242 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Business Process Management Maturity: Comparative Analysis Inside an Organization

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    The purpose of this paper is to create and test the practical application of the business process management maturity assessment based on a case study. Maturity models are used for measuring the performance and maturity of individual functional areas or processes, as well as that of the whole organization. We propose measuring the maturity of business process management on a sample of 47 employees of one organization at two different grade levels: at the Management level and at the Professionals level. The comparative analysis of business process management maturity was performed using an ANOVA test, which allowed the evaluation of differences between the groups of respondents and using correlation matrix, which assesses the strength of the correlation between the business process maturity in the organization and six process areas (Strategy, Documentation, Optimization, Implementation, Execution, Controlling), which are constituent the maturity. The analysis of differences in the perception of business process management maturity through different employees may help better prioritize BPM development projects in an organization. The findings will be the basis for formulating recommendations for the effective raising of the business process management maturity. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    A Novel Methodology for Manufacturing Firms Value Modeling and Mapping to Improve Operational Performance in the Industry 4.0 Era

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    Abstract In recent years there has been appreciable academic activity in manufacturing value creation resulting in that the ability to create value is based on the competence to make decisions and implement strategies; even though this evidence it is still difficult to understand where the company's weak points are located so value modeling approaching is arising. In this study Authors first report a qualitative review on value creation and modeling based on the identification, selection and analysis of about 100 papers, then specify the value concept within manufacturing companies. Within this context the Authors describe a novel methodology for manufacturing value modeling from strategic level down to operational improvements. The methodology and the related mapping and analysis tools have been co-developed with Siemens MES division within Industry 4.0 context. The Manufacturing Value Modeling Methodology (MVMM) is based on 5 steps: Value Map, Maturity Model, Gap and Process Analysis, Validation and Improvement Areas Definition. Through this methodological approach, a series of structured interviews allowing to construct the value map accordingly to the current company maturity model and the relationships between the strategic objectives and operational practices, capabilities, and methods. Combining the assessments interview with the Company' resources, infrastructure and IT structures, it is possible to establish a current level of the company. The mapping step is followed by a gap and process analysis, assessing most relevant areas for the creation of value aiming at constructing an interventions roadmap, setting out priorities and activities to be improved. The selection of the improvement areas defines process initiatives, KPIs and interventions to improve business alignment. To provide a practical view of the methodology a sample of the Value Modeler tool is presented and discussed

    Bedeutung des Prozessreifegrads für die Patientenorientierung im Gesundheitswesen

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    Aim Excellent organization of the internal processes is essential for a well-functioning health care system. Particularly, the process of treatment and interaction with the patients is important because the perception of treatment and interaction has a direct relation to the patients’ satisfaction. The latter has a strong influence on the recovery of the patients. The impact of the maturity level of the treatment and interaction process on patient orientation is investigated at the example of an extensive survey of hospital managers in Ukraine. Method The analysis is based on an empirical data collection conducted with hospital managers and their deputies in a large Ukrainian city, which is acknowledged as a ‘model city’ with regard to a comprehensive health care reform in the country. By means of the Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) we have tested our hypothesis that a high level of process maturity leads to a high level of patient orientation. For this purpose, we have developed a scale for measuring the level of process maturity and have checked the method on validity and reliability. A total of 79 hospital managers and deputies, who represent all public health care facilities of the city (hospitals, primary care clinics, etc.), participated in the study. Results The study reveals a clear relationship between the level of maturity of the treatment and interaction process and the level of patient orientation of the respective health care facility. The variance, which is explained by the independent variable process maturity level, is 16.3 %. All formative dimensions have a strong significant influence on the construct “patient orientation”. Likewise the maturity level of the treatment and interaction process shows a strong significant influence on patient orientation. Conclusion For health care facilities it is of great importance to achieve a high maturity level of the treatment and interaction process to live up to the claim of being patient oriented. The maturity of the process can be tested using the questionnaire developed in the course of our study

    A process mining maturity model: Enabling organizations to assess and improve their process mining activities

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    Organizations employ process mining to discover, check, or enhance process models based on data from information systems to improve business processes. Even though process mining is increasingly relevant in academia and organizations, achieving process mining excellence and generating business value through its application is elusive. Maturity models can help to manage interdisciplinary teams in their efforts to plan, implement, and manage process mining in organizations. However, while numerous maturity models on business process management (BPM) are available, recent calls for process mining maturity models indicate a gap in the current knowledge base. We systematically design and develop a comprehensive process mining maturity model that consists of five factors comprising 23 elements, which organizations need to develop to apply process mining sustainably and successfully. We contribute to the knowledge base by the exaptation of existing BPM maturity models, and validate our model through its application to a real-world scenario

    Modelado y ejecución de procesos de negocio con conceptos de Green IT

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    La importancia del cuidado del medio ambiente es cada vez más relevante para las organizaciones y gobiernos. La gestión por procesos de las mismas se ve involucrada en este desafío y surgen nuevos indicadores dentro del ciclo de mejora continua, no solamente para optimizar la productividad sino también para considerar la sostenibilidad de las actividades. Green BPM proporciona una forma de trabajar para minimizar los impactos en el medio ambiente. En esta investigación se propone la incorporación de indicadores “verdes” durante el modelado del proceso y también durante la ejecución, registrando sus rastros, de modo de obtener trazas de ejecución que permitan una monitorización específica y enriquecida, para lograr una mejora continua de procesos de negocio “verdes”.XIII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)

    BPMS for management: a systematic literature review

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    The aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of the literature to show the state of the art of Business Processes Management Systems (BPMS). BPMS represents a technology that automates business processes connecting users with their tasks. For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last ten years was carried out, using scientific papers indexed in the main databases of the knowledge area. The papers generated by the search were later analysed and filtered. Among the findings of this study, the academic interest and the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, as this type of studies have been identified in different areas of knowledge. Our research is a starting point for future research eager to develop a more robust theory and broaden the interest of the subject due its economic impact on process management

    Modelado y ejecución de procesos de negocio con conceptos de Green IT

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    La importancia del cuidado del medio ambiente es cada vez más relevante para las organizaciones y gobiernos. La gestión por procesos de las mismas se ve involucrada en este desafío y surgen nuevos indicadores dentro del ciclo de mejora continua, no solamente para optimizar la productividad sino también para considerar la sostenibilidad de las actividades. Green BPM proporciona una forma de trabajar para minimizar los impactos en el medio ambiente. En esta investigación se propone la incorporación de indicadores “verdes” durante el modelado del proceso y también durante la ejecución, registrando sus rastros, de modo de obtener trazas de ejecución que permitan una monitorización específica y enriquecida, para lograr una mejora continua de procesos de negocio “verdes”.XIII Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)

    Penilaian Tingkat Kematangan Proses Bisnis Pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah: (Studi Kasus)

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    The readiness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to achieve competitive advantage greatly depends on the maturity level of their business processes, which ultimately affects business performance. Therefore, this study aims to assess the level of business process maturity in MSMEs. The studied MSMEs are Salakilo and Bontings, both engaged in the culinary industry. These two MSMEs are classified as superior MSMEs according to the Borneo MSME Gate and Bank Indonesia in 2021. The assessment of business process maturity is conducted using the Business Process Orientation Maturity Model (BPOMM) with four levels and nine assessment aspects. Data collection is done through the distribution of validated questionnaires by experts and MSME practitioners. The questionnaire items are tailored to the specific conditions of the studied MSMEs, making it easier for the MSME practitioners to understand each assessment indicator. The results show that there is a difference in the level of business process maturity between Salakilo and Bontings MSMEs. Salakilo MSMEs have achieved the Integrated level with a score of 6.6, while Bontings MSMEs are at the Linked level with a score of 5.8. Keywords: Maturity Model, Business Process, MSM


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    W artykule skoncentrowano się na kwestii wdrożenia koncepcji zarządzania procesami w organach administracji publicznej. Przedstawiono problematykę stosowania pojęcia w organizacjach publicznych, wynikających z bariery przy użyciu nowoczesnych koncepcji zarządzania w tym sektorze. Zaprezentowano również wybór modeli dojrzałości procesowej, w tym model zaprojektowany specjalnie do pomiaru dojrzałości procesowej organizacji publicznych, a więc modelu, który bierze pod uwagę specyficzne i złożone warunki ich funkcjonowania.The article concentrates on issues of implementing the process management concept in public administration bodies. It presents the problems of applying the concept in public organisations, deriving from the barriers of using modern management concepts in that sector. Also, a selection of process maturity models is presented, including the model designed especially to measure the process maturity of public organisations, so the model that take into account the specific and complex conditions of their functioning

    The process capability model for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court system

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    The capability level assesment for governance of the Election Organizer Ethics Court Information System [SIPEPP] is necessary to ensure strategic planning allignment, value delivery, risk management, resources management and performance measurement. SIPEPP implementation has special problems in optimizing human resources and weak supervision management, so it is important to asess capability levels to provide solutions to these problems. The purpose of this paper is to assess the current and expected capability level conditions, gap analysis and recommendations for SIPEPP good governance. This research method uses the Process Assessment Model (PAM) from Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT 5) which consists of stages of initiation, planning the assessment, briefing, data collection, data validation, process attribute level, and result and recommendation. The results of this study indicate the level of optimization of resources and performance monitoring processes are level 2 (Managed Process) which means that the process has been recorded, measured and in accordance with the objectives. The process of managing human resources, assets and operations are at level 1 (Performed Process), meaning that both processes have been applied to SIPEPP governance. Recommendations related human resources are the selection of appropriate human resources by involving management, while related assets require a priority list of implementation systems, and related supervision requires detailed monitoring schedules. This study result can be taken into consideration for improving good governance of SIPEPP implementation