14 research outputs found

    On the integration of application level and resource level QoS control for real-time applications

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    We consider a dynamic set of soft real-time applications using a set of shared resources. Each application can execute in different modes, each one associated with a level of Quality of Service (QoS). Resources, in their turn, have different modes, each one with a speed and a power consumption, and are managed by a Reservation Based scheduler enabling a dynamic allocation of the fraction of resources (bandwidth) assigned to each application. To cope with dynamic changes of the application, we advocate an adaptive resource allocation policy organised in two nested feedback loops. The internal loop operates on the scheduling parameter to obtain a resource allocation that meets the temporal constraints of the applications. The external loop operates on the QoS level of the applications and on the power level of the resources to strike a good trade-off between the global QoS and the energy consumption. This loop comes into play whenever the workload of the application exceeds the bounds that permit the internal loop to operate correctly, or whenever it decreases below a level that permit more aggressive choices for the QoS or substantial energy saving

    Flow Time Minimization under Energy Constraints

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    Exploitation de la variabilité des tâches pour minimiser la consommation d'énergie sous des contraintes temps-réels

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    This paper proposes a Markov Decision Process (MDP) approach to compute the optimal on-line speed scaling policy that minimizes the energy consumption of a single processor executing a finite or infinite set of jobs with real-time constraints, in the non-clairvoyant case,i.e., when the actual execution time of the jobs is unknown when they are released. In real life applications, it is common at release time to know only the Worst-Case Execution Time of a job, and the actual execution time of this job is only discovered when it finishes. Choosing the processor speed purely in function of the Worst-Case Execution Time is sub-optimal. When the probability distribution of the actual execution time is known, it is possible to exploit this knowledge to choose a lower processor speed so as to minimize the expected energy consumption (while still guaranteeing that all jobs meet their deadline). Our MDP solution solves this problem optimally with discrete processor speeds. Compared with approaches from the literature, the gain offered by the new policy ranges from a few percent when the variability of job characteristics is small, tomore than 50%when the job execution time distributions are far from their worst case

    On the integration of application level and resource level QoS control for realtime applications

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    Abstract We consider a dynamic set of soft real-time applications using a set of shared resources. Each application can execute in different modes, each one associated with a level of Quality of Service (QoS). Resources, in their turn, have different modes, each one with a speed and a power consumption, and are managed by a Reservation Based scheduler enabling a dynamic allocation of the fraction of resources (bandwidth) assigned to each application. To cope with dynamic changes of the application, we advocate an adaptive resource allocation policy organised in two nested feedback loops. The internal loop operates on the scheduling parameter to obtain a resource allocation that meets the temporal constraints of the applications. The external loop operates on the QoS level of the applications and on the power level of the resources to strike a good trade-off between the global QoS and the energy consumption. This loop comes into play whenever the workload of the application exceeds the bounds that permit the internal loop to operate correctly, or whenever it decreases below a level that permit more aggressive choices for the QoS or substantial energy saving


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    Energy consumption is increasingly affecting battery life and cooling for real- time systems. Dynamic Voltage and frequency Scaling (DVS) has been shown to substantially reduce the energy consumption of uniprocessor real-time systems. It is worthwhile to extend the efficient DVS scheduling algorithms to distributed system with dependent tasks. The dissertation describes how to extend several effective uniprocessor DVS schedul- ing algorithms to distributed system with dependent task set. Task assignment and deadline assignment heuristics are proposed and compared with existing heuristics concerning energy-conserving performance. An admission test and a deadline com- putation algorithm are presented in the dissertation for dynamic task set to accept the arriving task in a DVS scheduled real-time system. Simulations show that an effective distributed DVS scheduling is capable of saving as much as 89% of energy that would be consumed without using DVS scheduling. It is also shown that task assignment and deadline assignment affect the energy- conserving performance of DVS scheduling algorithms. For some aggressive DVS scheduling algorithms, however, the effect of task assignment is negligible. The ad- mission test accept over 80% of tasks that can be accepted by a non-DVS scheduler to a DVS scheduled real-time system

    Abordagens para reconfiguração de sistemas de tempo real com QoS e restrições de energia e temperatura

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.Esta tese propõe uma infraestrutura para alocação dinâmica de recursos do processador em sistemas de tempo real com tarefas multi-modais ou não, sob restrições de escalonabilidade, consumo de energia e temperatura. Tal infraestrutura pode ser usada para sistemas de tempo real crítico, não crítico e sistemas embarcados que necessitam de garantia de economia de energia. A alocação dinâmica é modelada como um problema de otimização discreto e contínuo (convexos e lineares po rparte) para os quais foram analisados algoritmos eficientes para resolução do problema.Embora o problema discreto formulado seja NP-Difícil, os outros possuem soluções eficientes conhecidas e as análises numéricas e simulações mostraram que os modelos usados alcançam bons resultados, com baixo custo computacional.Abstract : This thesis proposes a framework for dynamic reconfiguration, value-based processor resource allocation in multi-modal or not real-time applications, under schedulability, energy consumption and temperature constraints. The framework is suitable for critical and soft real-time adaptive embedded systems which need guarantees of energy savings. The dynamic allocation is formulated as a discrete and continuous (convex and piecewise linear) optimization problem for which efficients algorithms were tested. Although the discrete problem is NP-Hard, the others have efficient solution and numerical analysis and simulations have shown that the used algorithms and models achieves very good results, with low computational cost