7,038 research outputs found

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    nformation Quality, Reporting and Organisational Performance

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    This study aims at the exploration of the statistical relationship between the quality of the Information produced by Information Systems (IS) such as ERPs and Organisational Performance. The definition of information quality encompasses measures such as accuracy, precision, currency, timeliness, conciseness, which aim at providing decision tools to the users of any Information System. Producing quality information /reports is the primary purpose of any IS. The results from a survey on 168 Greek companies show a strong correlation between Information Quality and Organisational Performance when this is expressed by financial and not financial measures

    User acceptance of open enterprise solution: the OSS-ERP case

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    Organizations implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with the objective of reaching operational efficiency and the incorporation to new markets through the information flow control on time of the entire organization. However, ERP systems are complex tools, mainly for the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). For these reason, new ERP configurations have arisen for SMEs such as Open Source Software-ERP (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP is a research topic barely analyzed by the literature. Specifically, this paper’s aim is to focus on the OSS-ERP users’ acceptance and use. The authors have developed a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for testing the users’ behavior toward OSS-ERP.Las organizaciones implantan Sistemas Integrados de GestiĂłn (ERP, acrĂłnimo de Enterprise Resource Planning) con el objetivo de alcanzar eficiencias operativas y la incorporaciĂłn a nuevos mercados mediante un mayor control del flujo de informaciĂłn de toda la empresa a tiempo real. Sin embargo, los sistemas ERP son herramientas complejas, principalmente la pequeña y mediana empresa (PYME). Por esta razĂłn, estĂĄn surgiendo nuevas configuraciones de sistemas ERP para PYME como los sistemas ERP de cĂłdigo abierto (OSS-ERP). OSS-ERP es un tĂłpico de investigaciĂłn escasamente analizado en la literatura. Concretamente, este artĂ­culo se centra en el y aceptaciĂłn de los usuarios a los sistemas OSS-ERP. Los autores han desarrollado un modelo de investigaciĂłn basado en Metamodelo de AceptaciĂłn de la TecnologĂ­a (TAM) para testar el comportamiento de los usuarios hacia los sistemas OSS-ERP

    ToiminnanohjausjÀrjestelmÀn kÀytettÀvyyden parantaminen aloitteleville ja kokeneille kÀyttÀjille

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    Despite benefits and importance of ERP systems, they suffer from many usability problems. They have user interfaces that are complex and suffer from "daunting usability problems". Also, their implementation success rate is relatively low and their usability significantly influences this implementation success. As a company offering an ERP system to ferry operators was planning to renew the user interface of this system in future, we investigated usability of the current system so this could guide future implementation of the new user interface. We studied new and long time users by conducting sessions where the users told about their experiences, performed tasks with the system and filled usability questionnaire (System Usability Scale). Many novice and long time users reported problems. The scores from usability questionnaire show all but two participants perceived the usability of the system as below average and in adjective rating "not acceptable". Two users rated the usability as "excellent". We reasoned that there could be a group of users who use the system in such a way and in such context that they do not experience these problems. The results indicate novices have trouble, for example, navigating and completing tasks. Also some long time users reported navigation issues. The system seems to require that it’s users remember lots of things in order to use it well. The interviews and tasks indicate the system is complex and hard to use and both novices and experts face problems. This is supported by perceived usability scores. While experts could in most cases finish all tasks, during interview some of them reported problems such as finding products the customers needed, error reporting being unclear, configuration being tedious, and need for lots of manual typing, for example. We gave recommendations on what to consider when implementing new user interface for this ERP system. For example, navigation should be improved and users should be provided with powerful search tools. ERP usability is not studied much. Our study supports use of already developed heuristics in classifying usability problems. Our recommendations how to improve usability of the ERP system studied should give some guidelines on what could be done, although not much is backed by laboratory studies. More work is needed in this field to find and test solutions to usability problems users face

    Comparison of dashboard-based and balanced scorecard-based corporate performance management system

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    Under current hypercompetitive and technology driven economic environment, more companies are using a corporate performance management (CPM) system to gain more accurate understandings of the company goals and strategies and to craft methods of achieving those goals and strategies. While CPM systems are generally implemented in two approaches: dashboard approach and scorecard approach, very few studies examine the effectiveness of each type of CPM systems implementation. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a dashboard based and a balanced scorecard based corporate performance management system. The effectiveness is examined through management effectiveness, degree of employee involvement, and usability --Abstract, page iii

    Relationship between accounting benefits and ERP user satisfaction in the context of the fourth industrial revolution

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    The importance of corporate social responsibility is shaping investment decisions and entrepreneurial actions in diverse perspectives. The rapid growth of SMEs has tremendous impacts on the environment. Nonetheless, the economic emergence plan of Cameroon has prompted government support of SMEs through diverse projects. This saw economic growth increased to 3.8% and unemployment dropped to 4.3% caused by the expansion of private sector investments. The dilemma that necessitated this study is the response strategy of SMEs operators towards environmental sustainability. This study, thus seeks to examine the effects of entrepreneurial intentions and actions on environmental sustainability. The research is a conclusive case study design supported by the philosophical underpins of objectivism ontology and positivism epistemology. Data was sourced from four hundred (400) SMEs operators purposively sampled from the Centre and Littoral regions of Cameroon using structured questionnaire. Data was analysed using the Structural Equation Modelling technique with the aid of statistical packages including: SPSS 24 and AMOS 23. The study revealed that entrepreneurial action has weak positive statistical significant impacts on environmental sustainability; whereas entrepreneurial intention has strong positive statistical significant effects on environmental sustainability. Entrepreneurial intention comprised of self-efficacy and perceived control whereas, entrepreneurial actions involved entrepreneurial alertness and uncertainty. This study concludes that entrepreneurs in Cameroon have sustainable intentions to protect the environment but; the current actions taken are inadequate. This research recommends that entrepreneurs should enhance efforts toward attaining the state of genuine sustainabilit

    Usability of Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Interactive Decision Making in Textile Sector

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    Data warehouse is one of the most rapidly growing areas in management information system. With this approach, data for Executive Information System (EIS) and Decision Support System (DSS) applications are separated from operational data and stored in a separate database. This process is called data warehousing. The major advantages of this approach are: improved in performance, better data quality, and the ability to consolidate and summarize data from heterogeneous systems. A data warehouse is part of a larger infrastructure that includes legacy data sources, external data sources, a repository, data acquisition software, and user interface and related analytical tools. The aim of this research work is to elaborate that how the textile industry can manage and improve their production capacity and resources at optimum level to produce a good quality result using data warehousing and data mining techniques. This research work is conduction in Masood Textile Mills Limited, Faisalabad, Pakistan (MTML). The results may hopefully opened-up an era of research and methodology that could further benefit the Industry to support in decision support system

    A Conceptual Model for User-system Collaboration: Enhancing Usability of Complex Information Systems

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    A variety of organizations around the world use complex information systems (e.g., enterprise resource planning and supply chain management systems). However, poor usability caused by system complexity continues to frustrate users and damage the reputation of these systems. In this study, we address usability issues with complex information systems from the human-computer collaboration perspective by modeling user-system interaction as a joint activity between the system and its users. We propose a conceptual model for user-system collaboration, elaborate on the components in the model and the relationships between the components, derive the required capabilities for collaborative information systems, and establish conceptual relationships between system collaborative behaviors and usability. We use empirical evidence gathered from a qualitative field study on ERP systems to illustrate the model and the possible impact of system collaborativeness (i.e., the presence or absence of collaborative capabilities) on usability. We do so to provide a strong conceptual foundation for modeling user-system collaboration and to encourage designers to employ the collaboration metaphor during system design and, thus, help them develop future complex information systems with better usability

    Framework for Electroencephalography-based Evaluation of User Experience

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    Measuring brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG) is mature enough to assess mental states. Combined with existing methods, such tool can be used to strengthen the understanding of user experience. We contribute a set of methods to estimate continuously the user's mental workload, attention and recognition of interaction errors during different interaction tasks. We validate these measures on a controlled virtual environment and show how they can be used to compare different interaction techniques or devices, by comparing here a keyboard and a touch-based interface. Thanks to such a framework, EEG becomes a promising method to improve the overall usability of complex computer systems.Comment: in ACM. CHI '16 - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, May 2016, San Jose, United State
