298,319 research outputs found

    SHREC'16: partial matching of deformable shapes

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    Matching deformable 3D shapes under partiality transformations is a challenging problem that has received limited focus in the computer vision and graphics communities. With this benchmark, we explore and thoroughly investigate the robustness of existing matching methods in this challenging task. Participants are asked to provide a point-to-point correspondence (either sparse or dense) between deformable shapes undergoing different kinds of partiality transformations, resulting in a total of 400 matching problems to be solved for each method - making this benchmark the biggest and most challenging of its kind. Five matching algorithms were evaluated in the contest; this paper presents the details of the dataset, the adopted evaluation measures, and shows thorough comparisons among all competing methods

    Deformable Prototypes for Encoding Shape Categories in Image Databases

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    We describe a method for shape-based image database search that uses deformable prototypes to represent categories. Rather than directly comparing a candidate shape with all shape entries in the database, shapes are compared in terms of the types of nonrigid deformations (differences) that relate them to a small subset of representative prototypes. To solve the shape correspondence and alignment problem, we employ the technique of modal matching, an information-preserving shape decomposition for matching, describing, and comparing shapes despite sensor variations and nonrigid deformations. In modal matching, shape is decomposed into an ordered basis of orthogonal principal components. We demonstrate the utility of this approach for shape comparison in 2-D image databases.Office of Naval Research (Young Investigator Award N00014-06-1-0661

    On Nonrigid Shape Similarity and Correspondence

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    An important operation in geometry processing is finding the correspondences between pairs of shapes. The Gromov-Hausdorff distance, a measure of dissimilarity between metric spaces, has been found to be highly useful for nonrigid shape comparison. Here, we explore the applicability of related shape similarity measures to the problem of shape correspondence, adopting spectral type distances. We propose to evaluate the spectral kernel distance, the spectral embedding distance and the novel spectral quasi-conformal distance, comparing the manifolds from different viewpoints. By matching the shapes in the spectral domain, important attributes of surface structure are being aligned. For the purpose of testing our ideas, we introduce a fully automatic framework for finding intrinsic correspondence between two shapes. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on the Princeton isometric shape matching protocol applied, as usual, to the TOSCA and SCAPE benchmarks

    Regularized pointwise map recovery from functional correspondence

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    The concept of using functional maps for representing dense correspondences between deformable shapes has proven to be extremely effective in many applications. However, despite the impact of this framework, the problem of recovering the point-to-point correspondence from a given functional map has received surprisingly little interest. In this paper, we analyse the aforementioned problem and propose a novel method for reconstructing pointwise correspondences from a given functional map. The proposed algorithm phrases the matching problem as a regularized alignment problem of the spectral embeddings of the two shapes. Opposed to established methods, our approach does not require the input shapes to be nearly-isometric, and easily extends to recovering the point-to-point correspondence in part-to-whole shape matching problems. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach leads to a significant improvement in accuracy in several challenging cases

    Phenomenology of event shapes at hadron colliders

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    We present results for matched distributions of a range of dijet event shapes at hadron colliders, combining next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy in the resummation exponent, next-to-next-to leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy in its expansion and next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy in a pure alpha_s expansion. This is the first time that such a matching has been carried out for hadronic final-state observables at hadron colliders. We compare our results to Monte Carlo predictions, with and without matching to multi-parton tree-level fixed-order calculations. These studies suggest that hadron-collider event shapes have significant scope for constraining both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of hadron-collider QCD. The differences between various calculational methods also highlight the limits of relying on simultaneous variations of renormalisation and factorisation scale in making reliable estimates of uncertainties in QCD predictions. We also discuss the sensitivity of event shapes to the topology of multi-jet events, which are expected to appear in many New Physics scenarios.Comment: 70 pages, 25 figures, additional material available from http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~salam/pp-event-shapes

    Coherent segmentation of video into syntactic regions

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    In this paper we report on our work in realising an approach to video shot matching which involves automatically segmenting video into abstract intertwinded shapes in such a way that there is temporal coherency. These shapes representing approximations of objects and background regions can then be matched giving fine-grained shot-shot matching. The main contributions of the paper are firstly the extension of our segmentation algorithm for still images to spatial segmentation in video, and secondly the introduction a measurement of temporal coherency of the spatial segmentation. This latter allows us to quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on real video data

    Primary students' spatial visualization and spatial orientation: an evidence base for instruction

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    This paper reports on the performance of 58 11 to 12-year-olds on a spatial visualization task and a spatial orientation task. The students completed these tasks and explained their thinking during individual interviews. The qualitative data were analysed to inform pedagogical content knowledge for spatial activities. The study revealed that “matching” or “matching and eliminating” were the typical strategies that students employed on these spatial tasks. However, errors in making associations between parts of the same or different shapes were noted. Students also experienced general difficulties with visual memory and language use to explain their thinking. The students’ specific difficulties in spatial visualization related to obscured items, the perspective used, and the placement and orientation of shapes
