4 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Map of Literatura on Donation-Based Crowdfunding for Charitable Causes

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    [Abstract]: By bibliometric analyzing 92 publications in the field of pure donation-based crowdfunding for charitable causes soliciting monetary contributions, and providing a comprehensive bibliometric map with the software VOSviewer, this work overviews the prevailing themes, the main cross-cutting aspects, commonalities and differences underlying the resulting clusters, and illustrates them through a sample of key contributions in the literature distributed in different research categories.[Resumen]: Mediante el análisis bibliométrico de 92 publicaciones en el ámbito del crowdfunding solidario puro para causas benéficas que solicitan contribuciones monetarias, y la elaboración de un mapa bibliométrico exhaustivo con el software VOSviewer, este trabajo sobrevuela los temas predominantes, los principales aspectos temáticos transversales, los puntos comunes y las diferencias que subyacen a los clústeres resultantes, y los ilustra a través de una muestra de contribuciones clave en la literatura distribuidas en diferentes categorías de investigación

    Social marketing and digital platforms:donation-based crowdfunding campaigns

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Empresarial. 5008P01[Abstract] This doctoral thesis analyzes the new social marketing strategies challenging the traditional behavior of nonprofit sector organizations, through the promotion of Donation-based Crowdfunding (DCF) campaigns via digital platforms. Chapter 1 maps DCF for charitable causes, resulting from a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. This is a very recent field of scholarship, broadly developed via empirical and quantitative research, in which individual antecedents and technological enablers are the main protagonists. An integrated conceptual framework is proposed, identifying the significant causal relationships between antecedents, processes, and outcomes of DCF. Chapters 2 and 3 explore the explanatory capacity of factors influencing the success of DCF campaigns promoted through digital platforms. In particular, of those factors traditionally explaining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for charitable causes (2), and of campaigns factors (3). Quantitative analysis is used based on a database of 360 campaigns fostered between 2012 and 2017. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the geographical scope of the campaign, the volume of potential beneficiaries involved, the information provided by the promoting organizations, and the spreadability of the campaign.[Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral analiza las nuevas estrategias de marketing social que desafían el comportamiento tradicional de las organizaciones del sector no lucrativo, a través de la promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas digitales. El capítulo 1 mapea el crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado de una revisión sistemática de literatura y análisis bibliométrico. Es un campo de estudio muy reciente, desarrollado a través de investigación empírica y cuantitativa, donde los antecedentes individuales y los procesos tecnológicos son protagonistas. Se propone un marco conceptual que identifica las relaciones causales más significativas entre sus antecedentes, procesos y resultados. Los capítulos 2 y 3 exploran la capacidad explicativa de los factores que influyen el éxito de las campañas promovidas en plataformas digitales. Particularmente, de los factores que tradicionalmente explican el éxito de las campañas de captación de fondos offline para causas benéficas (2), y de los factores de las campañas (3). Se emplea análisis cuantitativo a partir de una base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 y 2017. La capacidad explicativa de los determinantes relativos al alcance geográfico, al volumen de potenciales beneficiarios, a la información proporcionada por la entidad promotora, y a la difusión online de la campaña es elevada.[Resumo] Esta tese doutoral analiza as novas estratexias de marketing social que desafían o comportamento tradicional das organizacións do sector non lucrativo, a través da promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas dixitais. O capítulo 1 mapea o crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado dunha revisión sistemática da literatura e análise bibliométrica. É un campo de estudo moi recente, desenvolvido a través de investigación empírica e cuantitativa, onde os antecedentes individuais e os procesos tecnolóxicos son protagonistas. Proponse un marco conceptual que identifica as relacións causais máis significativas entre os seus antecedentes, procesos e resultados. Os capítulos 2 e 3 exploran a capacidade explicativa dos factores que inflúen o éxito das campañas promovidas en plataformas dixitais. Particularmente, dos factores que tradicionalmente explican o éxito das campañas de captación de fondos fora de liña para causas benéficas (2), e dos factores das campañas (3). Emprégase análise cuantitativa a partir dunha base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 e 2017. A capacidade explicativa dos determinantes relativos ao alcance xeográfico, ao volume de potenciais beneficiarios, á información proporcionada pola entidade promotora, e á difusión en liña da campaña é elevada

    Materializing Performance: The Interactions that Enact Inclusions, Exclusions and Arrangements in Charity Social Performance Reports

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    The accounting concept materiality is theorized then elaborated in two empirical studies. Materiality is theorized as a performative enactment of entangled objects and idealities that in turn influences which objects and idealities come to matter. Theorized in this way, materiality is not understood as judgements of human preparers and auditors, but a material-discursive practice interacting with agentive objects (such as templates and information technologies) and idealities (including professional norms). Inscriptions in accounting systems and public-facing reports are the traces of these interactions, which collectively constitute a text that is itself an entanglement of matter and meaning, and that itself enacts an ongoing becoming of what matters. The theorization of materiality is elaborated in the context of charity reporting on social (mission-related) performance. Materiality in charity reporting is a pressing question in its own right, and a useful context in which to bring visibility to materiality concepts that are taken-for-given in financial accounting contexts. The first study elaborates how things come to matter, and not matter, examining social performance reporting in charity annual accounts from 1865 to 2014. It focuses on the interactions of templates, expertise and printing technology in the inclusions, exclusions and arrangements of performance information in charity annual reports. The second study interrogates the differences in materiality by comparing six reports, each based on the same performance measures from a real charity. It focuses on the interactions of templates and prior inscriptions in the differential materializations. A final essay develops policy recommendations in light of the new theorization of materiality by reconsidering the idea of the reasonable investor and elaborating the concept of the reasonable donor

    Measuring the Efficiency of Charitable Giving with Content Analysis and Crowdsourcing

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    In the U.S., individuals give more than 200 billion dollars to over 50 thousand charities each year, yet how people make these choices is not well understood. In this study, we use data from CharityNavigator.org and web browsing data from Bing toolbar to understand charitable giving choices. Our main goal is to use data on charities' overhead expenses to better understand efficiency in the charity marketplace. A preliminary analysis indicates that the average donor is "wasting" more than 15% of their contribution by opting for poorly run organizations as opposed to higher rated charities in the same Charity Navigator categorical group. However, charities within these groups may not represent good substitutes for each other. We use text analysis to identify substitutes for charities based on their stated missions and validate these substitutes with crowd-sourced labels. Using these similarity scores, we simulate market outcomes using web browsing and revenue data. With more realistic similarity requirements, the estimated loss drops by 75%—much of what looked like inefficient giving can be explained by crowd-validated similarity requirements that are not fulfilled by most charities within the same category. A choice experiment helps us further investigate the extent to which a recommendation system could impact the market. The results indicate that money could be redirected away from the long-tail of inefficient organizations. If widely adopted, the savings would be in the billions of dollars, highlighting the role the web could have in shaping this important market