1,130 research outputs found

    Effect of long term driving on driver discomfort and its relationship with seat fidgets and movements (SFMs)

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    Discomfort in vehicle seats is a multifactorial problem with large increases in discomfort occurring during extended duration driving. Due to the nature of driver discomfort, previous research has found it difficult to accurately quantify long term driver discomfort via the use of objective measures. This paper reports a laboratory study that investigates a novel objective measure of long term driver discomfort and its correlation with subjective discomfort ratings. Analysis of driver’s seat fidgets and movements was conducted over the duration of a 140 minute drive on a driving simulator in addition to collecting subjective ratings of discomfort. It is shown that as subjects’ subjective discomfort increases, the frequency of subjects’ seat fidgets and movements increases congruently. A large correlation is observed between the subjective and objective measures of driver discomfort and provides the opportunity for long term discomfort evaluations to be made via remote monitoring; removing the need for subjective assessment

    An experimental approach for the characterization of prolonged sitting postures using pressure sensitive mats

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    The adoption of prolonged sitting posture,which is a condition commonly encountered in several working tasks,is known to induce a wide range of negative effects,including discomfort,which has been recognized as an early predictor for musculoskeletal disorders (particularly low back pain).In this regard,the continuous monitoring of worker’s psychophysical state while sitting for long periods of time, may result useful in to preventing and managing potentially risky situations and to promote ergonomics and macroergonomics interventions,aimed to better organize work shifts and workplaces.The aim of this dissertation is to provide and test the reliability of a set of monitoring parameters,based on the use of quantitative information derived from body-seat contact pressure sensors.In particular, he study was focused on the assessment of trunk postural sway (the small oscillations resulting from the stabilization control system) and the number of In Chair Movements (ICM) or postural shifts performed while sitting, proven as a reliable tool for discomfort prediction. This thesis is articulated into four experimental campaigns.The first is a pilot study which aimed to define the most reliable algorithm and the set of parameters useful to assess the performed postural shifts or In chair Movements (ICM), which result useful to characterize postural strategies in the long term-monitoring. In this regard, a pilot study was conducted in which two different algorithms for the ICM computing were tested, based on different parameters and having different thresholds. The chosen algorithm was used, together with trunk sway parameters, to evaluate postural strategies in the other three experiments of this thesis. The second and the third studies evaluated sitting postural strategies among bus drivers during regular, long-term work shifts performed on urban and extra-urban routes. The results, in this case, showed that, all drivers reported a constant increase in perceived discomfort levels and a correspondent increase in trunk sway and overall number of ICM performed. This may indicate the adoption of specific strategies in order to cope with discomfort onset, a fatigue-induced alteration of postural features, or both simultaneously. However, it was interesting to observe differences in ICM vs trunk sway trend considering the single point-to-point route in the case of urban drivers. This difference between may indicate that these parameters refer to different aspects of sitting postural strategies: ICM may be more related to discomfort while sway may be more representative of task-induced fatigue. Trunk sway monitoring, as well as the count of ICM performed by bus drivers may thus be a useful tool in detecting postural behaviors potentially associated with deteriorating performance and onset of discomfort. Finally, the last experiment aimed to characterize modifications in sitting behavior, in terms of trunk sway and ICM among office workers during actual shifts. Surprisingly, results showed a decreasing trend in trunk sway parameters and ICM performed over time, with significant modifications in sitting posture in terms of trunk flexion-extension. Subjects were also stratified basing on their working behavior (staying seated or making short breaks during the trial) and significant differences were identified among these two groups in terms of postural sway and perceived discomfort. This may indicate that the adoption of specific working strategies can significantly influence sitting behavior and discomfort onset. In conclusion, the trunk sway monitoring and the ICM assessment in actual working environments may represent a useful tool to detect specific postural behaviors potentially associated with deteriorating performance and onset of discomfort, both among professional drivers and office workers.They might effectively support the evaluation of specific working strategies,as well as the set-up of macroergonomics interventions

    Design and analysis of experiments aimed at improving the aircraft seat comfort for young and elderly passengers

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    Population ageing is becoming a global phenomenon. According to the United Nations report World Population Ageing, "the number of older people aged 60 or over was about 202 million in 1950, accelerated to 841 million in 2013, and will triple by 2050". The contextual implementation of active and healthy ageing policies, modifying the expectation, quality and lifestyle of the elderly, is offering opportunities and challenges on various aspects of daily life and health management: among the various positive aspects, this has determined an increase in mobility for recreational purposes and therefore an increasing complexity of the needs connected to it. These changing needs must be considered in the design of transport environments to ensure dignity and autonomy for passengers, in accordance with the policy of non-discrimination promoted by European regulations for users with reduced mobility (EC n.1107/2006). In 2017, following a positive trend begun in 2010, passengers who used air transport for their journeys to or from European Union countries exceeded the record figure of one billion for the first time. In 2018, according to Eurostat data, air traffic increased by a further 6% at European level, involving 1 billion 106 million passengers. In this European scenario, Italy is the fifth country in the EU ranking for the number of transported passengers, preceded in order by the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and France, and is even in second place, preceded only by Spain, if referring to the transport of passengers on the national territory. In 2019, passengers transited through the 39 Italian airports monitored by Assaeroporti amounted to 193 million, i.e. 7.4 million more than the previous year equal to +4%, in line with the positive trend of previous years; among them, 19% on average were between 55 and 64 years old and 12% over 65 (Istat, May 2020). Together with the diversity of passenger population, it should be emphasized the change of their needs, helped by rapid technological development that allows passengers to carry out various activities from the comfort of their seats. Therefore, the heterogeneity of new transport needs makes it necessary to adopt an inclusive design approach, aimed at designing and implementing products that are accessible and usable by the largest number of potential users. The proposed research aims to support the ergonomic design of aircraft interiors in order to improve the quality of the mobility experience of both elderly passengers and passengers with reduced mobility. Specifically, the research started from the generation phase of their concept and went through the development of experimental protocols and methods for the evaluation of different design solutions and the continuous monitoring of postural comfort through temporal analysis of data collected by pressure and movement sensors. The research activity focused on the aspects of passive mobility, that is the context in which the air passenger operates (although the same can be extended to other contexts different from air transport, such as rail, sea or road transport): 1. identification of strategies and methods for assessing the accessibility and passenger comfort; 2. characterization of critical postural parameters to maximize passenger comfort; 3. elaboration of experimental protocols aimed at validating the feasibility of the proposed design solutions through experimental campaigns in real life. The activities related to the first point were carried out through an extensive analysis of the specialized literature concerning the analysis of (dis-)comfort both in aircraft environment and transport in general. The investigation then focused on methods for assessing the accessibility and (dis-)comfort of the passenger seat. Literature studies have focused most of the research activity on the evaluation and analysis of the experiences of young and healthy passengers who are able to move independently. Each study adopted different strategies preventing both comparison and generalization of results. Indeed, recent literature reviews have highlighted the need to develop methodologies for collecting and analyzing comfort data producing statistically significant evidence to provide diagnostic information to all stakeholders The activities inherent to the second point concerned the formulation of an evaluation strategy suitable to identify the needs of passengers, both young and old, and the critical features of the seat on which to intervene to maximize the comfort experience with respect to the functional characteristics of interest. These strategies were implemented during several experimental campaigns which, as described in the third point, involved the establishment of specific experimental protocols that allowed for replicability of the experimental tests and reliability of the results. In order to carry out the outlined activities, it was necessary to make use of different skills and tools. First of all, the experimental tests were designed with respect to appropriate methodologies for planning experiments (i.e. Design of Experiments, DOE) in order to minimize the number of tests and the impact of the main noise factors such as anthropometric characteristics of potential users, time and duration of the test. Two types of data were collected: subjective and objective measures. The collected subjective measures involved directly the selected sample who carried out an assessment of personally perceived (dis-)comfort, usability and accessibility (ease of ingress/egress) with respect to the conditions tested each time. The selected sample of participants was always sufficiently representative of the population of interest and was trained in advance to perform the test. To detect subjective measures, survey instruments such as questionnaires or checklists existing in the literature or specially elaborated and previously validated were used. The objective measures (i.e. pressure at the seat-occupant interface) were obtained using different instruments: mats equipped with sensors for both seat and backrest were used for the detection of pressures at the seat-occupant interface

    Re-design of drivers’ car seat using three dimensional reverse engineering

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    Automobile seat design in current practice requires satisfying the ergonomics guidelines as well as considers the comfort expectation of the population. The main aim is to re-examine the existing car seat designs and to propose a novel seat design for better comfort. The number of cars reviewed for drivers’ seat features and user comfort are based on the analysis using a statistical tool. The statistical tool analysis is defined using data from the survey conducted. The proposed design is obtained using the 3-D Reverse Engineering procedure on the selected car seat models. The result is assessed to show that the modified car seat design is superior in terms of form, shape, seat features, usability and comfort. Through this work, the basic seat needs while driving, for example pain preclusion aspects and comfort weightage are defined. The survey done can expunge the expenditure for test experimentations in the future and the proposed methodology can be useful in establishing new design standards for the seat

    An objective measure to quantify discomfort in long duration driving

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    In recent years increased emphasis has been placed on improving seat comfort in automobiles. This is partly due to research showing that prolonged driving is associated with increased risk of musculoskeletal disorders, but largely because driver comfort is now viewed as an increasingly important aspect of the competitive marketing of vehicles. Driving is firmly cemented as a major part of most people s daily life across the world and people are now spending more time in their vehicles than ever before. As urban congestion continues to rise, commuting distances and durations will progressively increase, subjecting drivers to the risks of long duration driving more often. Consequently the automotive industry has invested in designing seats that perform better under increased usage durations and ergonomics has played a vital role in the design of new seats. However, the ability to design a successful seat relies heavily on the capacity to accurately evaluate the comfort of a vehicle seat and one major issue that has been highlighted with the current state of automotive ergonomics research is the standardisation of comfort evaluation techniques. This research aimed to tackle these issues by investigating the effects of long duration driving on discomfort and the range factors associated with driver discomfort. Furthermore, the ultimate goal of this research was develop and evaluate a novel objective measure of driver discomfort that focused on driver seat fidgets and movements (SFMs) with the aim of standardising discomfort evaluation within the automotive industry. Three laboratory studies and one field observation were conducted to address these aims whereby subjective and objective evaluations of discomfort were conducted during long term driving (ranging from 60 - 140 minutes). The results determined that a measure of driver SFMs can be effectively implemented into long duration driving trials to evaluate the effects of long term driving and vibration exposure on driver discomfort and subsequently used to make accurate predictions of overall discomfort. Large positive correlations have been determined between measures of SFMs and subjective ratings of overall discomfort (r2 > 0.9, P < 0.05) and the SFM method has been successfully repeated under a range of driving conditions. Driver seat fidget and movement (SFM) frequency is shown to significantly increase congruently with subjective ratings over the duration of a long term drive as drivers seek to cope with increased discomfort. It is proposed that drivers will record movements in the vehicle seat when discomfort reaches a threshold that is consciously or unconsciously perceived and as the duration of driving accrues, drivers will reach this threshold with increased frequency. A measure of both SFM frequency and total accumulative SFMs have been shown to accurately predict discomfort ratings and provides the basis for discomfort evaluations to be made via remote monitoring, removing the need for subjective assessment. During a long term drive, there becomes a point upon which improvements in seat design become ineffective as extended duration driving will result in discomfort regardless of how well the seat has been designed. It was shown that drivers will move in the vehicle seat to cope with increased discomfort and in addition, another method of combatting the negative effects of long term driving was investigated. Subjective and objective evaluation determined that breaks from driving will reduce discomfort both immediately and upon completion of a long term drive. Furthermore, these benefits were increased when drivers left the vehicle seat as discomfort was reset when drivers took a 10 minute walk. Walking during a break from driving can be considered the ultimate SFM. Drivers are recommended to plan breaks from driving when conducting a long duration journey in order to minimise discomfort and when taking a break, drivers should take a walk rather than remain seated in the vehicle

    Improving passive driver fatigue, sitting health risk factors and user experience in automobiles. Conception, development and evaluation of a novel interactive seating system

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    Lange Fahrten in Automobilen werden oftmals von monotoniebedingter Ermüdung durch mangelnde Stimulation sowie körperlichen Gesundheitsrisiken durch langanhaltendes Sitzen begleitet. In der Literatur werden kognitive Zusatzaufgaben als Maßnahme gegen monotoniebedingte Ermüdung vorgeschlagen. Der Stand der Technik um gesundheitliche Risiken durch langanhaltendes Sitzen im Fahrzeug zu reduzieren, beschränkt sich hauptsächlich auf Sitzsysteme, welche die Passagiere passiv mobilisieren. Mit dem Ziel die Fahrsicherheit zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig Gesundheitsrisiken zu reduzieren, wurde ein neuartiges interaktives Sitzsystem (IASS) konzipiert, entwickelt und evaluiert. Das IASS soll den Fahrer/die Fahrerin oder die Passagiere dazu motivieren mit dem Sitz zu interagieren und dabei aktive Bewegungen gegen die Sitzfläche auszuführen. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen interaktiven Sitzsystemen erfolgt die grundlegende Interaktion nicht über ein Display. Stattdessen werden auditive Einsprachen, Luftblasen in der Lehne, Vibrationsmotoren sowie die Ambientebeleuchtung genutzt. Ein Display kommt lediglich bei der Einführung in die Nutzung des Systems oder ergänzend für die Passagiere zum Einsatz. Das ermöglicht, dass der Fahrer/die Fahrerin den Blick und damit auch die Aufmerksamkeit auf der Straße behalten kann. Dadurch soll das System, im Gegensatz zum Stand der Technik, nicht nur für die Passagiere, sondern auch für den Fahrer/die Fahrerin geeignet sein. Das wiederum eröffnet die Möglichkeit das IASS als Zusatzaufgabe neben dem Fahren zu nutzen, um einer momotoniebedingten Reduktion der Aufmerksamkeit entgegenzuwirken. Dabei ist anzumerken, dass die erhöhte Fahrsicherheit durch eine verbesserte Aufmerksamkeit nicht nur den Insassen, sondern auch den anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern dient. Gleichzeitig haben alle Passagiere die Möglichkeit, durch die physiologisch sinnvollen Bewegungen gegen den Sitz, die Gesundheitsrisiken durch langanhaltendes Sitzen zu reduzieren. Insgesamt wurden drei Probandenstudien durchgeführt, um das IASS zu entwickeln und zu evaluieren. Die erste Probandenstudie diente der Entwicklung des IASS. Um die Bewegungen des Passagiers/der Passagierin bei der Interaktion zu detektieren, wurden Drucksensoren in der Sitzlehne integriert. Zur Gewährleistung einer zuverlässigen Bewegungserkennung von Passagieren mit unterschiedlichen anthropometrischen Merkmalen, war es entscheidend, die Sensoren an optimalen Positionen in der Lehne zu platzieren. Daher war der erste Schritt im Entwicklungsprozess des IASS die Durchführung einer Probandenstudie, um diese optimalen Positionen festzulegen. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden Sitzdruckverteilungsbilder erfasst und anschließend mit einer Methode, dem Statistical Parametric Mapping ausgewertet, die für gewöhnlich bei der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie eingesetzt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde diese Methode erstmalig zur Auswertung von Sitzdruckverteilungen herangezogen. Der Vorteil gegenüber herkömmlichen Methoden ist die hohe örtliche Auflösung. Damit war es möglich, die Sensoranbringungspunkte sehr präzise zu definieren. Anschließend wurde das IASS auf Basis der in der ersten Studie gewonnenen Information aufgebaut und anschließend in zwei weiteren Probandenstudien mit einem aktuellen Sitzmassagesystem (MS) hinsichtlich Wirksamkeit verglichen. In der zweiten Probandestudie sollte das Potential des IASS für die Fahrsicherheit bewertet werden. Die im Fahrsimulator durchgeführte Studie zeigte, dass das IASS die monotoniebedingte Ermüdung reduzierte, während dieser Effekt bei Nutzung des MS nicht auftrat. Das IASS wurde ebenfalls bezüglich des Nutzererlebnisses sowie der emotionalen Wahrnehmung gegenüber dem MS bevorzugt. Außerdem bewerteten die Probanden und Probandinnen, dass das IASS im Vergleich zum MS, sowohl Komfort wesentlich stärker erhöhte als auch Diskomfort stärker reduzierte. In der dritten und abschließenden Probandenstudie wurde untersucht, ob das IASS den körperlichen Gesundheitsrisiken durch langanhaltendes Sitzen besser entgegen wirkt als das MS. Hierfür wurden beide Sitzsysteme in einem Serienfahrzeug verbaut. Um die Effekte beider Sitzsysteme zu vergleichen, wurden gesundheitsrelevante Parameter erfasst. Damit fahrtbedingte Signalstörungen ausgeschlossen werden konnten, wurde die Studie im stehenden Fahrzeug durchgeführt. Das Elektrokardiogramm zeigte, dass ausschließlich das IASS die Herzfrequenz erhöhte. Elektromyographische Messungen zeigten außerdem, dass das IASS die Aktivität in den sechs erfassten Muskeln erhöhte, während beim MS lediglich ein Muskel eine Tendenz zur Aktivitätserhöhung zeigte. Entsprechend sind die gesundheitsfördernden Effekte des IASS im Vergleich zum MS als wesentlich stärker einzustufen. Nach dem Kenntnisstand des Autors, ist dies die erste wissenschaftliche Publikation welche eine motorische Zusatzaufgabe als Maßnahme gegen monotoniebedingte Ermüdung im Fahrzeug untersucht. Darüber hinaus wurde erstmalig direkt verglichen, ob ein automobiles Sitzsystem welches zu aktiven Bewegungen animiert, einem System das die Passagiere passiv bewegt, hinsichtlich der Reduktion der negativen körperlichen Effekte des Sitzens überlegen ist

    Driving ergonomics for an elevated seat position in a light commercial vehicle

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    With more legislation being enforced to achieve a reduction in road transport CO2 emissions, automotive companies are having to research and develop technologies that deliver greener driving . Whilst emissions from passenger vehicles have dropped over recent years, there has been an increase in emissions from light commercial vehicles (LCVs). The nature of LCV delivery work is a routine of ingress/egress of the vehicle, changing from a standing to a seated posture repetitively throughout the day. One research focus is packaging occupants in to a smaller vehicle space, in order to reduce the amount of vehicle emissions over its lifecycle. For LCVs, benefits from space saving technology could be an increase in overall loading space (with the same vehicle length) or a reduction in the overall length/weight of the vehicle. Furthermore, an elevated seat posture could reduce the strain on drivers during ingress/egress, as it is closer than that of a conventional seat to a standing posture. Whilst space saving technology has obvious benefits, current driving conventions and standards are not inclusive of new and novel seated postures when packaging a driver in to a vehicle. The fundamental purpose of a vehicle driver s seat is to be comfortable and safe for the occupant and to facilitate driving. It has been shown that a seat needs both good static and dynamic factors to contribute to overall seat comfort. Additionally, comfortable body angles have been identified and ratified by studies investigating comfortable driving postures; however, this knowledge only applies to conventional driving postures. For an elevated posture , defined as having the driver s knee point below the hip point, there is little research or guidance. The overall aim of this thesis is to identify the ergonomic requirements of a wide anthropometric range of drivers in an elevated driving posture for LCVs, which was investigated using a series of laboratory based experiments. An iterative fitting trial was designed to identify key seat parameters for static comfort in an elevated posture seat. The results showed that in comparison with a conventional seat: Seat base length was preferred to be shorter (380mm compared with 460mm); Seat base width was preferred to be wider (560mm compared with 480mm); Backrest height was preferred to be longer (690mm compared with 650mm). These findings provided a basis for a seat design specification for an elevated posture concept seat, which was tested in two subsequent laboratory studies. A long-term discomfort evaluation was conducted, using a driving simulator and a motion platform replicating real road vibration. Discomfort scores were collected at 10-minute intervals (50-minutes overall) using a body map and rating scale combination. The results indicated that in comparison with the conventional posture, the elevated posture performed as well, or better (significantly lower discomfort for right shoulder and lower back; p<0.05, two-tailed), in terms of long-term discomfort. Furthermore, the onset of discomfort (i.e. the time taken for localised discomfort ratings to be significantly higher than the baseline ratings reported before the trial) occurred after as little as 10 minutes (conventional posture) and 20 minutes (elevated posture) respectively. A lateral stability evaluation was conducted using low-frequency lateral motion on a motion platform (platform left and right rolls of 14.5°). Stability scores were reported after each sequence of rolls, comparing scores on a newly developed lateral stability scale between three seats: Conventional posture seat; Elevated posture concept seat (EPS1); Elevated posture concept seat with modifications aimed at improving stability (EPS2). Participants reported being more unstable in EPS1, compared with the conventional posture seat (p<0.05, Wilcoxon). However, the EPS2 seat performed equally to the conventional posture seat. These findings suggest that the elevated posture seat developed in this research is a feasible and comfortable alternative to a conventional posture seat. Furthermore, the final elevated seating positions showed that real space saving can be achieved in this posture thus allowing for more compact and lighter vehicles and potentially reducing strain on drivers during ingress/egress

    Development of an approach for interface pressure measurement and analysis for study of sitting

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