384 research outputs found

    Nearly-optimal scheduling of users with Markovian time-varying transmission rates

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    We address the problem of developing a well-performing and implementable scheduler of users with wireless connections to the central controller, which arise in areas such as mobile data networks, heterogeneous networks, or vehicular communications systems. The main feature of such systems is that the connection quality of each user is time-varying, resulting in time-varying transmission rate corresponding to available channel states. We assume that this evolution is Markovian, relaxing the common but unrealistic assumption of stationary channels. We first focus on the three-state channel and study the optimal policy, showing that threshold policies (of giving higher priority to users with higher transmission rate) are not necessarily optimal. For the general channel we design a scheduler which generalizes the recently proposed Potential Improvement (PI) scheduler, and propose its two practical approximations, whose performance is analyzed and compared to existing alternative schedulers in a variety of simulation scenarios. We suggest and give evidence that the variant of PI which only relies on the steady-state distribution of the channel, performs extremely well, and therefore should be used for practical implementation

    Scheduling of users with Markovian time-varying transmission rates

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    We address the problem of developing a well-performing and implementable scheduler of users with wireless connection to the base station. The main feature of such real-life systems is that the quality conditions of the user channels are time-varying, which turn into the time-varying transmission rate due to different modulation and coding schemes. We assume that this phenomenon follows a Markovian law and most of the discussion is dedicated to the case of three quality conditions of each user, for which we characterize an optimal index policy and show that threshold policies (of giving higher priority to users with higher transmission rate) are not necessarily optimal. For the general case of arbitrary number of quality conditions we design a scheduler and propose its two practical approximations, and illustrate the performance of the proposed index-based schedulers and existing alternatives in a variety of simulation scenarios

    Tidal range technologies and state of the art in review

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    Tidal range technology has seen much development and interest in recent years. The times when a barrage scheme would be rejected due to environmental and cost concerns is coming to an end. A large variety of new lower cost and less invasive methods have since emerged in the forms of tidal lagoons, reefs and fences. Since the construction of La Rance in 1967, advancements in turbine technologies and design has since resulted in a plethora of new, exciting turbine designs for tidal energy. A selection of new turbines with possible tidal range applications includes the modified bulb turbine with two sets of guide vanes, a counter-rotating turbine, Archimedes screw and a gyro device. However, the same design is continuously being chosen – the Kaplan bulb turbine. Through the use of a marking criterion covering key aspects that should be considered when choosing a turbine a variety of the new designs available are investigated. The key aspects researched include, environmental effects, the two-way efficiency, initial costs and maintenance costs/difficulty

    Resource allocation in wireless access network : A queueing theoretic approach

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    To meet its performance targets, the future 5G networks need to greatly optimize the Radio Access Networks (RANs), which connect the end users to the core network. In this thesis, we develop mathematical models to study three aspects of the operation of the RAN in modern wireless systems. The models are analyzed using  the techniques borrowed mainly from queueing theory and stochastic control. Also, simulations are extensively used to gain further insights. First, we provide a detailed Markov model of the random access process in LTE. From this, we observe that the bottleneck in the signaling channel causes congestion in the  access  when a large number of M2M devices attempt to enter the network. Then, in the context of the so-called Heterogeneous networks (HetNets), we suggest  dynamic load balancing schemes that alleviate this congestion and reduce the overall access delay. We then use flow-level models for elastic data traffic to study the problem of coordinating the activities of the neighboring base stations.  We seek to minimize the flow-level delay when there are various classes of users. We classify the users based on their locations, or, in dynamic TDD systems, on the direction of service the network is providing to them. Using interacting queues and different operating policies of running such queues, we study the amount of gain the dynamic policies can provide over the static probabilistic policies. Our results show that simple dynamic policies can  provide very good performance in the cases considered. Finally, we consider the problem of opportunistically scheduling the flows of users with time-varying channels  taking into account   the size of data they need to transfer. Using flow-level models in a system with homogeneous channels, we provide the optimal scheduling policy when there are  no new job arrivals. We also suggest the method to implement such a policy in a time-slotted system. With heterogeneous channels, the problem is intractable for the flow-level techniques. Therefore, we utilize the framework of the restless-multi-armed-bandit (RMAB) problems employing the so-called Whittle index approach. The Whittle index approach, by relaxing the scheduling constraints, makes the problem separable, and thereby provides an exact solution to the modified problem. Our simulations suggest that when  this solution is applied as a heuristic to the original problem, it gives good performance, even with dynamic job arrivals

    Tie-breaking can maximize fairness without sacrificing throughput in D2D-assisted networks

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    Opportunistic schedulers such as MaxRate and Proportional Fair are known for trading off between throughput and fairness of users in cellular networks. In this paper, we propose a novel solution that integrates opportunistic scheduling design principles and cooperative D2D communication capabilities in order to maximize fairness without sacrificing throughput. Specifically, we develop a mathematical approach and design a smart tie-breaking scheme which maximizes the fairness achieved by the MaxRate scheduler. However, our approach could be applied to improve fairness of any scheduler. In addition, we show that users that cooperatively form D2D clusters benefit from both higher throughput and fairness. Our scheduling scheme is simple to implement, scales linearly with the number of clusters, and is able to double the throughput of Equal Time schedulers and to outperform by 20% or more Proportional Fair schedulers, while providing a user fairness index comparable to or better than Proportional Fair

    Efficient Management of Flexible Functional Splits in 5G Second Phase Networks

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    The fifth mobile network generation (5G), which offers better data speeds, reduced latency, and a huge number of network connections, promises to improve the performance of the cellular network in practically every way available. A portion of the network operations are deployed in a centralized unit in the 5G radio access network (RAN) partially centralized design. By centralizing these functions, operational expenses are decreased and coordinating strategies are made possible. To link centralized units (CU) and distributed units (DU), and the DU to remote radio units (RRU), both the midhaul and fronthaul networks must have higher capacity. The necessary fronthaul capacity is also influenced by the fluctuating instantaneous user traffic. Consequently, the 5G RAN must be able to dynamically change its centralization level to the user traffic to maximize its performance. To try to relieve this fronthaul capacity it has been considered a more flexible distribution between the base band unit (BBU) (or CU and DU if enhanced common public radio interface (eCPRI) is considered) and the RRU. It may be challenging to provide high-speed data services in crowded areas, particularly when there is imperfect coverage or significant interference. Because of this, the macrocell deployment is insufficient. This problem for outdoor users could be resolved by the introduction of low-power nodes with a limited coverage area. In this context, this MSc dissertation explores, in an urban micro cell scenario model A (UMi_A) for three frequency bands (2.6 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 5.62 GHz), the highest data rate achievable when a numerology zero is used. For this, it was necessary the implementation of the UMi_A in the 5G-air-simulator. Allowing the determination of the saturation level using the results for the packet loss ratio (PLR=2%). By assuming Open RAN (O-RAN) and functional splitting, the performance of two schedulers in terms of quality-of-service (QoS) were also studied. The QoS-aware modified largest weighted delay first (M-LWDF) scheduler and the QoS-unaware proportional fair (PF) scheduler. PLR was evaluated for both schedulers, whilst analyzing the impact of break point distance while changing the frequency band. The costs, revenues, profit in percentage terms, and other metrics were also estimated for the PF and M-LWDF schedulers when used video (VID) and video plus best effort (VID+BE), with or without consideration of the functional splits 7.2 and 6, for the three frequency bands. One concluded that the profit in percentage terms with functional split option 7.2 applied is always slightly higher than with functional split option 6. It reaches a maximum profit of 366.92% in the case of the M-LWDF scheduler, and 305.51% in the case of the PF scheduler, at a cell radius of 0.4 km for the 2.6 GHz frequency band, considering a price of the traffic of 0.0002 €/min.A quinta geração de redes móveis (5G), oferece ritmos de transmissão melhorados, atraso extremo-a-extremo reduzido, e um vasto número de ligações de rede. A 5G promete melhorar o desempenho das redes celulares em praticamente todos os aspectos relevantes. Uma parte da operação da rede é colocada numa unidade centralizada na rede de acesso de rádio (RAN) 5G com dimensionamento parcialmente centralizado. Ao centralizar estas funções, os custos operacionais decrescem, viabilizando-se as estratégias de coordenação. Para ligar as unidades centralizadas e unidades distribuídas, e por sua vez, unidades distribuidas e unidades de rádio remotas, ambos os midhaul e fronthaul devem ter uma capacidade mais elevada. A capacidade da fronthaul necessária é também influenciada pela flutuação do tráfego instantâneo dos utilizadores. Consequentemente, a RAN 5G deve ser capaz de alterar dinamicamente o seu nível de centralização para o tráfego de utilizadores, com objetivo de maximizar o seu desempenho. Para tentar aliviar o aumento da capacidade suportada pelo fronthaul, tem sido considerada uma distribuição mais flexível entre a unidade de banda base, BBU (ou unidade central e unidade distribuída se a interface de rádio pública comum melhorada, eCPRI, for considerada), e a unidade de rádio remota, RRU. Em áreas densamente povoadas, pode ser um desafio fornecer serviços de dados de elevada velocidade, particularmente quando existe uma cobertura deficiente ou interferência significativa. Por este motivo, o desenvolvimento de macrocélulas pode ser insuficiente, mas este problema para utilizadores em ambiente de exterior pode ser mitigado com a introdução de nós de potência reduzida com uma área de cobertura limitada. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado explora, num cenário urbano de microcélulas caracterizado pelo modelo A (UMi_A) para três bandas de frequência (2.6 GHz, 3.5 GHz, e 5.62 GHz), o débito binário máximo que se pode alcançar quando se utiliza numerologia zero. Para tal, foi necessária a implementação do UMi_A no 5G - air - simulator. Determinou-se o nivel de saturação, considerandose os resultados para a taxa de perda de pacotes (PLR=2%). Estudou-se o desempenho de dois escalonadores de pacotes em termos de qualidade de serviço (QoS), assumindo-se o OpenRAN (O-RAN) e as divisões funcionais (functionalsplitting). Um dos escalonadores é ciente da QoS, e é de atraso máximo-superior ponderado primeiro (M-LWDF), enquanto que o outro não é ciente da QoS, e é de justiça proporcional (PF). Avaliou-se o PLR para ambos os escalonadores de pacotes, estudando-se o impacto da distância de ponto de quebra (breakpointdistance), variando-se a banda de frequências. Foram também estimados os custos, proveitos, o lucro (em percentagem), e outras metricas, para os escalonadores PF e M-LWDF, considerando o vídeo (VID) e vídeo mais besteffort (VID+BE) como aplicações, com ou sem a consideração das divisões funcionais 7.2 e 6, para as três bandas de frequência. Concluiu-se que o lucro em termos percentuais, com a escolha da opção de divisão funcional 7.2, é sempre ligeiramente mais elevado do que com a opção de divisão funcional 6. Atingese um lucro máximo de 366,92% no caso do escalonador M-LWDF, e de 305,51% no caso do escalonador PF, para um raio de célula de 0,4 km, para a banda de frequência de 2,6 GHz, considerando-se um preço do tráfego de 0,0002 €/min

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin