130 research outputs found

    Stereoscopic Vision in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Search and Rescue

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    Search and rescue operations are challenging due to the hazards imposed on the rescue teams. Team ARM IT has developed a virtual reality interface that controls a mounted camera payload on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) through a head mounted display. This allows rescuers to manipulate a UAV to assist search and rescue missions safely and effectively through telepresence and enhanced situational awareness. The team tested these hypotheses by prototyping, testing, and refining individual components of the system through the use of flight simulation software and on-site volunteer testing. By providing a realistic sense of the UAV environment enhanced with relevant information, Team ARM IT’s project reduces the danger to the rescuers and provide cognitively natural situational awareness

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    Vision 21: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace

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    The symposium Vision-21: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace was held at the NASA Lewis Research Center on March 30-31, 1993. The purpose of the symposium was to simulate interdisciplinary thinking in the sciences and technologies which will be required for exploration and development of space over the next thousand years. The keynote speakers were Hans Moravec, Vernor Vinge, Carol Stoker, and Myron Krueger. The proceedings consist of transcripts of the invited talks and the panel discussion by the invited speakers, summaries of workshop sessions, and contributed papers by the attendees

    Machine Learning in Sensors and Imaging

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    Machine learning is extending its applications in various fields, such as image processing, the Internet of Things, user interface, big data, manufacturing, management, etc. As data are required to build machine learning networks, sensors are one of the most important technologies. In addition, machine learning networks can contribute to the improvement in sensor performance and the creation of new sensor applications. This Special Issue addresses all types of machine learning applications related to sensors and imaging. It covers computer vision-based control, activity recognition, fuzzy label classification, failure classification, motor temperature estimation, the camera calibration of intelligent vehicles, error detection, color prior model, compressive sensing, wildfire risk assessment, shelf auditing, forest-growing stem volume estimation, road management, image denoising, and touchscreens

    Virtual Reality

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    At present, the virtual reality has impact on information organization and management and even changes design principle of information systems, which will make it adapt to application requirements. The book aims to provide a broader perspective of virtual reality on development and application. First part of the book is named as "virtual reality visualization and vision" and includes new developments in virtual reality visualization of 3D scenarios, virtual reality and vision, high fidelity immersive virtual reality included tracking, rendering and display subsystems. The second part named as "virtual reality in robot technology" brings forth applications of virtual reality in remote rehabilitation robot-based rehabilitation evaluation method and multi-legged robot adaptive walking in unstructured terrains. The third part, named as "industrial and construction applications" is about the product design, space industry, building information modeling, construction and maintenance by virtual reality, and so on. And the last part, which is named as "culture and life of human" describes applications of culture life and multimedia-technology

    Evaluation of Detecting Cybersickness via VR HMD Positional Measurements Under Realistic Usage Conditions.

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    With the resurgence of virtual reality, head-mounted displays (VR HMD) technologies since 2015, VR technology is becoming ever more present in people's day-to-day lives. However, one significant barrier to this progress is a condition called cybersickness, a form of motion sickness induced by the usage of VR HMD’s. It is often debilitating to sufferers, resulting in symptoms anywhere from mild discomfort to full-on vomiting. Much research effort focuses on identifying the cause of and solution to this problem, with many studies reporting various factors that influence cybersickness, such as vection and field of view. However, there is often disagreement in these studies' results and comparing the results is often complicated as stimuli used for the experiments vary wildly. This study theorised that these results' mismatch might partially be down to the different mental loads of these tasks, which may influence cybersickness and stability-based measurement methods such as postural stability captured by the centre of pressure (COP) measurements. One recurring desire in these research projects is the idea of using the HMD device itself to capture the stability of the users head. However, measuring the heads position via the VR HMD is known to have inaccuracies meaning a perfect representation of the heads position cannot be measured. This research took the HTC Vive headset and used it to capture the head position of multiple subjects experiencing two different VR environments under differing levels of cognitive load. The design of these test environments reflected normal VR usage. This research found that the VR HMD measurements in this scenario may be a suitable proxy for recording instability. However, the underlying method was greatly influenced by other factors, with cognitive load (5.4% instability increase between the low and high load conditions) and test order (2.4% instability decrease between first run and second run conditions) having a more significant impact on the instability recorded than the onset of cybersickness (2% instability increase between sick and well participants). Also, separating participants suffering from cybersickness from unaffected participants was not possible based upon the recorded motion alone. Additionally, attempts to capture stability data during actual VR gameplay in specific areas of possible head stability provided mixed results and failed to identify participants exhibiting symptoms of cybersickness successfully. In conclusion, this study finds that while a proxy measurement for head stability is obtainable from an HTC Vive headset, the results recorded in no way indicate cybersickness onset. Additionally, the study proves cognitive load and test order significantly impact stability measurements recorded in this way. As such, this approach would need calibration on a case-by-case basis if used to detect cybersickness

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans

    Maritime Poetics: From Coast to Hinterland

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    In the past fifty years, port cities around the world have experienced considerable changes to their morphologies and their identities. The increasing intensification of global networks and logistics, and the resulting pressure on human societies and earthly environments have been characteristic of the rise of a "planetary age". This volume engages with contemporary artistic practices and critical poetics that trace an alternate construction of the imaginaries and aspirations of our present societies at the crossroads of sea and land - taking into account complex pasts and interconnected histories, transnational flux, as well as material and immaterial borders

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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