3 research outputs found

    Target Tracking in Confined Environments with Uncertain Sensor Positions

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    To ensure safety in confined environments such as mines or subway tunnels, a (wireless) sensor network can be deployed to monitor various environmental conditions. One of its most important applications is to track personnel, mobile equipment and vehicles. However, the state-of-the-art algorithms assume that the positions of the sensors are perfectly known, which is not necessarily true due to imprecise placement and/or dropping of sensors. Therefore, we propose an automatic approach for simultaneous refinement of sensors' positions and target tracking. We divide the considered area in a finite number of cells, define dynamic and measurement models, and apply a discrete variant of belief propagation which can efficiently solve this high-dimensional problem, and handle all non-Gaussian uncertainties expected in this kind of environments. Finally, we use ray-tracing simulation to generate an artificial mine-like environment and generate synthetic measurement data. According to our extensive simulation study, the proposed approach performs significantly better than standard Bayesian target tracking and localization algorithms, and provides robustness against outliers.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 201

    Channel Measurements and Models for High-Speed Train Wireless Communication Systems in Tunnel Scenarios: A Survey

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The rapid developments of high-speed trains (HSTs) introduce new challenges to HST wireless communication systems. Realistic HST channel models play a critical role in designing and evaluating HST communication systems. Due to the length limitation, bounding of tunnel itself, and waveguide effect, channel characteristics in tunnel scenarios are very different from those in other HST scenarios. Therefore, accurate tunnel channel models considering both large-scale and small-scale fading characteristics are essential for HST communication systems. Moreover, certain characteristics of tunnel channels have not been investigated sufficiently. This article provides a comprehensive review of the measurement campaigns in tunnels and presents some tunnel channel models using various modeling methods. Finally, future directions in HST tunnel channel measurements and modeling are discussed

    Measurement Analysis and Channel Modeling for TOA-Based Ranging in Tunnels

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    A robust and accurate positioning solution is required to increase the safety in GPS-denied environments. Although there is a lot of available research in this area, little has been done for confined environments such as tunnels. Therefore, we organized a measurement campaign in a basement tunnel of Linköping university, in which we obtained ultra-wideband (UWB) complex impulse responses for line-of-sight (LOS), and three non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios. This paper is focused on time-of-arrival (TOA) ranging since this technique can provide the most accurate range estimates, which are required for range-based positioning. We describe the measurement setup and procedure, select the threshold for TOA estimation, analyze the channel propagation parameters obtained from the power delay profile (PDP), and provide statistical model for ranging. According to our results, the rise-time should be used for NLOS identification, and the maximum excess delay should be used for NLOS error mitigation. However, the NLOS condition cannot be perfectly determined, so the distance likelihood has to be represented in a Gaussian mixture form. We also compared these results with measurements from a mine tunnel, and found a similar behavior.he work was supported by the project Cooperative Localization (CoopLoc), funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was A. Zajic.COOPLO