12 research outputs found

    Dense subsets of products of finite trees

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    We prove a "uniform" version of the finite density Halpern-L\"{a}uchli Theorem. Specifically, we say that a tree TT is homogeneous if it is uniquely rooted and there is an integer b2b\geq 2, called the branching number of TT, such that every tTt\in T has exactly bb immediate successors. We show the following. For every integer d1d\geq 1, every b1,...,bdNb_1,...,b_d\in\mathbb{N} with bi2b_i\geq 2 for all i{1,...,d}i\in\{1,...,d\}, every integer k\meg 1 and every real 0<ϵ10<\epsilon\leq 1 there exists an integer NN with the following property. If (T1,...,Td)(T_1,...,T_d) are homogeneous trees such that the branching number of TiT_i is bib_i for all i{1,...,d}i\in\{1,...,d\}, LL is a finite subset of N\mathbb{N} of cardinality at least NN and DD is a subset of the level product of (T1,...,Td)(T_1,...,T_d) satisfying D(T1(n)×...×Td(n))ϵT1(n)×...×Td(n)|D\cap \big(T_1(n)\times ...\times T_d(n)\big)| \geq \epsilon |T_1(n)\times ...\times T_d(n)| for every nLn\in L, then there exist strong subtrees (S1,...,Sd)(S_1,...,S_d) of (T1,...,Td)(T_1,...,T_d) of height kk and with common level set such that the level product of (S1,...,Sd)(S_1,...,S_d) is contained in DD. The least integer NN with this property will be denoted by UDHL(b1,...,bdk,ϵ)UDHL(b_1,...,b_d|k,\epsilon). The main point is that the result is independent of the position of the finite set LL. The proof is based on a density increment strategy and gives explicit upper bounds for the numbers UDHL(b1,...,bdk,ϵ)UDHL(b_1,...,b_d|k,\epsilon).Comment: 36 pages, no figures; International Mathematics Research Notices, to appea

    Remarks on a Ramsey theory for trees

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    Extending Furstenberg's ergodic theoretic proof for Szemer\'edi's theorem on arithmetic progressions, Furstenberg and Weiss (2003) proved the following qualitative result. For every d and k, there exists an integer N such that no matter how we color the vertices of a complete binary tree T_N of depth N with k colors, we can find a monochromatic replica of T_d in T_N such that (1) all vertices at the same level in T_d are mapped into vertices at the same level in T_N; (2) if a vertex x of T_d is mapped into a vertex y in T_N, then the two children of x are mapped into descendants of the the two children of y in T_N, respectively; and 3 the levels occupied by this replica form an arithmetic progression. This result and its density versions imply van der Waerden's and Szemer\'edi's theorems, and laid the foundations of a new Ramsey theory for trees. Using simple counting arguments and a randomized coloring algorithm called random split, we prove the following related result. Let N=N(d,k) denote the smallest positive integer such that no matter how we color the vertices of a complete binary tree T_N of depth N with k colors, we can find a monochromatic replica of T_d in T_N which satisfies properties (1) and (2) above. Then we have N(d,k)=\Theta(dk\log k). We also prove a density version of this result, which, combined with Szemer\'edi's theorem, provides a very short combinatorial proof of a quantitative version of the Furstenberg-Weiss theorem.Comment: 10 pages 1 figur

    Trees and Markov convexity

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    We show that an infinite weighted tree admits a bi-Lipschitz embedding into Hilbert space if and only if it does not contain arbitrarily large complete binary trees with uniformly bounded distortion. We also introduce a new metric invariant called Markov convexity, and show how it can be used to compute the Euclidean distortion of any metric tree up to universal factors

    A density version of the Carlson--Simpson theorem

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    We prove a density version of the Carlson--Simpson Theorem. Specifically we show the following. For every integer k2k\geq 2 and every set AA of words over kk satisfying lim supnA[k]nkn>0\limsup_{n\to\infty} \frac{|A\cap [k]^n|}{k^n}>0 there exist a word cc over kk and a sequence (wn)(w_n) of left variable words over kk such that the set {c}{cw0(a0)...wn(an):nN  and  a0,...,an[k]}\{c\}\cup \big\{c^{\smallfrown}w_0(a_0)^{\smallfrown}...^{\smallfrown}w_n(a_n) : n\in\mathbb{N} \ \text{ and } \ a_0,...,a_n\in [k]\big\} is contained in AA. While the result is infinite-dimensional its proof is based on an appropriate finite and quantitative version, also obtained in the paper.Comment: 73 pages, no figure