16 research outputs found

    On Robust Steering Based Lateral Control of Longer and Heavier Commercial Vehicles

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    Rapid growth in the transportation of goods has led to raised concerns aboutenvironmental effects, road freight traffic, and increased infrastructure usage.The increasing cost of fuel, and issues with congestions and gas emissions,make longer and heavier commercial vehicles (LHCVs) an attractive alter-native to conventional heavy vehicles. However, one major issue concerningLHCVs is their potential impact on traffic safety. A typically dangerous be-haviour happens during evasive steering maneuvers, which causes amplifiedlateral motions in the towed units. These amplified motions can lead to thetowed units’ oscillation, large offtracking and, in a worst case scenario, causerollover.The main objective of this thesis is to develop robust steering-based con-trollers for improving the lateral performance of LHCVs at high speeds bysuppressing unwanted amplified motions in the towed units. Robust controlmethods aim to achieve an adequate level of robustness against model un-certainties and disturbances, while at the same time satisfying the desiredclosed-loop system performance specifications. The proposed robust controlsyntheses are formulated based on an H ∞ static output-feedback (SOFB)in which only one easily measurable state variable is required. The controlsynthesis problems are solved by using linear matrix inequality (LMI) op-timizations. As the measurement of the driver steering input is available,a combined version of SOFB and dynamic feed-forward (DFF) is also de-veloped and several techniques for designing DFF are proposed. The theo-retical contributions of this research mainly lie in the derivation of a novelLMI conditions for integral quadratic constraints on the states and also inthe derivation of a set of new LMI conditions for the DFF design method.From a practical point of view, the proposed controllers are simple and easyto implement, despite their theoretical complexity.The effectiveness of the designed controllers is verified through numericalsimulations performed on linear vehicle models as well as high-fidelity ve-hicle models. The verification results confirm a significant reduction in yawrate rearward amplification, lateral acceleration rearward amplification andhigh-speed transient off-tracking, thereby improving the lateral stability andperformance of the studied LHCVs

    Autonomous Approach and Landing Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In recent years, several research activities have been developed in order to increase the autonomy features in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), to substitute human pilots in dangerous missions or simply in order to execute specific tasks more efficiently and cheaply. In particular, a significant research effort has been devoted to achieve high automation in the landing phase, so as to allow the landing of an aircraft without human intervention, also in presence of severe environmental disturbances. The worldwide research community agrees with the opportunity of the dual use of UAVs (for both military and civil purposes), for this reason it is very important to make the UAVs and their autolanding systems compliant with the actual and future rules and with the procedures regarding autonomous flight in ATM (Air Traffic Management) airspace in addition to the typical military aims of minimizing fuel, space or other important parameters during each autonomous task. Developing autolanding systems with a desired level of reliability, accuracy and safety involves an evolution of all the subsystems related to the guide, navigation and control disciplines. The main drawbacks of the autolanding systems available at the state of art concern or the lack of adaptivity of the trajectory generation and tracking to unpredicted external events, such as varied environmental condition and unexpected threats to avoid, or the missed compliance with the guide lines imposed by certification authorities of the proposed technologies used to get the desired above mentioned adaptivity. During his PhD period the author contributed to the development of an autonomous approach and landing system considering all the indispensable functionalities like: mission automation logic, runway data managing, sensor fusion for optimal estimation of vehicle state, trajectory generation and tracking considering optimality criteria, health management algorithms. In particular the system addressed in this thesis is capable to perform a fully adaptive autonomous landing starting from any point of the three dimensional space. The main novel feature of this algorithm is that it generates on line, with a desired updating rate or at a specified event, the nominal trajectory for the aircraft, based on the actual state of the vehicle and on the desired state at touch down point. Main features of the autolanding system based on the implementation of the proposed algorithm are: on line trajectory re-planning in the landing phase, fully autonomy from remote pilot inputs, weakly instrumented landing runway (without ILS availability), ability to land starting from any point in the space and autonomous management of failures and/or adverse atmospheric conditions, decision-making logic evaluation for key-decisions regarding possible execution of altitude recovery manoeuvre based on the Differential GPS integrity signal and compatible with the functionalities made available by the future GNSS system. All the algorithms developed allow reducing computational tractability of trajectory generation and tracking problems so as to be suitable for real time implementation and to still obtain a feasible (for the vehicle) robust and adaptive trajectory for the UAV. All the activities related to the current study have been conducted at CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center) in the framework of the aeronautical TECVOL project whose aim is to develop innovative technologies for the autonomous flight. The autolanding system was developed by the TECVOL team and the author’s contribution to it will be outlined in the thesis. Effectiveness of proposed algorithms has been then evaluated in real flight experiments, using the aeronautical flying demonstrator available at CIRA

    Evaluation of First-Order Actuator Dynamics and Linear Controller for a Bio-Inspired Rotating Empennage Fighter Aircraft

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    This paper considers the problem of stabilizing a bio-inspired fighter aircraft variant at its Air Combat Maneuver Condition. The aircraft equations of motion are linearized, and an infinite-horizon linear quadratic regulator design is conducted for this aircraft. Included in the dynamics are first-order actuator models, which have the effect of slowing actuator responses. This is particularly important for the bio-inspired variant because it requires rotation of the empennage, which has relatively large inertia. The bio-inspired variant open-loop system is unstable in the short period and Dutch roll modes, which is mitigated in the closed-loop system. Monte Carlo simulation responses to initial condition dispersions, aerodynamic model errors, and atmospheric turbulence are presented for the controlled aircraft system. These simulations demonstrate the robust properties of the presented control design. Discussion is dedicated to control designs neglecting input from throttle and the rotating tail, and corresponding successes. Whereas the bio-inspired variant aircraft can be successfully controlled without rotating tail input, effects from neglecting throttle input show throttle should be included, but perhaps in an alternate loop such as a speed controller

    L1 adaptive control flight testing and extension to nonlinear reference systems with unmatched uncertainty

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    Building upon prior research efforts deploying L1 adaptive control in remotely piloted aerospace applications, this dissertation presents the progression of in-flight evaluation of L1 adaptive control to manned flight testing on Calspan’s variable stability Learjet and to an augmentation of an autonomous trajectory planner on a multirotor aircraft. These efforts ultimately led to the development of a new L1 adaptive controller for a class of control-affine nonlinear reference systems subject to time-varying, state-dependent matched and unmatched uncertainties. The L1 adaptive controller for the Learjet flight tests was designed as stability augmentation system, modifying the pilot's stick-to-surface commands, and was evaluated in a series of flying and handling qualities tests. The results of the Learjet flight tests demonstrated the ability of the L1 adaptive controller to recover desired flying qualities and safe, consistent handling qualities in the presence of off-nominal dynamics, some of which had severe flying qualities deficiencies and aggressive tendencies toward adverse pilot-aircraft interaction, and simulated aircraft failures. A modification of the Learjet control law was implemented, with a nonlinear reference system and estimation of both matched and unmatched uncertainties, for a multirotor aircraft as an augmentation of a geometric trajectory-tracking baseline controller, tracking a reference trajectory generated by a model predictive path integral trajectory planner. Simulation results demonstrated that, with the L1 augmentation, the vehicle was able to navigate a complex environment in the presence of uncertainty and external disturbances. The new L1 adaptive controller provides a theoretical foundation for the L1 augmentation in the multirotor application, and may be applicable to tilt-rotor, tilt-wing, and split-propulsion vertical takeoff and landing aircraft proliferating in the urban air mobility sector. The theory is based on incremental stability for robust trajectory tracking and uses a piecewise-constant adaptive law. It proposes a feedforward compensator (in the form of an embedded linear parameter-varying system), synthesized for the variational dynamics of the system using linear matrix inequality-based robust control methods to minimize the peak-to-peak gain from unmatched uncertainty to the system state. A realization of the feedforward compensator in the ambient space can be directly applied to the nonlinear system. Analysis of the closed-loop system provides an incremental stability guarantee and bounds the transient and steady-state trajectory-tracking error

    Actes des 22Ăšmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 10-11 octobre 2013, Reims, France

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    Topics in Automotive Rollover Prevention: Robust and Adaptive Switching Strategies for Estimation and Control

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    The main focus in this thesis is the analysis of alternative approaches for estimation and control of automotive vehicles based on sound theoretical principles. Of particular importance is the problem rollover prevention, which is an important problem plaguing vehicles with a high center of gravity (CG). Vehicle rollover is, statistically, the most dangerous accident type, and it is difficult to prevent it due to the time varying nature of the problem. Therefore, a major objective of the thesis is to develop the necessary theoretical and practical tools for the estimation and control of rollover based on robust and adaptive techniques that are stable with respect to parameter variations. Given this background, we first consider an implementation of the multiple model switching and tuning (MMST) algorithm for estimating the unknown parameters of automotive vehicles relevant to the roll and the lateral dynamics including the position of CG. This results in high performance estimation of the CG as well as other time varying parameters, which can be used in tuning of the active safety controllers in real time. We then look into automotive rollover prevention control based on a robust stable control design methodology. As part of this we introduce a dynamic version of the load transfer ratio (LTR) as a rollover detection criterion and then design robust controllers that take into account uncertainty in the CG position. As the next step we refine the controllers by integrating them with the multiple model switched CG position estimation algorithm. This results in adaptive controllers with higher performance than the robust counterparts. In the second half of the thesis we analyze extensions of certain theoretical results with important implications for switched systems. First we obtain a non-Lyapunov stability result for a certain class of linear discrete time switched systems. Based on this result, we suggest switched controller synthesis procedures for two roll dynamics enhancement control applications. One control design approach is related to modifying the dynamical response characteristics of the automotive vehicle while guaranteeing the switching stability under parametric variations. The other control synthesis method aims to obtain transient free reference tracking of vehicle roll dynamics subject to parametric switching. In a later discussion, we consider a particular decentralized control design procedure based on vector Lyapunov functions for simultaneous, and structurally robust model reference tracking of both the lateral and the roll dynamics of automotive vehicles. We show that this controller design approach guarantees the closed loop stability subject to certain types of structural uncertainty. Finally, assuming a purely theoretical pitch, and motivated by the problems considered during the course of the thesis, we give new stability results on common Lyapunov solution (CLS) existence for two classes of switching linear systems; one is concerned with switching pair of systems in companion form and with interval uncertainty, and the other is concerned with switching pair of companion matrices with general inertia. For both problems we give easily verifiable spectral conditions that are sufficient for the CLS existence. For proving the second result we also obtain a certain generalization of the classical Kalman-Yacubovic-Popov lemma for matrices with general inertia