15,526 research outputs found

    Collaborative personalised dynamic faceted search

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    Information retrieval systems are facing challenges due to the overwhelming volume of available information online. It leads to the need of search features that have the capability to provide relevant information for searchers. Dynamic faceted search has been one of the potential tools to provide a list of multiple facets for searchers to filter their contents. However, being a dynamic system, some irrelevant or unimportant facets could be produced. To develop an effective dynamic faceted search, personalised facet selection is an important mechanism to create an appropriate personalised facet list. Most current systems have derived the searchers' interests from their own profiles. However, interests from the past may not be adequate to predict current interest due to human information-seeking behaviour. Incorporating current interests from other people's opinions to predict the interests of individual person is an alternative way to develop personalisation which is called Collaborative approach. This research aims to investigate the incorporation of a Collaborative approach to personalise facet selection. This study introduces the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based collaborative personalisation architecture framework and Relation-aware Collaborative AutoEncoder model (RCAE) with embedding methodology for modelling and predicting the interests in multiple facets. The study showed that incorporating collaborative approach into the proposed framework for facet selection is capable to enhance the performance of personalisation model in facet selection in comparison to the state-of-the-art techniques

    On the Collaboration of an Automatic Path-Planner and a Human User for Path-Finding in Virtual Industrial Scenes

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    This paper describes a global interactive framework enabling an automatic path-planner and a user to collaborate for finding a path in cluttered virtual environments. First, a collaborative architecture including the user and the planner is described. Then, for real time purpose, a motion planner divided into different steps is presented. First, a preliminary workspace discretization is done without time limitations at the beginning of the simulation. Then, using these pre-computed data, a second algorithm finds a collision free path in real time. Once the path is found, an haptic artificial guidance on the path is provided to the user. The user can then influence the planner by not following the path and automatically order a new path research. The performances are measured on tests based on assembly simulation in CAD scenes

    Acquisition Data Analytics for Supply Chain Cybersecurity

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    Acquisition Research Program Sponsored Report SeriesSponsored Acquisition Research & Technical ReportsCybersecurity is a national priority, but the analysis required for acquisition personnel to objectively assess the integrity of the supply chain for cyber compromise is highly complex. This paper presents a process for supply chain data analytics for acquisition decision makers, addressing data collection, assessment, and reporting. The method includes workflows from initial purchase request through vendor selection and maintenance to audits across the lifecycle of an asset. Artificial intelligence can help acquisition decision makers automate the complexity of supply chain information assurance.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Predictive Accuracy of Recommender Algorithms

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    Recommender systems present a customized list of items based upon user or item characteristics with the objective of reducing a large number of possible choices to a smaller ranked set most likely to appeal to the user. A variety of algorithms for recommender systems have been developed and refined including applications of deep learning neural networks. Recent research reports point to a need to perform carefully controlled experiments to gain insights about the relative accuracy of different recommender algorithms, because studies evaluating different methods have not used a common set of benchmark data sets, baseline models, and evaluation metrics. The dissertation used publicly available sources of ratings data with a suite of three conventional recommender algorithms and two deep learning (DL) algorithms in controlled experiments to assess their comparative accuracy. Results for the non-DL algorithms conformed well to published results and benchmarks. The two DL algorithms did not perform as well and illuminated known challenges implementing DL recommender algorithms as reported in the literature. Model overfitting is discussed as a potential explanation for the weaker performance of the DL algorithms and several regularization strategies are reviewed as possible approaches to improve predictive error. Findings justify the need for further research in the use of deep learning models for recommender systems

    Latent Structure in Collaboration: the Case of Reddit r/place

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    Many Web platforms rely on user collaboration to generate high-quality content: Wiki, Q&A communities, etc. Understanding and modeling the different collaborative behaviors is therefore critical. However, collaboration patterns are difficult to capture when the relationships between users are not directly observable, since they need to be inferred from the user actions. In this work, we propose a solution to this problem by adopting a systemic view of collaboration. Rather than modeling the users as independent actors in the system, we capture their coordinated actions with embedding methods which can, in turn, identify shared objectives and predict future user actions. To validate our approach, we perform a study on a dataset comprising more than 16M user actions, recorded on the online collaborative sandbox Reddit r/place. Participants had access to a drawing canvas where they could change the color of one pixel at every fixed time interval. Users were not grouped in teams nor were given any specific goals, yet they organized themselves into a cohesive social fabric and collaborated to the creation of a multitude of artworks. Our contribution in this paper is multi-fold: i) we perform an in-depth analysis of the Reddit r/place collaborative sandbox, extracting insights about its evolution over time; ii) we propose a predictive method that captures the latent structure of the emergent collaborative efforts; and iii) we show that our method provides an interpretable representation of the social structure

    Domain-specific queries and Web search personalization: some investigations

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    Major search engines deploy personalized Web results to enhance users' experience, by showing them data supposed to be relevant to their interests. Even if this process may bring benefits to users while browsing, it also raises concerns on the selection of the search results. In particular, users may be unknowingly trapped by search engines in protective information bubbles, called "filter bubbles", which can have the undesired effect of separating users from information that does not fit their preferences. This paper moves from early results on quantification of personalization over Google search query results. Inspired by previous works, we have carried out some experiments consisting of search queries performed by a battery of Google accounts with differently prepared profiles. Matching query results, we quantify the level of personalization, according to topics of the queries and the profile of the accounts. This work reports initial results and it is a first step a for more extensive investigation to measure Web search personalization.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Predicting Tie Strength between Facebook Friends to Improve Accuracy in Travel Recommendation Systems

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    People rely on their trusted circle of friends for advice and recommendations on everything from travel destinations to purchase decisions. With the extensive use of social networks these relationships are now taken to an electronic platform, where they manifest as likes, comments, wall posts, etc., on social media networks. This paper explores the novel idea that such user relationships can be extracted to significantly improve the accuracy of commercial recommendation systems by identifying otherwise hidden relationships between users. A multiple linear regression based model capable of extracting such user relationships and their corresponding strength efficiently is introduced under this research and the above hypothesis is tested by integrating the predictive model to an existing social media based travel recommendation system. Finally, experimental results of the proposed model are produced, proving the capability of the model in achieving a significant increase in accuracy in travel recommendations, affirming the considered hypothesis