88 research outputs found

    Platform Performance Based On The Network Externality

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    An increasing number of markets today are organized around platforms that enable consumers to access and/or purchase various goods and services. Considering the presence of network externality, we study the precondition in which whether the buyer will join the platform. Moreover, this paper investigates the performances of platform in the supply chain in which the leadership belongs to the retailor. We find the optimal decision-making strategies, and the sellers will join the online platform when the network externality is large enough. In addition, the retailer’s optimal profit and demand on offline platform will increase with the rising of network externality, whereas their demand on online platform will decrease, and the manufacturer’s optimal profit and demand on online platform will increase

    Impact and Role of Marketplace and Financial Literacy on Financial Control

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    Purpose: This study aims to create a reference model for the national Financial Literacy movement by finding a Financial Control model for Generation Z of Surabaya, which is 0.03% of the total in Indonesia. Therefore, the researchers made it the subject of research. Design/methodology/approach: In determining the minimum number of samples, the researcher used the Slovin formula. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Findings: The study results show that the model relates to the Marketplace and financial literacy. Here, Marketplace has a significant impact and weak influence on Financial Control. At the same time, Financial Literacy has a substantial and robust effect on Financial Control. While Marketplace on Financial Control through Financial Literacy has a significant impact and a reasonably vital influence role. The findings are that 53% of research subjects think the literacy movement with animated video models through digital media is more attractive than others. Originality/value: This paper is original Paper type: Research articl

    The Modern Tendencies of Development of the E-Commerce Market in Ukraine

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    The market of e-commerce dynamically develops in the territory of Ukraine both in the sphere of consumption and in conditions of formation of commercial business relations. The analysis of the status, definition of the modern tendencies of development of the market of e-business, and also prospects of its development, allow to indicate significant rates of growth of the given sphere of activity in Ukraine in comparison with the global indicators. The structural component of the electronic commerce market of Ukraine also has approached the international standards. Particular attention has recently been paid to the harmonization of the category of mobile advertising. The article defines the forecast of development of the e-commerce market and presents the corresponding equation of trend. The influence of innovations on the development of internet advertising and consumer attraction has been identified; an improvement of the existing business models of e-commerce organization through introduction of bulletin board and electronic auction, together with the models of marketplace and e-shop, depending on the sphere of activity Enterprise, has been proposed

    Optimal Retailing mode for Content Platforms\u27 E-commerce

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    In recent years, content platforms have expanded their operations into e-commerce by leveraging short videos or live-streaming and collecting commissions. This paper examines the optimal operational modes that content platforms should adopt when launching e-commerce businesses. Specifically, we analyze the content platforms’ choices between building a joint channel with e-commerce platforms (joint mode), building a self-operated channel independently (self-operated mode), or operating both channels simultaneously (dual-channel mode). Using a game-theoretic model, we find that the content platform tends to choose the self-operated mode (or joint mode) when all sellers have high (or low) conversion ability, and the dual-channel mode when sellers have differentiated conversion abilities. Additionally, our analysis shows that the content platform\u27s mode selection switches from joint mode to dual-channel mode and to self-operated mode with a decrease in e-commerce platform\u27s commission rate or a weaker spillover effect from the content platform to the e-commerce platform

    The Licensing Function of Patent Intermediaries

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    The contemporary patent marketplace is a complex ecosystem comprised of innovators and manufacturers who are often connected by a varied group of intermediaries. While there are a variety of intermediary business models—such as patent assertion entities and defensive aggregators—each facilitates a variant of a similar licensing transaction, connecting a set of patents held by a patent owner with a product or service offered by a prospective licensee. One explanation for the prevalence of intermediaries is that they engage in practices tantamount to arbitrage, acquiring patents and then licensing them at a profit because they enjoy greater success in patent litigation than patent holders would on their own. This paper advances an additional explanation: some intermediaries may serve a function analogous to a platform trading in non-exclusive licenses, overcoming search and valuation costs to facilitate licensing. This paper focuses on the use of two contract terms in intermediaries’ dealings with technology market participants: revenue sharing in patent acquisition and non-exclusive licensing. The Federal Trade Commission’s Patent Entity Activity Study reported that intermediaries used both of these terms. Building on those findings, this paper argues that intermediaries that use both provisions may, under some conditions, operate in a manner analogous to a two-sided platform. First, this paper examines how participants in a technology market would value non-exclusive licenses granted ex post, after the licensed product is already on the market. The paper argues that—in addition to the avoidance of litigation costs— the reduction of uncertainty can also drive licensee demand. Next, the paper proposes that use of revenue sharing allows patent holders to experience network effects from the number of prospective licensees accessed through the intermediary, which may make the intermediary more attractive than licensing unilaterally. Finally, this paper argues that the conduct of a patent licensing intermediary using these contract features can be analogized to the practices of other licensing intermediaries such as performing rights organizations and patent pools. These observations suggest that one explanation for the success of some intermediary models—as well as one aspect of their conduct that may influence competition in technology markets—is their ability to connect patent holders and prospective licensees with a greater number of potential trading partners than they would otherwise be able to connect with on their own

    Uncertainty in Digital Platforms and Ecosystems: The Dynamic Interplay Between Knowledge Problems

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    The information systems literature has long argued that innovation drives uncertainties in organizations. While extant research has extensively studied knowledge problems in the traditional firm setting and their implications on organizing and decision making, an updated understanding is required in relation to uncertainties within digital platforms and ecosystems, where organizational boundaries are blurred and downstream movement is becoming more popular. To address this issue, we explore the different dimensions of uncertainties in the digital platforms and ecosystems by classifying them based on the knowledge problems that dominantly contribute to their formation and the platform actors facing such uncertainties. A higher-level uncertainty emerges as a result of the interactions within these dimensions. In addition, the interactions evolve in longitudinal and dynamic patterns due to the complex nature of digital platforms and ecosystems

    Belanja Online Di Masa PandemiK

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    Masa pandemic mengubah banyak hal, termasuk pola bekerja, pola belajar, dan pola belanja. Pembatasan mobilitas yang diterapkan pemerintah, serta tingginya korban Covid-19 membuat banyak orang kawatir untuk berpergian keluar rumah. Sebaliknya, kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari tidak dapat ditinggalkan. Hal ini membuat meningkatnya jumlah belanja online di Indonesia selama tahun 2020-2021. Berbelanja secara online, memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya tersendiri, seperti kesenangan akan window shopping, dimana seseorang dapat memilih dengan bebas tanpa kawatir diperhatikan oleh sekitar, dan tingkat kejahatan online yang meningkat karena kurangnya pengetahuan pembeli. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan edukasi masyarakat terkait dengan belanja online, agar seseorang tetap dapat berbelanja dengan nyaman dan aman selama pandemic Covid-19
