44 research outputs found

    Recommendations system for Digital Signage environments based on a smart tv-smartphone cooperation scheme

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    Advertisement in Digital Signage environments demands the enrichment of the classic approach of recommendation focused on individuals by means of the delivery of ads for a group of people observing a public screen. Even though the accuracy that can be achieved in the recommendations is important, the degree of novelty perceived by the users is even more important. This balance can be obtained not only through the improvement of the recommendation algorithms, but also through an adequate multiscreen cooperation scheme. Therefore, this paper proposes an approach for the construction of a recommendations system for Digital Signage environments based on a Smart TV-Smartphone cooperation scheme.La publicidad en entornos de Digital Signage demanda el enriquecimiento de la aproximación clásica de recomendación orientada a individuos, a través de la entrega de anuncios para un grupo de personas que observa una pantalla pública. Aunque la precisión que se pueda lograr en las recomendaciones es importante, lo es aún más el grado de novedad que puedan percibir los usuarios. Este balance puede obtenerse no solo a través de la mejora de los algoritmos de recomendación, sino también a través de un adecuado esquema de cooperación multi-pantalla. En este sentido, el presente artículo propone una aproximación para la construcción de un sistema de recomendaciones para entornos de Digital Signage soportado en un esquema de cooperación Smart TV–Smartphone

    The Influence of Customized Internet Banner Ad on Attitude-Ad-Brand-Behavioural Relationship

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    This paper examines the influence of customizing banner ads to entice higher users’ interactivity and sequentially builds not only positive attitudes toward the ad and the brand but also positive behavioral outcomes. It also attempts to introduce a new profilingtargeting parameter based on psychographics for customizing banner ad based on Internet user’s individual differences according to their personality, types of goal-directed motives and preferred information processing strategies. Data was gathered through an online survey with a sample of 385 respondents. The Covariance Structural Modeling results supported a positive attitude-ad-brand-behavioral relationship. Positive attitude towards the ad generates more positive behavioral outcomes. Contrary to expectations, the results did not support the proposition that a positive brand attitude produces more positive behavioral outcomes. The findings provide evidence to support the proposition that customization of banner ads’ creative and appeals (in terms of presentation modality, verbal versus visual presentation and information-rational versus entertainment-emotional appeals) based on users’ individual differences in need for cognition, goal-directed motives and preferred information processing strategies effects positive attitudes toward the ad and the brand


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    As a popular and important advertising style, Internet advertising has drawn substantial amount of scholarly attention. Previous studies focus on the independent effects of various factors, such as product, consumer, website and ad per se, but few studies consider the impacts of the congruities between these factors on consumer’s attitude toward the ads. In this paper, we propose an integrative model, product-consumer-website-ad model, to articulate how the congruity between factors exerts its effect. We propose that ad appeal (emotional vs. informational) should be designed consistent with the nature of the advertised product (hedonic vs. utilitarian), the nature of the website (hedonic vs. utilitarian) and the thinking styles of consumer (intuitive vs. rational). Personalization plays an important role in the process to achieve the congruity. We also propose that the ad on the website with high reputation will generate more favourable attitude toward it. Implications and future research are also discussed in the paper

    D5.2 - Stakeholder engagement plan, report on Guidelines and Monitoring tools-metrics

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    Barak, N., Burgos, D., Specht, M., De Vries, F., Camilleri, A., Lindstaedt, S., & Persico, D. (2010). D5.2 - Stakeholder engagement plan, report on Guidelines and Monitoring tools-metrics. STELLAR-project.This document describes the Guidelines, strategy, tools and methods for establishing the STELLAR stakeholders’ network and engaging with the TEL stakeholders. The overall aim of WP5 is to build a TEL community level capacity, with five main objectives: The STELLAR consortium aims to unify the leading institutions and projects in European Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) in a Network of Excellence (NoE). As part of this, it aims to reduce community fragmentation by bringing together the key stakeholders in European TEL and stimulate ongoing knowledge exchange between them. This is the work of WP5.European Union 7th Framework Programm

    SUMOL : leading brand in a changing market

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    SUMOL+COMPAL is a Portuguese beverage company founded in 2009 as a result of a merger of two major competitors within the beverage industry, SUMOL and COMPAL. This case study portrays the carbonated flavoured soft drinks (CFSD) industry in Portugal, where SUMOL+COMPAL compete with others through their brand SUMOL – leading brand. During its lifetime, SUMOL tackled several challenges, but in the last couple of years, another one has emerged– private labels such as Continente and Pingo Doce. Firstly these private labels started selling their own-branded “niche” products and as time passed they became mainstream brands. Due to the current economic crisis established in Portugal, people look for more economical solutions for their food needs and assume that private labels give them more economical options. Years passed and in 2012, it was clear it is no longer a cyclical reaction to the economic crisis; it is the new market landscape. Sílvia Rebelo, SUMOL+COMPAL strategic marketing manager for soft drinks, and her team are responsible for addressing this issue and decide which strategy they should adopt: compete against private labels or cooperate with them. In a fast moving consumer goods industry, retailers are a key player and CFSD industry is no exception but besides that SUMOL, as a leading brand, have been able to keep their market share intact in the last few years without any direct effort towards the matter.SUMOL+COMPAL é uma empresa portuguesa de bebidas fundada em 2009, resultado da fusão de dois grandes competidores da indústria de bebidas, SUMOL e COMPAL. Este caso de estudo retrata a indústria de bebidas de fruta gaseificadas (CFSD) em Portugal, onde a SUMOL+COMPAL compete através da marca SUMOL- líder de mercado. Durante a sua existência, a SUMOL ultrapassou diversos desafios, mas nos últimos anos outro começou a emergir: marcas brancas tais como Pingo Doce e Continente. Inicialmente, as marcas brancas começaram a vender produtos de nicho com a sua própria marca mas com o passar do tempo começaram a vender produtos com um target mais alargado. Devido à atual crise económica em que Portugal se encontra, as pessoas começam a procurar soluções mais económicas em termos de bens alimentares e assumem a priori que as marcas brancas lhes conseguem oferecer soluções mais viáveis. Os anos foram passando e em 2012 já era claro que não se tratava de uma reação temporária à crise económica mas sim o novo panorama do mercado alimentar. Sílvia Rebelo, gerente da área de marketing estratégico da SUMOL+COMPAL para refrigerantes, e a sua equipa são responsáveis por lidar com este assunto e decidir qual a medida a tomar: competir contra os retalhistas que tenham as suas próprias marcas (brancas) ou tentar cooperar com estes. Quando se trata de indústrias de grande consumo, os retalhistas são uma peça fundamental e a indústria de CFSD não foge à regra mas apesar disso a SUMOL, como líder de mercado, tem sido capaz de manter a sua quota de mercado intacta durante os últimos anos sem ter feito qualquer esforço direcionado diretamente a este tema

    Distribution, Bars, and Arcade Stars: Joe Anthony’s Entrepreneurial Expansion in Houston’s Gay Media Industries

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    This article develops the concept of gay useful media to explore a case study of gay entrepreneurship in Houston, Texas, of the 1970s. A father and son developed a gay media empire in the city, which spanned bars, bookstores, distribution, and vending. One of the pair\u27s key establishments was Houston\u27s legendary gay bar Mary\u27s at 1022 Westheimer (also known as Mary\u27s Lounge, Mary\u27s, Naturally, and Mary\u27s…Naturally)

    The green brand: Explicit and implicit framing effects of ecolabelling on brand knowledge

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    An increasing number of brands rely on ecolabelling as associative branding strategy for communicating their sustainability performance. Specifically, associative branding aims to link a brand to an ecolabel to embed sustainability into brand knowledge to provide an added value for consumers. In this regard, the present study applies a combined measurement approach that examines both implicit and explicit information processing to assess consumers’ brand associations related to sustainability. Specifically, a pre/post-testing is conducted to evaluate the framing effect of ecolabel exposure in a brand advertisement on the enhancement of brand knowledge. The results of the current study provide evidence that in particular implicit brand sustainability is a favorable brand association that positively affects consumers’ decision-making and preferences. Furthermore, the results reveal a relevant framing effect of ecolabelling on the enhancement of brand knowledge, on both implicit and explicit levels. In addition, the study results indicate the existence of three efficacy parameters that influence brand knowledge transfer: adequate ecolabel-brand fit, early ecolabel recognition time, and distinct implicit-explicit knowledge acquisition

    Yet Another Prying Eye: Surveillance as a Consented Cultural Phenomenon?

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    Authorities locate citizens through their e-trail because everything we do online is recorded. Information technologies are transforming our connections but most people forget using electronic devices is a trade-off. We are surrounded by tools that can trace our steps; yet, the desire to keep up to date with a fast-moving reality has made individuals relinquish secrecy and privacy in their daily relations. This paper is a nutshell reflection on what’s happening and resorts to the notion of consent to explain the depth of modern surveillance practices. It begins by depicting a random day focusing on gadgets that monitor us. It continues by looking at surveillance and shedding light on critical discussions on the topic; and common yet misleading slogans head the following sections. The main argument that surveillance is becoming a cultural phenomenon through technological development is presented in the last segment. It makes way for the conclusions, such as sustainability and transparency being keys to unlocking a healthier tech future.As autoridades localizam os cidadãos através do seu e-rasto porque tudo o que fazemos online é registado. As tecnologias da informação estão a transformar as nossas ligações, mas a maioria das pessoas esquece-se que usar aparelhos eletrónicos é uma troca. Estamos rodeados por ferramentas que podem seguir os nossos passos; porém, o desejo de nos mantermos atualizados com uma realidade veloz tem levado os indivíduos a abdicar do sigilo e privacidade nas suas relações diárias. Este trabalho é uma reflexão concisa do que está a suceder e recorre à noção de consentimento para explicar a profundidade das técnicas modernas de vigilância. Começa por retratar um dia aleatório com enfoque nos dispositivos que nos monitorizam. Continua olhando para a vigilância e trazendo luz a discussões essenciais sobre o assunto; e comuns, embora traiçoeiros, slogans titulam as secções seguintes. O principal argumento de que a vigilância está a tornar-se um fenómeno cultural através do desenvolvimento tecnológico é apresentado no último segmento. Este prepara o caminho para as conclusões, tais como a sustentabilidade e a transparência serem chaves para se desbloquear um futuro tecnológico mais saudável

    Rationale and Proposal for the Establishment of a Consumer-Behavior Curriculum and Research Institute at Syracuse University

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    This thesis project was inspired by a course formerly offered by the Department of Psychology at Syracuse University, which has not been offered since at least 2006 – PSY 377: Consumer Behavior. Circumstances – including that the professor who taught the course left the university and that the Department of Psychology is uncertain about the volume of student interest in the course – led to PSY 377 being taken off the time schedule indefinitely, though it remains in the course catalog. The timing of the course’s cancellation is especially unfortunate, given that revolutionary changes in consumer behavior have occurred over the last two decades. Preliminary ideas for possible solutions to this problem were developed, including: 1. simple reinstallation of the original course [PSY 377]; 2. altering the content of the original course so that it may be offered as a Newhouse Advertising course that fulfills the “Critical Issues” degree requirement; 3. creating an interdisciplinary, cross-listed sequence of courses that incorporates the interests of several majors in different colleges at Syracuse University; and 4. eventually establishing a consumer-behavior research institute based in the Newhouse School. Before further developing any plans, though, several research questions surrounding the situation had to be answered in order to proceed with a solution in the most appropriate way. Why exactly is studying consumer behavior so essential to advertising, psychology, and many other disciplines? How is professional consumer-behavior research applied? How and what has changed consumer behavior over the last two decades, and how has research in the discipline responded? How is consumer behavior knowledge applied in a university setting, including at other academic institutions? A literature review was compiled to answer these questions and provide crucial background information. Furthermore, a 22-question online survey was conducted to evaluate Syracuse University students’ interest in studying consumer behavior, interdisciplinary collaboration with faculty and students, and participating in extracurricular research. Analysis of the 139 responses to the survey concluded that the majority of students would take advantage of these opportunities, particularly given various incentives (such as extra credit and resume-building). This research all concludes that consumer-behavior education and research are now more essential than ever, providing a rationale for the reinstallation of PSY 377 and establishment of a consumer-behavior research institute. The institute is especially the most comprehensive, ultimate solution, with immense benefits to students, faculty and professionals in a wide range of disciplines, Syracuse University, the Newhouse School, and their communities. Significant, relevant, high-quality research could be carried out with multidisciplinary input, for real-world clients, with a mission to advance consumer-behavior knowledge in ways meaningful to marketers, inspiring to academics, and in the best interest of consumers. Pursuing the establishment of a consumer-behavior research institute could be, in the end, an extraordinary and meaningful endeavor for Syracuse University