14,551 research outputs found

    Cluster membership probabilities from proper motions and multiwavelength photometric catalogues: I. Method and application to the Pleiades cluster

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    We present a new technique designed to take full advantage of the high dimensionality (photometric, astrometric, temporal) of the DANCe survey to derive self-consistent and robust membership probabilities of the Pleiades cluster. We aim at developing a methodology to infer membership probabilities to the Pleiades cluster from the DANCe multidimensional astro-photometric data set in a consistent way throughout the entire derivation. The determination of the membership probabilities has to be applicable to censored data and must incorporate the measurement uncertainties into the inference procedure. We use Bayes' theorem and a curvilinear forward model for the likelihood of the measurements of cluster members in the colour-magnitude space, to infer posterior membership probabilities. The distribution of the cluster members proper motions and the distribution of contaminants in the full multidimensional astro-photometric space is modelled with a mixture-of-Gaussians likelihood. We analyse several representation spaces composed of the proper motions plus a subset of the available magnitudes and colour indices. We select two prominent representation spaces composed of variables selected using feature relevance determination techniques based in Random Forests, and analyse the resulting samples of high probability candidates. We consistently find lists of high probability (p > 0.9975) candidates with ≈\approx 1000 sources, 4 to 5 times more than obtained in the most recent astro-photometric studies of the cluster. The methodology presented here is ready for application in data sets that include more dimensions, such as radial and/or rotational velocities, spectral indices and variability.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    Multivariate Design of Experiments for Engineering Dimensional Analysis

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    We consider the design of dimensional analysis experiments when there is more than a single response. We first give a brief overview of dimensional analysis experiments and the dimensional analysis (DA) procedure. The validity of the DA method for univariate responses was established by the Buckingham Π\Pi-Theorem in the early 20th century. We extend the theorem to the multivariate case, develop basic criteria for multivariate design of DA and give guidelines for design construction. Finally, we illustrate the construction of designs for DA experiments for an example involving the design of a heat exchanger

    Approximate Inference in Continuous Determinantal Point Processes

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    Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are random point processes well-suited for modeling repulsion. In machine learning, the focus of DPP-based models has been on diverse subset selection from a discrete and finite base set. This discrete setting admits an efficient sampling algorithm based on the eigendecomposition of the defining kernel matrix. Recently, there has been growing interest in using DPPs defined on continuous spaces. While the discrete-DPP sampler extends formally to the continuous case, computationally, the steps required are not tractable in general. In this paper, we present two efficient DPP sampling schemes that apply to a wide range of kernel functions: one based on low rank approximations via Nystrom and random Fourier feature techniques and another based on Gibbs sampling. We demonstrate the utility of continuous DPPs in repulsive mixture modeling and synthesizing human poses spanning activity spaces

    On the Use of Cauchy Prior Distributions for Bayesian Logistic Regression

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    In logistic regression, separation occurs when a linear combination of the predictors can perfectly classify part or all of the observations in the sample, and as a result, finite maximum likelihood estimates of the regression coefficients do not exist. Gelman et al. (2008) recommended independent Cauchy distributions as default priors for the regression coefficients in logistic regression, even in the case of separation, and reported posterior modes in their analyses. As the mean does not exist for the Cauchy prior, a natural question is whether the posterior means of the regression coefficients exist under separation. We prove theorems that provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of posterior means under independent Cauchy priors for the logit link and a general family of link functions, including the probit link. We also study the existence of posterior means under multivariate Cauchy priors. For full Bayesian inference, we develop a Gibbs sampler based on Polya-Gamma data augmentation to sample from the posterior distribution under independent Student-t priors including Cauchy priors, and provide a companion R package in the supplement. We demonstrate empirically that even when the posterior means of the regression coefficients exist under separation, the magnitude of the posterior samples for Cauchy priors may be unusually large, and the corresponding Gibbs sampler shows extremely slow mixing. While alternative algorithms such as the No-U-Turn Sampler in Stan can greatly improve mixing, in order to resolve the issue of extremely heavy tailed posteriors for Cauchy priors under separation, one would need to consider lighter tailed priors such as normal priors or Student-t priors with degrees of freedom larger than one

    Spanning Tests for Markowitz Stochastic Dominance

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    We derive properties of the cdf of random variables defined as saddle-type points of real valued continuous stochastic processes. This facilitates the derivation of the first-order asymptotic properties of tests for stochastic spanning given some stochastic dominance relation. We define the concept of Markowitz stochastic dominance spanning, and develop an analytical representation of the spanning property. We construct a non-parametric test for spanning based on subsampling, and derive its asymptotic exactness and consistency. The spanning methodology determines whether introducing new securities or relaxing investment constraints improves the investment opportunity set of investors driven by Markowitz stochastic dominance. In an application to standard data sets of historical stock market returns, we reject market portfolio Markowitz efficiency as well as two-fund separation. Hence, we find evidence that equity management through base assets can outperform the market, for investors with Markowitz type preferences

    Forecasts of non-Gaussian parameter spaces using Box-Cox transformations

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    Forecasts of statistical constraints on model parameters using the Fisher matrix abound in many fields of astrophysics. The Fisher matrix formalism involves the assumption of Gaussianity in parameter space and hence fails to predict complex features of posterior probability distributions. Combining the standard Fisher matrix with Box-Cox transformations, we propose a novel method that accurately predicts arbitrary posterior shapes. The Box-Cox transformations are applied to parameter space to render it approximately multivariate Gaussian, performing the Fisher matrix calculation on the transformed parameters. We demonstrate that, after the Box-Cox parameters have been determined from an initial likelihood evaluation, the method correctly predicts changes in the posterior when varying various parameters of the experimental setup and the data analysis, with marginally higher computational cost than a standard Fisher matrix calculation. We apply the Box-Cox-Fisher formalism to forecast cosmological parameter constraints by future weak gravitational lensing surveys. The characteristic non-linear degeneracy between matter density parameter and normalisation of matter density fluctuations is reproduced for several cases, and the capabilities of breaking this degeneracy by weak lensing three-point statistics is investigated. Possible applications of Box-Cox transformations of posterior distributions are discussed, including the prospects for performing statistical data analysis steps in the transformed Gaussianised parameter space.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; minor changes to match version published in MNRA
