5 research outputs found

    Influential Factors for Hospital Management Maturity Models in a post-Covid-19 scenario - Systematic Literature Review

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    The importance of Maturity Models in the health area was proven to support, monitor and direct health organizations to better plan and execute to their investments and developments. In this work, two reviews of the literature were collected: one of them focuses on identifying the main maturity models developed in the health area, the similarities, and gaps between them, identifying which are the Influencing Factors and, the other one, is to identify the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a pandemic scenario, the health sectors demonstrated the importance of the resilience, in which health systems had to adapt abruptly, considering physical structures; professional management; patient safety; supply chain and; technologies. Technologies, played an essential role to mitigating the pressure that health systems faced due to the increase in health costs, growth of chronic diseases, population aging, population’s expectation for more personalized health and, added to that, the confrontation of Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we identified the lack of maturity models that address the adversities that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in health systems for better hospital management and avoid the pressure to which they could be subjected again.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mejora de la atención al paciente en el área de emergencia para reducir los tiempos de atención en un hospital tipo II-1 aplicando la metodología Lean Healthcare y Collective System Design

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional aborda los principales problemas que se generan en el proceso de atención al paciente en el área de emergencias de un hospital público tipo II-1. Se detalla el desarrollo del modelo de gestión para mejorar la atención al paciente, el cual muestra el uso de la metodología Lean Healthcare para la eliminación de desperdicios en el sector sanitario y la aplicación de la metodología de Collective System Design que busca cumplir con las expectativas y necesidades de los clientes.  El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de la mejora de procesos, implementación de diagramas de flujo así como capacitaciones al personal médico y digitalización de las historias clínicas. La estructura del proyecto consta de cuatro capítulos, referencias y anexos. El primer capítulo, de la definición del proyecto; mientras que en el segundo capítulo detalla el marco teórico de ambas metodologías. El tercer capítulo detalla el desarrollo del proyecto, tanto el diseño de la solución como la validación e interpretación de los resultados. El capítulo cuatro contiene las conclusiones y recomendaciones del proyecto.The present work on professional sufficiency addresses the main problems that arise in the patient care process in the emergency area of a type II-1 public hospital. The development of the management model to improve patient care is detailed, which shows the use of the Lean Healthcare methodology for the elimination of waste in the healthcare sector and the application of the Collective System Design methodology that seeks to meet expectations. . and customer needs. This work shows the results of process improvement, implementation of flow charts as well as training for medical personnel and digitization of medical records. The structure of the project consists of four chapters, references and annexes. The first chapter, the definition of the project; while in the second chapter it details the theoretical framework of both methodologies. The third chapter details the development of the project, both the design of the solution and the validation and interpretation of the results. The fourth chapter contains the conclusions and recommendations of the project. al personal médico y digitalización de las historias clínicas.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    A Business Intelligence Maturity Model in Healthcare Based on the Combination of Delphi and DEMATEL-ANP Methods

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    The maturity of business intelligence, which is the main goal of this research, plays an important role in intelligent decision-making, planning, control and monitoring in the field of health care. In order to identify the effective factors, the Delphi method was used and experts' opinions were, and in order to determine the effectiveness and effectiveness of the indicators and finally to prioritize them, used the DANP method. The statistical sample includes 20 targeted academic experts and health care experts. According to the results of the Delphi section, 26 main indicators finalized in the research were identified, which are divided into three main categories including organizational, process and judgment criteria. According to the results of the DANP process, flexible and expandable technical infrastructure criteria, data and system quality and the correct definition of business intelligence problems and processes were prioritized as the three criteria with the highest ranking in the maturity of business intelligence. The business intelligence maturity model proposed by the research can be a road map for the successful implementation of business intelligence in the field of health care

    Human-Machine Collaboration in Healthcare Innovation

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    Almost every individual has visited a healthcare institute, whether for an annual checkup, surgery, or a nursing home. Ensuring healthcare institutes are using human-machine collaboration systems correctly can improve daily operations. A maturity assessment and an implementation plan have been developed to help healthcare institutes monitor the human-machine collaboration systems. A maturity model, the Smart Maturity Model for Health Care (SMMHC), is a tool designed for maturity assessment. A four-step implementation plan was also created in this research. The implementation plan views the maturity of the institute and develops a strategy on how to improve it. The research utilized Integrated Definition (IDEF), Zachman Framework, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) analysis, surveys, and Systematic Design to design the SMMHC. Use cases and case studies were utilized to create the implementation plan. One use case and two case studies were conducted to validate and verify the SMMHC and the four-step implementation plan. The use case illustrated a hypothetical situation using the SMMHC and helped develop the implementation plan. The two case studies show how hospitals can utilize the SMMHC and the implementation plan. The first case study completed at Henry Ford Hospital (HFH) Detroit campus shows that the hospital is only operating at the third maturity level. The second case study shows that Erie Shores Hospital (ESH) only works at the first maturity level. Implementation strategies were given to the two hospitals in the case study on how to improve. This research shows how healthcare institutes can utilize these tools to improve operations and become more efficient with human-machine collaboration systems

    La gestión de riesgos de TI y su relación con la seguridad de la información en los procesos de gestión de historias clínicas en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud en la región Lambayeque

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    La seguridad de la información se ha convertido en un contenido importante en distintas áreas, como la medicina, pues resulta indispensable dar un tratamiento oportuno y preventivo a los problemas relacionados, para garantizar que los pilares de la información se cumplan a través de la gestión de riesgos de TI en las IPRESS. Es por ello por lo que se ha desarrollado un modelo de gestión de riesgos como soporte a la seguridad de la información que ayude a prevenir los problemas en la gestión de historias clínicas en las instituciones de salud en la región Lambayeque, realizando una investigación de tipo cualitativa, relacional, no-experimental, deductiva, aplicada y transversal, apoyados en instrumentos de recopilación de información como la revisión documentaria, encuesta y entrevista. Gracias a ello se ha obtenido como resultado el análisis de las normativas vigentes relacionadas a la gestión de historias clínicas en el Perú, la identificación de los principales procesos relacionados con la gestión de historias clínicas, un diagnóstico situacional de la seguridad de la información en la gestión de historias clínicas en las principales IPRESS de la región y un modelo propuesto de gestión de riesgos de TI para prevenir los problemas de seguridad de la información en la gestión de historias clínicas en las instituciones de salud de la región Lambayeque validado por juicio de expertos