310,474 research outputs found

    A robot vision system for determining 3-D coordinates of object points

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    A stereo disparity algorithm is implemented on an industrial robot vision system. One camera manipulated by an industrial robot is used to obtain stereo images of an object. After a pair of stereo images are processed, the points of interest are selected from each image. The similarities of three types of feature characters are used to assign initial weights of the, matching probabilities to a set of point candidates. Then a relaxation method, which is based on probabilities of local connectivity, similarity of feature characters, and smoothness of matching, is used iteratively to improve the initial probabilities of image matching. The positions of object points are determined by image disparities based on a triangulation method. Experiments performed on an AdeptOne Robot with based vision system show that the algorithm works well

    A stable graph-based representation for object recognition through high-order matching

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    Many Object recognition techniques perform some flavour of point pattern matching between a model and a scene. Such points are usually selected through a feature detection algorithm that is robust to a class of image transformations and a suitable descriptor is computed over them in order to get a reliable matching. Moreover, some approaches take an additional step by casting the correspondence problem into a matching between graphs defined over feature points. The motivation is that the relational model would add more discriminative power, however the overall effectiveness strongly depends on the ability to build a graph that is stable with respect to both changes in the object appearance and spatial distribution of interest points. In fact, widely used graph-based representations, have shown to suffer some limitations, especially with respect to changes in the Euclidean organization of the feature points. In this paper we introduce a technique to build relational structures over corner points that does not depend on the spatial distribution of the features

    Comparing feature matching for object categorization in video surveillance

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    In this paper we consider an object categorization system using local HMAX features. Two feature matching techniques are compared: the MAX technique, originally proposed in the HMAX framework, and the histogram technique originating from Bag-of-Words literature. We have found that each of these techniques have their own field of operation. The histogram technique clearly outperforms the MAX technique with 5-15% for small dictionaries up to 500-1,000 features, favoring this technique for embedded (surveillance) applications. Additionally, we have evaluated the influence of interest point operators in the system. A first experiment analyzes the effect of dictionary creation and has showed that random dictionaries outperform dictionaries created from Hessian-Laplace points. Secondly, the effect of operators in the dictionary matching stage has been evaluated. Processing all image points outperforms the point selection from the Hessian-Laplace operator

    Shape Recognition: A Landmark-Based Approach

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    Shape recognition has applications in computer vision tasks such as industrial automated inspection and automatic target recognition. When objects are occluded, many recognition methods that use global information will fail. To recognize partially occluded objects, we represent each object by a Set of landmarks. The landmarks of an object are points of interest which have important shape attributes and are usually obtained from the object boundary. In this study, we use high curvature points along an object boundary as the landmarks of the object. Given a scene consisting of partially occluded objects, the hypothesis of a model object in the scene is verified by matching the landmarks of an object with those in the scene. A measure of similarity between two landmarks, one from a model and the other from a scene, is needed to perform this matching. One such local shape measure is the sphericity of a triangular transformation mapping the model landmark and its two neighboring landmarks to the scene landmark and its two neighboring landmarks. Sphericity is in general defined for a diffeomorphism. Its invariant properties under a group of transformation, namely, translation, rotation, and scaling are derived. The sphericity of a triangular transformation is shown to be a robust local shape measure in the sense that minor distortion in the landmarks does not significantly alter its value. To match landmarks between a model and a scene, a table of compatibility, where each entry of the table is the sphericity value derived from the mapping of a model landmark to a scene landmark, is constructed. A hopping dynamic programming procedure which switches between a forward and a backward dynamic programming procedure is applied to guide the landmark matching through the compatibility table. The location of the model in the scene is estimated with a least squares fit among the matched landmarks. A heuristic measure is then computed to decide if the model is in the scene

    Location of planar targets in three space from monocular images

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    Many pieces of existing and proposed space hardware that would be targets of interest for a telerobot can be represented as planar or near-planar surfaces. Examples include the biostack modules on the Long Duration Exposure Facility, the panels on Solar Max, large diameter struts, and refueling receptacles. Robust and temporally efficient methods for locating such objects with sufficient accuracy are therefore worth developing. Two techniques that derive the orientation and location of an object from its monocular image are discussed and the results of experiments performed to determine translational and rotational accuracy are presented. Both the quadrangle projection and elastic matching techniques extract three-space information using a minimum of four identifiable target points and the principles of the perspective transformation. The selected points must describe a convex polygon whose geometric characteristics are prespecified in a data base. The rotational and translational accuracy of both techniques was tested at various ranges. This experiment is representative of the sensing requirements involved in a typical telerobot target acquisition task. Both techniques determined target location to an accuracy sufficient for consistent and efficient acquisition by the telerobot

    Shape-Based Matching: Application of Edge Detection using Harris Point

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    This paper presents a sequence of object recognition algorithm using shape-based matching that mainly focused on image recognition, image segmentation, and flexible Region of Interest. The image of pyramid is used as a medium to locate each corner of the object and specified the location in details. First, the image reference is used as a training image and the template is created. Then, the process image will be compared with the reference image by using template matching to calculate the score of the successful matching. Each correspond image will be rotated around 60 degree to see whether the system able to recognize the object. All score for matching are recorded. After that, Harris point generates the specific corner of the pyramid and the location of each point is located and clarified with number starting from one. Distance between one point to another is calculated using mathematics’ equation to generate a new point between those points. The location of all generate points are displayed using Graphical User Interface (GUI). This method is proposed to develop an additional new system of the glue process in automation industry that provides input data from vision sensor to reduce possibilities of failure

    Comparison of Natural Feature Descriptors for Rigid-Object Tracking for Real-Time Augmented Reality

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    This paper presents a comparison of natural feature descrip- tors for rigid object tracking for augmented reality (AR) applica- tions. AR relies on object tracking in order to identify a physical object and to superimpose virtual object on an object. Natu- ral feature tracking (NFT) is one approach for computer vision- based object tracking. NFT utilizes interest points of a physcial object, represents them as descriptors, and matches the descrip- tors against reference descriptors in order to identify a phsical object to track. In this research, we investigate four different nat- ural feature descriptors (SIFT, SURF, FREAK, ORB) and their capability to track rigid objects. Rigid objects need robust de- scriptors since they need to describe the objects in a 3D space. AR applications are also real-time application, thus, fast feature matching is mandatory. FREAK and ORB are binary descriptors, which promise a higher performance in comparison to SIFT and SURF. We deployed a test in which we match feature descriptors to artificial rigid objects. The results indicate that the SIFT de- scriptor is the most promising solution in our addressed domain, AR-based assembly training

    Image understanding and feature extraction for applications in industry and mapping

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    Bibliography: p. 212-220.The aim of digital photogrammetry is the automated extraction and classification of the three dimensional information of a scene from a number of images. Existing photogrammetric systems are semi-automatic requiring manual editing and control, and have very limited domains of application so that image understanding capabilities are left to the user. Among the most important steps in a fully integrated system are the extraction of features suitable for matching, the establishment of the correspondence between matching points and object classification. The following study attempts to explore the applicability of pattern recognition concepts in conjunction with existing area-based methods, feature-based techniques and other approaches used in computer vision in order to increase the level of automation and as a general alternative and addition to existing methods. As an illustration of the pattern recognition approach examples of industrial applications are given. The underlying method is then extended to the identification of objects in aerial images of urban scenes and to the location of targets in close-range photogrammetric applications. Various moment-based techniques are considered as pattern classifiers including geometric invariant moments, Legendre moments, Zernike moments and pseudo-Zernike moments. Two-dimensional Fourier transforms are also considered as pattern classifiers. The suitability of these techniques is assessed. These are then applied as object locators and as feature extractors or interest operators. Additionally the use of fractal dimension to segment natural scenes for regional classification in order to limit the search space for particular objects is considered. The pattern recognition techniques require considerable preprocessing of images. The various image processing techniques required are explained where needed. Extracted feature points are matched using relaxation based techniques in conjunction with area-based methods to 'obtain subpixel accuracy. A subpixel pattern recognition based method is also proposed and an investigation into improved area-based subpixel matching methods is undertaken. An algorithm for determining relative orientation parameters incorporating the epipolar line constraint is investigated and compared with a standard relative orientation algorithm. In conclusion a basic system that can be automated based on some novel techniques in conjunction with existing methods is described and implemented in a mapping application. This system could be largely automated with suitably powerful computers

    The application of range imaging for improved local feature representations

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the integration of information extracted from co-aligned range and intensity images to achieve pose invariant object recognition. Local feature matching is a fundamental technique in image analysis that underpins many computer vision-based applications; the approach comprises identifying a collection of interest points in an image, characterising the local image region surrounding the interest point by means of a descriptor, and matching these descriptors between example images. Such local feature descriptors are formed from a measure of the local image statistics in the region surrounding the interest point. The interest point locations and the means of measuring local image statistics should be chosen such that resultant descriptor remains stable across a range of common image transformations. Recently the availability of low cost, high quality range imaging devices has motivated an interest in local feature extraction from range images. It has been widely assumed in the vision community that the range imaging domain has properties which remain quasi-invariant through a wide range of changes in illumination and pose. Accordingly, it has been suggested that local feature extraction in the range domain should allow the calculation of local feature descriptors that are potentially more robust than those calculated from the intensity imaging domain alone. However, range images represent differing characteristics from those represented within intensity images which are frequently used, independently from range images, to create robust local features. Therefore, this work attempts to establish the best means of combining information from these two imaging modalities to further increase the reliability of matching local features. Local feature extraction comprises a series of processes applied to an image location such that a collection of repeatable descriptors can be established. By using co-aligned range and intensity images this work investigates the choice of modality and method for each step in the extraction process as an approach to optimising the resulting descriptor. Additionally, multimodal features are formed by combining information from both domains in a single stage in the extraction process. To further improve the quality of feature descriptors, a calculation of the surface normals and a use of the 3D structure from the range image are applied to correct the 3D appearance of a local sample patch, thereby increasing the similarity between observations. The matching performance of local features is evaluated using an experimental setup comprising a turntable and stereo pair of cameras. This experimental setup is used to create a database of intensity and range images for 5 objects imaged at 72 calibrated viewpoints, creating a database of 360 object observations. The use of a calibrated turntable in combination with the 3D object surface coordiantes, supplied by the range image allow location correspondences between object observations to be established; and therefore descriptor matches to be labelled as either true positive or false positive. Applying this methodology to the formulated local features show that two approaches demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, with a ~40% increase in area under ROC curve at a False Positive Rate of 10% when compared with standard SIFT. These approaches are range affine corrected intensity SIFT and element corrected surface gradients SIFT. Furthermore,this work uses the 3D structure encoded in the range image to organise collections of interest points from a series of observations into a collection of canonical views in a new model local feature. The canonical views for a interest point are stored in a view compartmentalised structure which allows the appearance of a local interest point to be characterised across the view sphere. Each canonical view is assigned a confidence measure based on the 3D pose of the interest point at observation, this confidence measure is then used to match similar canonical views of model and query interest points thereby achieving a pose invariant interest point description. This approach does not produce a statistically significant performance increase. However, does contribute a validated methodology for combining multiple descriptors with differing confidence weightings into a single keypoint
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