164 research outputs found

    Breaking the Legend: Maxmin Fairness notion is no longer effective

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    In this paper we analytically propose an alternative approach to achieve better fairness in scheduling mechanisms which could provide better quality of service particularly for real time application. Our proposal oppose the allocation of the bandwidth which adopted by all previous scheduling mechanism. It rather adopt the opposition approach be proposing the notion of Maxmin-charge which fairly distribute the congestion. Furthermore, analytical proposition of novel mechanism named as Just Queueing is been demonstrated.Comment: 8 Page

    Elastic Multi-resource Network Slicing: Can Protection Lead to Improved Performance?

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    In order to meet the performance/privacy requirements of future data-intensive mobile applications, e.g., self-driving cars, mobile data analytics, and AR/VR, service providers are expected to draw on shared storage/computation/connectivity resources at the network "edge". To be cost-effective, a key functional requirement for such infrastructure is enabling the sharing of heterogeneous resources amongst tenants/service providers supporting spatially varying and dynamic user demands. This paper proposes a resource allocation criterion, namely, Share Constrained Slicing (SCS), for slices allocated predefined shares of the network's resources, which extends the traditional alpha-fairness criterion, by striking a balance among inter- and intra-slice fairness vs. overall efficiency. We show that SCS has several desirable properties including slice-level protection, envyfreeness, and load driven elasticity. In practice, mobile users' dynamics could make the cost of implementing SCS high, so we discuss the feasibility of using a simpler (dynamically) weighted max-min as a surrogate resource allocation scheme. For a setting with stochastic loads and elastic user requirements, we establish a sufficient condition for the stability of the associated coupled network system. Finally, and perhaps surprisingly, we show via extensive simulations that while SCS (and/or the surrogate weighted max-min allocation) provides inter-slice protection, they can achieve improved job delay and/or perceived throughput, as compared to other weighted max-min based allocation schemes whose intra-slice weight allocation is not share-constrained, e.g., traditional max-min or discriminatory processor sharing

    Just queueing (JQ): Scheduling algorithm for the internet

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    Fairness in packets scheduling in routers is a fundamental objective for designing a scheduler. The magnificent WFQ, which approximate GPS to a distinctive level of accuracy, attempts to allocate the bandwidth fairly among the flows according to Maxmin principle and to source-destination fashion. Nevertheless,referring to Rawls’ method for theory of justice, “rank alternatives to the worst possible outcome”, could be inferred as the distribution of the congestion, in case of its incidence, rather than the fairness. This article reveals the discussion in displacing scholars’ attention from bandwidth allocation to distribution of the congestion or the charge. It introduces the conceptual framework of just queuing (JQ) principle

    An Appropriate Parameterized Utility Technique On Heterogeneous Server Dependencies

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    A new server-based approach incorporated in Heterogeneous Servers. Current cloudinfrastructures are mostly homogeneous composed of a large number of machines of the same type – centrally managed and made available to the end user.In a cloud computing pattern, multiple resources types were utilizing. Users may have diverse resource needs. Furthermore, diversity in server properties/capabilities may mean that only a subset of servers may be usable by a given user. In platforms with such heterogeneity, we identify important limitations in existing multi-resource fair allocation mechanisms, notably Dominant Resource Fairness and its follow-up work. To overcome such limitations, we propose a new server-based approach; each server allocates resources by maximizing a per-server utility function. We propose a specific class of utility functions which, when appropriately parameterized, adjusts the trade-off between efficiency and fairness, and captures a variety of fairness measures. We establish conditions for the proposed mechanism to satisfy certain properties that are generally deemed desirable, e.g., envy-freeness, sharing incentive, bottleneck fairness, and Pareto optimality. To implement resource parameterized mechanism, we develop an iterative algorithm which is shown to be globally convergent on Heterogeneous server dependencies

    Quality-driven resource utilization methods for video streaming in wireless communication networks

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    This research is focused on the optimisation of resource utilisation in wireless mobile networks with the consideration of the users’ experienced quality of video streaming services. The study specifically considers the new generation of mobile communication networks, i.e. 4G-LTE, as the main research context. The background study provides an overview of the main properties of the relevant technologies investigated. These include video streaming protocols and networks, video service quality assessment methods, the infrastructure and related functionalities of LTE, and resource allocation algorithms in mobile communication systems. A mathematical model based on an objective and no-reference quality assessment metric for video streaming, namely Pause Intensity, is developed in this work for the evaluation of the continuity of streaming services. The analytical model is verified by extensive simulation and subjective testing on the joint impairment effects of the pause duration and pause frequency. Various types of the video contents and different levels of the impairments have been used in the process of validation tests. It has been shown that Pause Intensity is closely correlated with the subjective quality measurement in terms of the Mean Opinion Score and this correlation property is content independent. Based on the Pause Intensity metric, an optimised resource allocation approach is proposed for the given user requirements, communication system specifications and network performances. This approach concerns both system efficiency and fairness when establishing appropriate resource allocation algorithms, together with the consideration of the correlation between the required and allocated data rates per user. Pause Intensity plays a key role here, representing the required level of Quality of Experience (QoE) to ensure the best balance between system efficiency and fairness. The 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system is used as the main application environment where the proposed research framework is examined and the results are compared with existing scheduling methods on the achievable fairness, efficiency and correlation. Adaptive video streaming technologies are also investigated and combined with our initiatives on determining the distribution of QoE performance across the network. The resulting scheduling process is controlled through the prioritization of users by considering their perceived quality for the services received. Meanwhile, a trade-off between fairness and efficiency is maintained through an online adjustment of the scheduler’s parameters. Furthermore, Pause Intensity is applied to act as a regulator to realise the rate adaptation function during the end user’s playback of the adaptive streaming service. The adaptive rates under various channel conditions and the shape of the QoE distribution amongst the users for different scheduling policies have been demonstrated in the context of LTE. Finally, the work for interworking between mobile communication system at the macro-cell level and the different deployments of WiFi technologies throughout the macro-cell is presented. A QoEdriven approach is proposed to analyse the offloading mechanism of the user’s data (e.g. video traffic) while the new rate distribution algorithm reshapes the network capacity across the macrocell. The scheduling policy derived is used to regulate the performance of the resource allocation across the fair-efficient spectrum. The associated offloading mechanism can properly control the number of the users within the coverages of the macro-cell base station and each of the WiFi access points involved. The performance of the non-seamless and user-controlled mobile traffic offloading (through the mobile WiFi devices) has been evaluated and compared with that of the standard operator-controlled WiFi hotspots

    Energy-aware scheduling in distributed computing systems

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    Distributed computing systems, such as data centers, are key for supporting modern computing demands. However, the energy consumption of data centers has become a major concern over the last decade. Worldwide energy consumption in 2012 was estimated to be around 270 TWh, and grim forecasts predict it will quadruple by 2030. Maximizing energy efficiency while also maximizing computing efficiency is a major challenge for modern data centers. This work addresses this challenge by scheduling the operation of modern data centers, considering a multi-objective approach for simultaneously optimizing both efficiency objectives. Multiple data center scenarios are studied, such as scheduling a single data center and scheduling a federation of several geographically-distributed data centers. Mathematical models are formulated for each scenario, considering the modeling of their most relevant components such as computing resources, computing workload, cooling system, networking, and green energy generators, among others. A set of accurate heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms are designed for addressing the scheduling problem. These scheduling algorithms are comprehensively studied, and compared with each other, using statistical tools to evaluate their efficacy when addressing realistic workloads and scenarios. Experimental results show the designed scheduling algorithms are able to significantly increase the energy efficiency of data centers when compared to traditional scheduling methods, while providing a diverse set of trade-off solutions regarding the computing efficiency of the data center. These results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic approaches for data center infrastructures.Los sistemas informáticos distribuidos, como los centros de datos, son clave para satisfacer la demanda informática moderna. Sin embargo, su consumo de energético se ha convertido en una gran preocupación. Se estima que mundialmente su consumo energético rondó los 270 TWh en el año 2012, y algunos prevén que este consumo se cuadruplicará para el año 2030. Maximizar simultáneamente la eficiencia energética y computacional de los centros de datos es un desafío crítico. Esta tesis aborda dicho desafío mediante la planificación de la operativa del centro de datos considerando un enfoque multiobjetivo para optimizar simultáneamente ambos objetivos de eficiencia. En esta tesis se estudian múltiples variantes del problema, desde la planificación de un único centro de datos hasta la de una federación de múltiples centros de datos geográficmentea distribuidos. Para esto, se formulan modelos matemáticos para cada variante del problema, modelado sus componentes más relevantes, como: recursos computacionales, carga de trabajo, refrigeración, redes, energía verde, etc. Para resolver el problema de planificación planteado, se diseñan un conjunto de algoritmos heurísticos y metaheurísticos. Estos son estudiados exhaustivamente y su eficiencia es evaluada utilizando una batería de herramientas estadísticas. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los algoritmos de planificación diseñados son capaces de aumentar significativamente la eficiencia energética de un centros de datos en comparación con métodos tradicionales planificación. A su vez, los métodos propuestos proporcionan un conjunto diverso de soluciones con diferente nivel de compromiso respecto a la eficiencia computacional del centro de datos. Estos resultados confirman la eficacia del enfoque algorítmico propuesto