11 research outputs found

    Measuring the Acceptance of Internet Technology by Consumers

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    This research reviews studies using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to create a modified model and instrument to study the acceptance of Internet technology by consumers. We developed a modified TAM for the acceptance of Internet-based technologies by consumers. We retained the original constructs from the TAM and included additional constructs from previous literature including gender, experience, complexity, and voluntariness. We developed a survey instrument using existing scales from prior TAM instruments and modified them where appropriate. The instrument yielded respectable reliability and construct validity. The findings suggest that the modified TAM is a good predictor of consumer behavior in using the Internet. We found that attitude toward using the Internet acts as a strong predictor of behavioral intention to use, and actual usage of Internet technologies. Future researchers can use the resultant instrument to test how consumers adopt and accept Internet-based applications

    Japan’s Model of Mobile Ecosystem Success: The Case of NTT DoCoMo

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    This research looks at the adoption of Internet and mobile applications in the United States and Japan. It is the intent ofthis meta-exploratory study to examine factors of success with Japan’s mobile industry over the past decade. Takeshi Natsuno defined the ecosystem as a collection of roles in a collaborative balance. It is here that we began to search for the factors that have had an impact on the success of the mobile industry in Japan over the past two decades. It is the intent of this study to identify and discuss those factors to validate the ecosystem research model and to recommend its use for future research. We found the ecosystem model to be very robust as a model to discuss, categorize, and explain the mobile industry in Japan, leading us to a robust and explanatory push-pull investment model. It is intended that this model will be used for future research. We concluded in this research that risk-taking was the predominant factor influencing the success of the mobile ecosystem in Japan. We found in Japan a clear investment earlier in the process, as the first step in most cases, where mobile carriers, such as NTT DoCoMo, would partner with university labs to develop mobile applications, such as i-Mode and e-payment systems, and then mobile consumers would have new applications and functionality to adopt. The model is very powerful and can be considered for adoption in other countries and maybe for other ecosystems

    The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on User’s Intention to Use E- learning with Moodle Application in Higher Education Mediated by Perceived Usefulness

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    This study aims to examine the effect of perceived ease of use on user’s intention to use mediated by perceived usefulness in the use of e-learning in university. This research is essential because it is important to know the user's desire to use e- learning with the Moodle application in universities, considering that during the Covid- 19 pandemic, the Indonesian government determined to apply online learning. There were 200 e-learning users from STIE Kesuma Negara Blitar selected as samples. The data were collected by using questionnaire and were then analyzed by multiple regression analysis and path analysi


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    To meet the global population needs, it is projected at least eighty billion dollars in investment per year to support the food security until 2050. Arguably, the agriculture financing growth has stalled due to many reasons, while Islamic finance has the potential to spur the growth of agriculture financing to promote global food security. Meanwhile, agriculture in Indonesia is still nowhere to its potential. It is hindered by an inefficient and underdeveloped downstream segment, low access to financial and technology. This is a huge opportunity for Islamic finance in helping to bridge the gap through value chain financing approach as one of the strategies to reduce risk and provide socio-economic spillover effect along the chain. Islamic finance could promote agricultures sustainability and a more efficient process with FinTech enabled platform. The multiple case studies propose a sharia compliant community-based financing model in agricultural value chain practice with FinTech enabled platform. The result is this model integrating all actors from different market segmentation, including landowners, suppliers, farmers, brokers, retailers, and investors into an Islamic value chain-financing platform. However, determining buying intention, partnership establishment, and technology infrastructure are pivotal for its future implementation

    Black Business Owners Overcoming Barriers in Texas

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    Black entrepreneurs in the state of Texas reported that they did not achieve the same level of success as nonminority enterprises. Many Black entrepreneurs have obtained education from top tier institutions and have the managerial experiences, skills, and working knowledge that facilitate business success, but they are not able to sustain business growth. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of Black Texan entrepreneurs. This research was established using the conceptual framework of human capital. The overarching research question concerned the lived experiences of Black Texas entrepreneurs who were not as successful in business as their counterparts. Data were collected in the form of semistructured face-to-face interviews with 14 Black participants, using the African American Chamber of Commerce to facilitate networking among Black entrepreneurs. NVivo 11 software was used for data codification and thematic reduction. Emergent themes included (a) feeling good about being in business, (b) resourcefulness in business, (c) network advertising systems, (d) education, (e) having alternative plans if business closes, (f) feeling independent, and (g) activeness in business. The implications for positive social change include the potential for advising researchers on barriers confronted by Black entrepreneurs and potential steps to overcome those barriers. Additionally, scholars have recognized the need for greater understanding of how businesses are structured and managed by Black business-owners because this knowledge is vital to creating business prosperity for Black entrepreneurs who have dreams of becoming business owners

    The connected consumer‎: A theoretical framework of consumer adoption/consequences of the Internet of Things and smart connected objects

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    Over the last decade, technological and Internet innovations have increasingly invaded the consumer market (N’Goala, 2016). The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a common platform, and disrupts relationships between consumers and companies (Bohli et al., 2009); in essence, this is a timely research. The major goal of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of the acceptance and the adoption processes of the IoT and smart connected technologies, as well as the related consequences on perceived well-being. To do this, four contexts of study have been explored: smart connected objects, smart sleep applications, smart homes, and smart stores. First, we performed qualitative exploratory studies, and secondly we conducted quantitative studies to build conceptual models according to our qualitative findings and the literature. The results show that technology benefits are the first factors that enable technology acceptance through perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; subsequently, self-improvement, through perceived social image and well-being benefits, are the main reasons to continue using the IoT and smart connected technologies. The acceptance and the adoption of these technologies also depend on users’ personality traits while perceived risks and fears on the use of the personal data are the main barriers. In turn, the IoT and smart connected technologies influence perceived well-being according to the experience of use, personality traits, and the technology.Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur

    Modelo de Aceitação da Tecnologia adaptado às compras online

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos de obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, ramo de Marketing e PublicidadeO tema abordado neste trabalho é o da Modelo de Aceitação Tecnológica, TAM (do inglês Technology Acceptance Model) aplicada às compras realizadas através da internet. O aumento das necessidades tecnológicas e as falhas na adopção de novos sistemas nas empresas nos anos 70 despertou o interesse dos investigadores no campo da aceitação de modelos tecnológicos. Davis em 1989 propôs que a utilização do sistema é uma resposta que pode ser explicada por um estímulo externo constituído pelos recursos e capacidades do sistema actual. Em Portugal, as compras online têm crescido exponencialmente atingindo no ano de 2011 1.2% do total das compras pagas com cartão bancário, alcançando a quantia de 678 milhões de euros. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve como objectivo medir a intenção comportamental dos portugueses em relação às compras online. A metodologia utilizada teve por base uma análise descritiva com a aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência a 260 indivíduos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) e do PLS (Partial Least Squares). Os resultados do trabalho confirmaram a validade do modelo conceptual e permitiram analisar a intenção dos consumidores portugueses relativamente às compras online, onde se verificou que a intenção comportamental é a variável que mais influencia o uso deste sistema.The subject discussed in this thesis is the adoption of the Technology Acceptance Model for the internet purchases. The increasing needs of technology and the failures in the adoption of new systems by companies in the 70’s raised the interest of the researchers to study the models focusing in technology acceptance. Davis proposed in 1989 that the system usage is a response that can be explained by external stimulus that are composed by the resources and the capabilities of the actual system. In Portugal, online shopping has exponentially grown achieving 1,2% of the total purchases made with credit card in 2011, reaching the amount of 678 million euros. Therefore this investigation aims to measure the Portuguese behavioural intention concerning online shopping. The methodology used was based in a descriptive analysis where questionnaire was implemented in a convenience and non-probabilistic sample composed by 260 individuals. The data analysis was made using both the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and PLS (Partial Least Squares) programs. The results confirmed the validity of the conceptual model and allowed to analyse the Portuguese behavioural intention regarding online shopping, where was observed that behavioural intention is the variable that most influence actual use