Channel Measurements and Models for High-Speed Train Wireless Communication Systems in Tunnel Scenarios: A Survey


The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The rapid developments of high-speed trains (HSTs) introduce new challenges to HST wireless communication systems. Realistic HST channel models play a critical role in designing and evaluating HST communication systems. Due to the length limitation, bounding of tunnel itself, and waveguide effect, channel characteristics in tunnel scenarios are very different from those in other HST scenarios. Therefore, accurate tunnel channel models considering both large-scale and small-scale fading characteristics are essential for HST communication systems. Moreover, certain characteristics of tunnel channels have not been investigated sufficiently. This article provides a comprehensive review of the measurement campaigns in tunnels and presents some tunnel channel models using various modeling methods. Finally, future directions in HST tunnel channel measurements and modeling are discussed

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