44 research outputs found

    Cloud-based robots and intelligent space teleoperation tools

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    Despite an idea of robotic system teleoperation is a relatively old concept, here we present its enhancements heading to an interconnection of teleoperation and collecting relevant information from the environment where robots act. This environment should be an intelligent space featured with various devices and sensors, which allows to obtain, preprocess and stores data in the cloud. Those data should provide relevant information for teleoperator or directly for robots, which act autonomously. For this purpose, we developed cloud-based tools, named Telescope v2. It is a platform-independent system for remote monitoring and controlling various systems. In this paper, we introduce this system, its abilities, and compare it with its network-based ancestor, Telescope v1. We analyze measurements of latency and response time when our new system is used for teleoperation in different places equipped with various Internet bandwidths

    Intelligence across humans and machines: a joint perspective

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    This paper aims to address the divergences and contradictions in the definition of intelligence across different areas of knowledge, particularly in computational intelligence and psychology, where the concept is of significant interest. Despite the differences in motivation and approach, both fields have contributed to the rise of cognitive science. However, the lack of a standardized definition, empirical evidence, or measurement strategy for intelligence is a hindrance to cross-fertilization between these areas, particularly for semantic-based applications. This paper seeks to equalize the definitions of intelligence from the perspectives of computational intelligence and psychology, and offer an overview of the methods used to measure intelligence. We argue that there is no consensus for intelligence, and the term is interchangeably used with similar, opposed, or even contradictory definitions in many fields. This paper concludes with a summary of its central considerations and contributions, where we state intelligence is an agent's ability to process external and internal information to find an optimum adaptation (decision-making) to the environment according to its ontology and then decode this information as an output action

    Using Microworlds to Design Intelligent Interfaces that Minimize Driver Distraction

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    While recent developments in telematics have produced great interest in driverdistraction, this is hardly a new topic. An early UMTRI report (Treat, 1980)defined internal distraction as a diversion of attention from the driving task that iscompelled by an activity or event inside the vehicle. Based on data collected inMonroe County Indiana, Treat (1980) concluded that internal distraction was afactor in 9% of in-depth reports and 6% of on-site investigations. In the period ofdata collection (1972-1975) conversation with a passenger and increasing use ofentertainment tape decks were the major sources of distraction. Now a host ofmodern infotronic devices offers even greater opportunities for internal distraction(Kantowitz, 2000).Intelligent driver-vehicle interfaces present a wonderful opportunity tosuccessfully manage this increased in-vehicle workload. This smart interfacewould be adaptive, making dynamic allocation of function decisions in real time.Designing such an intelligent interface presents many problems. In particular,since new infotronic devices are being developed and deployed rapidly, it seemsdifficult to evaluate all these new designs. This chapter focuses upon usingmicroworlds to swiftly assess effects of in-vehicle infotronics upon driverdistraction.Microworlds vary along several dimensions such as realism, tractability andengagement (Ehret, Gray, & Kirschbaum, 2000). The traditional drivingsimulator is only one example of a relevant microworld. By considering a widerrange of microworlds, we can gain insight into how to best utilize drivingsimulators. Issues of validity are also illuminated when considered from amicroworld perspective. If appropriate intelligent interfaces are designed,telematics should never increase driver distraction

    Concurrent, Integrated and Multicriteria Design Support for Mechatronic Systems

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    RÉSUMÉ Les systèmes mécatroniques sont une combinaison coopérative de composantes mécaniques, électroniques, de contrôle et logiciels. Dans les dernières décennies, Ils ont trouvé diverses applications dans l'industrie et la vie quotidienne. En raison de leur aspect multi-physique, du nombre élevé de leurs composantes et des interconnexions dynamiques entre les différents domaines impliqués dans leur fonctionnement, les dispositifs mécatroniques sont souvent considérés comme hautement complexes ce qui rend la tâche de les concevoir très difficile pour les ingénieurs. Cette complexité inhérente a attiré l’attention de la communauté de recherche en conception, en particulier dans le but d’atteindre une conception optimale des systèmes multi-domaines. Ainsi, cette thèse, représente une recherche originale sur le développement d'un paradigme de conception systématique, intégrée et multi-objectifs pour remplacer l'approche de conception séquentielle traditionnelle qui tend à traiter les différents domaines de la mécatronique séparément. Dans le but d'augmenter l'efficacité, la fiabilité, la facilité de contrôle et sa flexibilité, tout en réduisant la complexité et le coût effectif, ainsi que l'intégration systèmes, cette thèse présente de nouvelles approches pour la conception concurrente et optimale des systèmes mécatroniques aux stades de design conceptuel et détaillé. Les modèles mathématiques et les fondements qui soutiennent cette pensée sont présentés dans cette thèse. Les contributions des travaux de recherche de ce doctorat ont commencé par l'introduction d'un vecteur d'indices appelé le profile mécatronique multicritère (PMM) utilisé pour l'évaluation des concepts lors de la conception des systèmes mécatroniques. Les intégrales floues non linéaires de la théorie de décisions multicritères sont utilisées pour agréger les critères de conception et pour gérer les interactions possibles entre elles. Ensuite, une méthodologie de conception conceptuelle systématique est proposée et formulée. Le soutien à l'intégration d'outils d’aide à la décision multicritère dans le processus de conception est un autre objectif de cette thèse où un certain nombre de cadres de travail sont proposés pour aider les ingénieurs concepteurs à évaluer l’importance de certains critères et des paramètres d'interaction. Ces cadres de travail ne s'appliquent pas uniquement l'évaluation de la conception et de la conception optimales, mais aussi à la détermination des possibles façons d'améliorer les concepts développés. Des méthodes basées sur l’exploitation de données ainsi que des algorithmes d'optimisation sémantique sont utilisées pour identifier les paramètres flous avec le peu d’information disponibles sur les différents choix de concepts et les préférences des concepteurs.----------ABSTRACT Mechatronic systems are a combination of cooperative mechanical, electronics, control and software components. They have found vast applications in industry and everyday life during past decades. Due to their multi-physical aspect, the high number of their components, and the dynamic inter-connections between the different domains involved, mechatronic devices are often considered to be highly complex which makes the design task very tedious and non-trivial. This inherent complexity, has attracted a great deal of attention in the research community, particularly in the context of optimal design of multi-domain systems. To this end, the present thesis represents an original investigation into the development of a systematic, integrated and multi-objective design paradigm to replace the traditional sequential design approach that tends to deal with the different domains separately. With the aim of increasing efficiency, reliability, controllability and flexibility, while reducing complexity and effective cost, and finally facilitating system integration, this thesis presents new approaches towards concurrent and optimal design of mechatronic systems in conceptual and detailed design stages. The mathematical models and foundations which support this thinking are presented in the thesis. The contributions of our research work start with introducing an index vector called Mechatronic Multi-criteria Profile (MMP) used for concept evaluation in design of mechatronic systems. Nonlinear fuzzy integrals from multicriteria decision theory are utilized to aggregate design criteria and for handling possible interactions among them. Then, a systematic conceptual design methodology is proposed and formulated. Supporting the incorporation of multicriteria decision making tools into the design process, is another focus of this work where a number of frameworks are proposed to help the designers with assessment of criteria importance and interaction parameters. These frameworks are not only applicable in optimal design and design evaluation procedures, but also for determining possible ways for design improvements. Both data-driven methods as well as semantic-based optimization algorithms are used to identify the fuzzy parameters with limited available information about the design alternatives and designer preferences. Moreover, a fuzzy-based multi-objective approach has been undertaken for proposing and formulating a detailed design methodology. A unified performance evaluation index is introduced by the means of Choquet integrals and then optimized using a constrained particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm


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    Replying to several research calls, I report promising results from an initial experiment which com-pares different negotiation support system approaches concerning their potential to reduce a user’s cognitive workload. Using a novel laboratory-based non-intrusive objective measurement technique which derives the user’s cognitive workload from pupillary responses and eye-movements, I experi-mentally evaluated a standard, a chat-based, and an argumentation-based negotiation support system and found that a higher assistance level of negotiation support systems actually leads to a lower user’s cognitive workload. In more detail, I found that an argumentation-based system which fully automates the generation of the user’s arguments significantly decreases the user’s cognitive workload compared to a standard system. In addition I found that a negotiation support system implementing an additional chat function significantly causes higher cognitive workload for users compared to a standard system

    Design conceptuel d’un incubateur pour un nanosatellite en combinant la conception axiomatique et un index unifié de performance mécatronique (MMP)

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    RESUMÉ La société technique PolyOrbite de l’École Polytechnique de Montréal entreprend de concevoir un nanosatellite ayant une taille de 30cm*10cm*10cm et un poids de 4 kg, appelé ORU-S. Le lancement du satellite est prévu pour 2020 avec deux charges utiles indépendantes dont un incubateur miniaturisé. Le but de l’incubateur est de mener une expérience botanique dans l’espace afin d’étudier l’effet de la microgravité sur la croissance de la plante comestible Medicago truncatula. Depuis les années 90, les plateformes de nanosatellites ont pris de l’essor, mais les travaux de recherche effectués dans le domaine des serres miniaturisées et de la botanique spatiale restent limités. À ce jour, aucun projet n’a réussi à faire croître une plante comestible dans un nanosatellite. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente le design conceptuel d’un incubateur miniaturisé. Cet incubateur est un laboratoire in situ qui permet la germination d’une plante en suivant et contrôlant les paramètres environnementaux pour fins de recherche scientifique. Après la validation du cahier des charges, un design conceptuel est réalisé avec plusieurs concepts potentiels en appliquant la Conception Axiomatique. En outre, à cause de la multidisciplinarité du problème de design, la détermination du « meilleur concept » est effectuée en appliquant le Profil Multicritère Mécatronique (MMP) développé par l’équipe du Prof. Achiche. La solution présentée, dans ce mémoire, est un incubateur pressurisé composé de quatre sous-systèmes : système de culture, système de contrôle de température, système d’approvisionnement et système d’inspection. Les trois premiers systèmes fournissent les conditions nécessaires à culture, soient une source d’illumination, une température convenable et une quantité satisfaisante de solutions nutritives qui permettent la croissance de la plante. Alors que le système d’inspection, il assure l’obtention et l’enregistrement des données pour les tâches de contrôle pour supporter la recherche scientifique dans ce domaine. Les travaux futurs se concentreront sur l’approfondissement de la conception optimale en utilisant des fonctions spécifiques pour résoudre des problèmes comme la gestion d’espace. Mener une expérience terrestre dans un prototype basant sur la conception sera aussi intéressant afin de vérifier la fonctionnalité du design.----------ABSTRACT The technical association PolyOrbite of École Polytechnique de Montréal is developing a nanosatellite with a size of 30cm*10cm*10cm and a weight of 4 kg, called ORU-S. This satellite will launch in 2020 with two independent payloads including a miniaturized incubator which is considered to conduct a botanical experiment in space to study the effect of microgravity on the growth of the plant Medicago truncatula. Despite the growth in popularity of the CubeSat platform from 1990, research in the areas of miniaturized greenhouses and astrobotany has been very limited. It seems that no project has made to grow a plant in space in a nanosatellite. So, this thesis presents a conceptual design of the miniaturized incubator being an in-situ laboratory that allows germination of the plant by monitoring and controlling the environmental parameters for scientific research. After the validation of the requirements specification, we implemented a preliminary design with several potential concepts by applying Axiomatic Design. In addition, because of the multidisciplinarity of the design problem, the determination of the "best concept" is carried out by applying the Multi-criteria Mechatronics Profile developed in the laboratory of Prof. Achiche. The solution presented in this thesis is a pressurized incubator consisting of four subsystems: cultivation, temperature control, supply, and inspection systems. The first three systems provide the necessary conditions for the plant: a source of illumination, a suitable temperature, and a satisfactory amount of nutrient solutions that allow the growth of the plant. As for the inspection system, it ensures data collection for control and scientific research. Future work will deepen the design using specific functions to solve problems such as space and layout management. Conducting a ground experience in a prototype based on the design will also be interesting to verify the functionality of the developed design

    Human-Intelligence and Machine-Intelligence Decision Governance Formal Ontology

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    Since the beginning of the human race, decision making and rational thinking played a pivotal role for mankind to either exist and succeed or fail and become extinct. Self-awareness, cognitive thinking, creativity, and emotional magnitude allowed us to advance civilization and to take further steps toward achieving previously unreachable goals. From the invention of wheels to rockets and telegraph to satellite, all technological ventures went through many upgrades and updates. Recently, increasing computer CPU power and memory capacity contributed to smarter and faster computing appliances that, in turn, have accelerated the integration into and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in organizational processes and everyday life. Artificial intelligence can now be found in a wide range of organizational systems including healthcare and medical diagnosis, automated stock trading, robotic production, telecommunications, space explorations, and homeland security. Self-driving cars and drones are just the latest extensions of AI. This thrust of AI into organizations and daily life rests on the AI community’s unstated assumption of its ability to completely replicate human learning and intelligence in AI. Unfortunately, even today the AI community is not close to completely coding and emulating human intelligence into machines. Despite the revolution of digital and technology in the applications level, there has been little to no research in addressing the question of decision making governance in human-intelligent and machine-intelligent (HI-MI) systems. There also exists no foundational, core reference, or domain ontologies for HI-MI decision governance systems. Further, in absence of an expert reference base or body of knowledge (BoK) integrated with an ontological framework, decision makers must rely on best practices or standards that differ from organization to organization and government to government, contributing to systems failure in complex mission critical situations. It is still debatable whether and when human or machine decision capacity should govern or when a joint human-intelligence and machine-intelligence (HI-MI) decision capacity is required in any given decision situation. To address this deficiency, this research establishes a formal, top level foundational ontology of HI-MI decision governance in parallel with a grounded theory based body of knowledge which forms the theoretical foundation of a systemic HI-MI decision governance framework

    On the Development of Intelligent Railway Information and Safety Systems: An Overview of Current Research

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    The present article focuses on the research and development planning for innovative railway systems. Within such a general framework, the specific objectives of the research have been defined within the framework of a large Intelligent Railway System project in Hungary. Our theoretical research work at the university is combined with practical experience gained at the Hungarian State Railways. In the course of this research work, the development of an intelligent railway system has been investigated by leveraging on the fruitful cooperation between academic and industrial partners, in order to promote the application and integration possibilities of the development results, as well as the introduction of innovative components in the railway system. In such a context, this article discusses the research plan, preliminary and long-term expected results, sharing objectives and experiences with the aim of providing novel views in an extremely current and challenging field of research

    Análisis de primeros prototipos de tests de inteligencia universales: Evaluando y comparando algoritmos de IA y seres humanos

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    La Inteligencia Arti cial (IA) siempre ha intentado emular la mayor virtud del ser humano: su inteligencia. Sin embargo, y aunque han habido multitud de esfuerzos por conseguirlo, a simple vista nos percatamos de que su inteligencia apenas llega a asemejarse a la de los seres humanos. Los métodos existentes hoy en día para evaluar la inteligencia de la IA, se centran en utilizar técnicas empíricas para medir el rendimiento de los algoritmos en ciertas tareas concretas (e.g., jugar al ajedrez, resolver un laberinto o aterrizar un helicóptero). No obstante, estos métodos no resultan apropiados si lo que queremos es evaluar la inteligencia general de la IA y, aun menos, si pretendemos compararla con la de los seres humanos. En el proyecto ANYNT se ha diseñado un nuevo método de evaluación que trata de evaluar la IA a partir de nociones computacionales bien conocidas utilizando problemas lo más generales posibles. Este nuevo método sirve para evaluar la inteligencia general (la cual nos permite aprender a resolver cualquier nuevo tipo de problema al que nos enfrentamos) y no para evaluar únicamente el rendimiento en un conjunto de tareas especí cas. Este método no solo se centra en medir la inteligencia de algoritmos, sino que está pensado para poder evaluar cualquier tipo de sistema inteligente (seres humanos, animales, IA, ¿extraterrestres?, . . . ) y a la vez situar sus resultados en una misma escala y, por lo tanto, poder compararlos. Este nuevo enfoque de evaluación de la IA permitirá (en un futuro) evaluar y comparar cualquier tipo de sistema inteligente conocido o aun por construir/descubrir ya sean arti ciales o biológicos. En esta tesis de máster pretendemos comprobar que este nuevo método ofrece unos resultados coherentes al evaluar algoritmos de IA mediante el diseño e implementación de prototipos de test de inteligencia universales y su aplicación a diferentes sistemas inteligentes (algoritmos de IA y seres humanos). Del estudio analizamos si los resultados obtenidos por dos sistemas inteligentes distintos se encuentran correctamente situados en la misma escala y se proponen cambios y re namientos a estos prototipos con el n de, en un futuro, poder lograr un test de inteligencia verdaderamente universal.Insa Cabrera, J. (2011). Análisis de primeros prototipos de tests de inteligencia universales: Evaluando y comparando algoritmos de IA y seres humanos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15873Archivo delegad