5 research outputs found

    O uso das Tecnologias Digitais como Ferramentas Cognitivas

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    Este artigo descreve as falas trazidas pelos painelistas durante o I Workshop de Inovação Pedagógica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Durante o painel professores representantes do curso de Engenharia, Odontologia e de Informática apresentaram algumas necessidades, metodologias, abordagens e projetos que estão sendo desenvolvidos na instituição nos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação a partir do uso das tecnologias digitais. Posteriormente o uso destas ferramentas é abordado, mostrando a sua importância para apoiar a aprendizagem dos alunos, bem como o uso das tecnologias digitais como ferramentas cognitivas. Para finalizar, são trazidas reflexões de como é possível levar os alunos a pensar a partir da utilização das tecnologias digitais

    Describing the Experiences of Students with ADHD Learning Science Content with Emerging Technologies

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    Emerging technologies, such as virtual reality, haptics, and 3-dimensionality, provide novel opportunities to allow students to investigate scientific phenomena by fostering perceptions of virtual presence, the feeling of being sensorially immersed and authentically interacting within a computer-generated virtual learning environment (VLE). Neurotypical learners are largely represented in VLE research on science learning, with fewer with neurodivergent learners, such as students with ADHD. This descriptive case study sought to address the dearth in the literature on neurodivergent students’ experiences, with emerging technologies, for learning science. Specifically, the case describes the extent to which neurodivergent learners experience the affordances of VLEs for science learning, as compared to their neurotypical peers, in: zooming, spatially orienting and rotating objects, viewing multiple representations and abstract processes in real-time, as well engaging in risk through multiple trials. Five middle grades students (diagnosed with ADHD) were assessed and observed using a tool (zSpace) that combines emerging technologies to learn cardiac anatomy and physiology. Students’ utterances of virtual presence and technological affordances were coded, and frequency counts and percentages were calculated, both individually and collectively. The results found that students most described sensory (41%), control (30%), and realism (26%) constructs with fewer reports of holding their attention (3%). Analyses of cardiac assessments found gains in scores for spatial rotation and viewing abstract processes, no change in score in viewing multiple representations, and a decrease in scores for spatial orientation. This case study provides unique insight into the needs of neurodivergent learners when using emerging technologies for science learning

    Conceptual Framework for Designing Virtual Field Trip Games

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    This thesis aimed to provide designing models to explore an alternative solution for a field trip when it becomes impossible for several reasons such as the limitation of cost and time. Virtual field trip games are relatively new means to create virtual field trips in game environments through adding game aspects to learning aspects to enhance the learning experience. The simple combining of game and learning aspects will not guarantee the desired effect of virtual field trips. Theoretical and logical connections should be established to form interweave between both aspects. This thesis proposes a designing framework by establishing three links between game design aspects and learning aspects. The three links are constructed by modelling: the experiential learning theory (ELT), the gameplay, and the game world. ELT modelling quantifies the theory into the internal economy mechanic and balances the levels of game task difficulty with the player’s ability through game machinations, game modelling links the learning process to gameplay, and world modelling connects field environment to game environment. The internal economy mechanic and its components (resources, internal mechanic, feedback loop), formulating equations to define generic player’s interactions and identify indicators to capture evidence of achievements via a mathematical (evaluation) model. The game modelling includes skill models to design two important high-order skills (decision-making and teamwork) and connects them to the evaluation model. The game world is modelled through defining its variables and relationships’ rules to connect both environments (game and field) expanding the evaluation model. The framework is supported by essential learning theories (ELT, task-based learning, some aspects of social learning) and pedagogical aspects (assessment, feedback, field-based structure, high-order skills) and connected to the key game elements (interaction, multimodal presentation, control of choice…etc) of field-based learning along with suitable game mechanics. The two research studies that were conducted as part of this thesis found that the designing framework is useful, usable, and provides connections between learning and game aspects and the designed VFTG based on the framework improved learning performance along with providing motivation and presence. This suggests the effectiveness of the framework

    Cognição e aprendizagem em mundo virtual imersivo

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