6 research outputs found

    Medicine Research in India: A Scientometric Assessment of Publications during 2009 – 2018

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    The purpose of this paper is to qualitative analyse of medicine research output using select scientometric indicators with the aim of identifying top preparing countries, subject subthemes, organisations, authors and journals in the area. The present study has examined 29153 publications in medicine research, the present study deals with the Assessment of Indian medicine research output as reflected in Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 2009 to 2018 for identifying the research output in the field of medicine literature. It also provides a comparative evaluation and performance of different types of scientometric indicators, such as number of publications, number of citations, relative growth, doubling time, activity index and collaboration from India. The Indian medicine research has increased exponentially over the last decade

    Factors Influencing Cities' Publishing Efficiency

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    Recently, a vast number of scientific publications have been produced in cities in emerging countries. It has long been observed that the publication output of Beijing has exceeded that of any other city in the world, including such leading centres of science as Boston, New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo. Researchers have suggested that, instead of focusing on cities' total publication output, the quality of the output in terms of the number of highly cited papers should be examined. However, in the period from 2014 to 2016, Beijing produced as many highly cited papers as Boston, London, or New York. In this paper, I propose another method to measure cities' publishing performance; I focus on cities' publishing efficiency (i.e., the ratio of highly cited articles to all articles produced in that city). First, I rank 554 cities based on their publishing efficiency, then I reveal some general factors influencing cities' publishing efficiency. The general factors examined in this paper are as follows: the linguistic environment, cities' economic development level, the location of excellent organisations, cities' international collaboration patterns, and the productivity of scientific disciplines

    Computational Interdisciplinarity: A Study in the History of Science

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    abstract: This dissertation focuses on creating a pluralistic approach to understanding and measuring interdisciplinarity at various scales to further the study of the evolution of knowledge and innovation. Interdisciplinarity is considered an important research component and is closely linked to higher rates of innovation. If the goal is to create more innovative research, we must understand how interdisciplinarity operates. I begin by examining interdisciplinarity with a small scope, the research university. This study uses metadata to create co-authorship networks and examine how a change in university policies to increase interdisciplinarity can be successful. The New American University Initiative (NAUI) at Arizona State University (ASU) set forth the goal of making ASU a world hub for interdisciplinary research. This kind of interdisciplinarity is produced from a deliberate, engineered, reorganization of the individuals within the university and the knowledge they contain. By using a set of social network analysis measurements, I created an algorithm to measure the changes to the co-authorship networks that resulted from increased university support for interdisciplinary research. The second case study increases the scope of interdisciplinarity from individual universities to a single scientific discourse, the Anthropocene. The idea of the Anthropocene began as an idea about the need for a new geological epoch and underwent unsupervised interdisciplinary expansion due to climate change integrating itself into the core of the discourse. In contrast to the NAUI which was specifically engineered to increase interdisciplinarity, the I use keyword co-occurrence networks to measure how the Anthropocene discourse increases its interdisciplinarity through unsupervised expansion after climate change becomes a core keyword within the network and behaves as an anchor point for new disciplines to connect and join the discourse. The scope of interdisciplinarity increases again with the final case study about the field of evolutionary medicine. Evolutionary medicine is a case of engineered interdisciplinary integration between evolutionary biology and medicine. The primary goal of evolutionary medicine is to better understand "why we get sick" through the lens of evolutionary biology. This makes it an excellent candidate to understand large-scale interdisciplinarity. I show through multiple type of networks and metadata analyses that evolutionary medicine successfully integrates the concepts of evolutionary biology into medicine. By increasing our knowledge of interdisciplinarity at various scales and how it behaves in different initial conditions, we are better able to understand the elusive nature of innovation. Interdisciplinary can mean different things depending on how its defined. I show that a pluralistic approach to defining and measuring interdisciplinarity is not only appropriate but necessary if our goal is to increase interdisciplinarity, the frequency of innovations, and our understanding of the evolution of knowledge.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Biology 201

    The influence of returned PhD graduates and intellectual emigrants on the internationalisation of Kazakh higher education: implication, challenges, and suggestions

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    Kazakh higher education institutions transformed from the Soviet education system to one modelled on European systems in 2010 and initiated programmes with English Language Instruction at certain state and private universities as part of an internationalisation process. However, there are still insufficient faculty numbers with the required levels of English competency. This is one of Kazakhstan's main obstacles to internationalisation at the institutional level. The Bolashak International Programme is one way the government has been attempting to address this obstacle for the last three decades since its early independence. The question arises whether the work done over thirty years (Bolashak) benefits the country in terms of improving the quality of Kazakh universities under the present internationalisation policy. Moreover, some less developed nations have experienced unforeseen negative consequences of international academic mobility (Knight, 2012), and Kazakhstan is not an exception with more than half of those who emigrated from the country being educated to degree level (intellectual emigrants). This is likely to adversely impact the government’s ambition to be in thirty economically and technologically highly developed countries with a high level of well-being and human potential of the population ("Resolution Of The Government Of Kazakhstan", 2013). However, what is still unclear is what provokes PhD graduates who have returned to emigrate and whether they consider external long-term academic mobility as part of a deliberate strategy (Tremblay, 2005:196) to emigrate. Empirically, this study concentrates on understanding the issue of the outflow of intellectual emigrants (brain drain) and how to productively utilise the new knowledge of the returned graduates (brain gain) and also of intellectual emigrants (brain circulation). This thesis sets three research objectives: one of which is to explore PhD graduates’ career experiences upon returning to Kazakhstan. Exploring their aspirations to emigrate or not is the second objective; while objective three is to explore Kazakh university managers’ perspectives and policies towards internationalisation. To be specific regarding the latter, the study focuses on universities’ internationalisation strategy and whether university managers are utilising intellectual emigrants' knowledge for internationalisation. To achieve these objectives, the research poses three main and three sub-research questions. This thesis, first, reviews the failure of some nations in convincing or encouraging their graduates to return. It also considers how certain developing nations strategically attempt to turn brain drain into brain gain and develop brain circulation at the institutional and state levels. This study utilises an explanatory sequential mixed-method approach (Creswell and Creswell, 2018) to achieve the abovementioned objectives. First, as a supplemental data gathering technique, the survey focused on returned graduates’ general background, their motivation to study abroad and to return, and their emigration aspirations. The sample size of the survey respondents was 123 individuals with different foreign education levels and experiences. Second, the qualitative part involved 21 individuals from three different groups. They are university managers (4), returned PhD graduates (8), and intellectual emigrants (9). Semi-structured interviews were applied as the main data-gathering method. A hybrid approach (Fereday and Muir-Cochrane, 2006) was applied to analyse the qualitative data from interviews and open-ended responses from the survey. This investigation revealed that the universities (mostly regional ones) struggle to attract returned PhD graduates due to limited financial, knowledge, and infrastructural resources. Moreover, the graduates face injustice when applying for a job or while working and experience limited opportunities for further upskilling in their fields. They may also feel unappreciated and insecure due to their religious and gender differences. These obstacles play a role in the graduates’ decisions not only to avoid working at Kazakh universities but also to leave the country. In addition to these push factors, factors such as having foreign work experience, better climate and working conditions and a better future for their children lured those who remained in and emigrated to the country of study. Unexpectedly, although Bolashak is considered vital in brain gain policy, it fails to promote brain circulation practices by obliging the graduates to locate in Kazakhstan for five years (three years in rural regions). This obligation fails to assist the graduates to visit labs and research fields of top universities to co-research in their specific area and is likely to decrease scholars’ research competencies and collaborations. Furthermore, interviews with university managers and intellectual emigrants revealed that the former have limited ideas and experience in circulating knowledge through the latter who established themselves professionally abroad. It was also clear that intellectual emigrant participants are open to collaborating with scholars in Kazakhstan in their specific fields if there are offers from Kazakh universities. Considering these findings, this research aims to make four main contributions. First, this research proposes that higher education institutions develop more effective strategies that facilitate collaborations between local faculty, returned PhD graduates, and intellectual emigrants. It may assist in decreasing the gap between local and international researchers in terms of English language competency, research methodology, and developing a lifelong learning mindset. Second, this draws attention to how Bolashak’s contract policy can be disadvantageous in terms of circulating knowledge between local and international scholars. Instead, the findings of this study suggest that Bolashak’s strict regulations established in the early 90s should be reconsidered according to the current demand of research trends because, in an economically and scholarly integrated global world, it is vital that scholars can be mobile whenever it is necessary for the purpose of research development. It further suggests that local universities provide fair competition amongst local and returned graduates and equal salaries for returned graduates and foreign scholars. This equality may benefit brain gain successfully and avoid future brain drain. Lastly, from the methodological perspective, this research can be an initial substantial study in the Kazakhstan context that involves three different groups of participants by applying an explanatory sequential mixed-method research design