living and promote improved health. Thus, the goal of this article is to review the state of the art in the robotic technology for mobility assistive devices for people with mobility disabilities. The important role that robotics can play in mobility assistive devices is presented, as well as the identification and survey of mobility assistive devices subsystems with a particular focus on the walkers technology. The advances in the walkers’ field have been enormous and have shown a great potential on helping people with mobility disabilities. Thus it is presented a review of the available literature of walkers and are discussed major advances that have been made and limitations to be overcome