4,171 research outputs found

    Adopting E-training and Living Labs for Collaborative Learning for Rural Public Agencies

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    Adopting E-training and Living Labs for Collaborative Learning for Rural Public Agencies

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    The effect of business regulations on nascent and young business entrepreneurship

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    In this paper we examine the relationship, across 39 countries, between regulation and entrepreneurship using a new two-equation model. We find the minimum capital requirement required to start a business lowers entrepreneurship rates across countries, as do labour market regulations. However the administrative considerations of starting a businessïżœ- such as the time, the cost, or the number of procedures requiredïżœ- are unrelated to the formation rate of either nascent or young businesses. Given the explicit link made by Djankov et al. (2002) between the speed and ease with which businesses may be established in a country and its economic performanceïżœ- ïżœand the enthusiasm with which this link has been grasped by European Union policy makersïżœ- our findings imply this link needs reconsidering.

    An eclectic theory of entrepreneurship: policies, institutions and culture

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    Analyse van de factoren (bijv. economische en sociale) die het niveau van ondernemerschap bepalen. Het niveau van ondernemerschap kan verklaard worden door onderscheid te maken in aanbodzijde (arbeidsmarkt) en vraagzijde (productmarkt) en de invloed van overheidsmaatregelen op ondernemerschap. Het ontwikkelde model kan gebruikt worden om de verschillen in ondernemerschap in tijd en plaats te verklaren.

    Possible ways for improving the competitiveness of SMEs. A Central-European approach.

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    An SME is able to cope with the global challenge if it runs reliable, balanced and high-standard operation in its business. There are different possible management methods for increasing the competitiveness of SMEs. In the last few years competitiveness of SMEs isalso analyzed on state level. It is very important to create a good business environment for this group of firms. In the time of crisis the outstanding role of SMEs in GDP creation is emphasized all over Europe and overseas.A network of researchers was found five years ago for the better understanding of SMEs problems and for carrying out research in this field.This network .evaluated the current situation and made a declaration recently for the future Hungarian government.globalisation, competitiveness factors, family business speciality.SMEs, Small Business Act, networking, research, SME policy

    The Effect of Business Regulations on Nascent and Young Business Entrepreneurship

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    We examine the relationship, across 39 countries, between regulation and entrepreneurship using a new two-equation model. We find the minimum capital requirement required to start a business lowers entrepreneurship rates across countries, as do labour market regulations. However the administrative considerations of starting a business ñ€“ such as the time, the cost, or the number of procedures required ñ€“ are unrelated to the formation rate of either nascent or young businesses. Given the explicit link made by Djankov et al. (2002) between the speed and ease with which businesses may be established in a country and its economic performance ñ€“ and the enthusiasm with which this link has been grasped by European Union policy makers ñ€“ our findings imply this link needs reconsidering.Global Entrepreneurship Monitor;Nascent Entrepreneurship;Business Regulations;World Bank Doing Business;Young Businesses


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    The activities of institutions have proven to be extremely important in achieving the economic growth and development of national economies. In addition, observed imbalances within the national economy can be minimized due to the contribution of institutions. Therefore, it is necessary to detect opportunities and activities that could, due to adequate institutional implementation, promote the development of a certain area. In the Republic of Croatia, in general, there is a low level of stimulating environment for small and medium sized enterprises as one of the economy drivers. Besides, the parts of the Republic of Croatia in which the primary sector predominates are generally much less developed (for instance, counties of Eastern Croatia). The aim of this paper is to examine the role and importance of institutions on economic development. In addition, it aims at detecting and describing the institutional obstacles in promotion of small and medium enterprises as well as in presenting the selected examples of missed institutional promotion within the primary sector, as an economic branch most represented in the parts of the Republic of Croatia whose development is much lower than the average or even the lowest. The paper predominantly uses theoretical descriptive methods with additional data given in order to confirm mentioned obstacles within the small and medium enterprises and primary sector.Djelovanje institucija pokazalo se iznimno vaĆŸnim u ostvarenju gospodarskog rasta i razvoja nacionalnih gospodarstava. Osim toga, uočene neravnoteĆŸe unutar nacionalnog gospodarstva mogu se minimizirati zahvaljujući doprinosu institucija. Stoga je potrebno otkriti prilike i aktivnosti koje bi uz primjenu adekvatne institucionalne implementacije, mogle potaknuti razvoj određenog područja. U Republici Hrvatskoj postoji niska razina poticajnog okruĆŸenja za mala i srednja poduzeća kao jednog od pokretača gospodarstva. Osim toga, dijelovi Republike Hrvatske u kojima prevladava primarni sektor generalno su znatno manje razvijeni (primjerice, ĆŸupanije istočne Hrvatske). Stoga je cilj ovoga rada ispitati ulogu i vaĆŸnost institucija u gospodarskomu razvoju. Također, cilj je otkriti i opisati institucionalne zapreke u promicanju malog i srednjeg poduzetniĆĄtva te prikazati odabrane primjere promaĆĄene institucionalne promocije unutar primarnog sektora, kao gospodarske grane najzastupljenije u dijelovima Republike Hrvatske čiji je razvoj znatno niĆŸi od prosjeka ili čak najniĆŸi. U radu se preteĆŸno koriste teorijske deskriptivne metode potkrijepljene dodatnim podacima kako bi se potvrdilo postojanje navedenih zapreka unutar malog i srednjeg poduzetniĆĄtva te primarnog sektora
