38 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Fashion Clothing Involvement dan Shopping Lifesyle Terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity (Studi Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Fashion Clothing Involvement terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity, Menganalisis pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity. Menganalisis pengaruh Fashion Clothing Involvement dan Shopping Lifestyle secara simultan terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain survey, yaitu penelitian yang mengambil sampel dari suatu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 100 mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah uji instrumen, uji asumsi klasik, analisis data (Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda, uji t, uji F dan Koefisien Determinasi (R²). Hasil analisis data dapat diperoleh Terdapat pengaruh Fashion Clothing Involvement secara positif dan signifikan terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Terdapat pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle secara positif dan signifikan terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Dan Terdapat pengaruh Fashion Clothing Involvement dan Shopping Lifestyle secara simultan terhadap Recreational Shopper Identity

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Citra (Survei Pada Warga Rw 2, Kelurahan Panjang Jiwo, Kecamatan Tenggilis Mejoyo, Kota Surabaya Yang Tinggal Di Sekitar PT Vitapharm)

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    This study aimed to describe and analyze the effect of simultaneously or individually of Community Support variable, Environment variable, and Products variable to Corporate Image variable. This research used explanatory research with quantitative approach. Documentation and data collection used a questionnaire that distributed to 72 respondents, that is RW 2 Society, Panjang Jiwo Subdistrict, Tenggilis Mejoyo District, Surabaya City who lived around PT Vitapharm. Multiple linear regression analysis used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the Community Support variable, Environment variable and Product variable simultaneously affect the Corporate Image variable. The study also found that Community Support variable did not have significant impact and Environment variable and Product variable significant effect on the Corporate Image variable

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -a continuously evolving concept

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    Purpose – This article aims to develop and to popularize an overview of the present status of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Design/methodology/approach – In order to clarify and to popularize the core concepts of CSR, articles in leading economic journals were analyzed. Findings – In the paper are promoted different theories and definitions concerning the present status of the corporate social responsibility(CSR). Research limitations/implications – The number and specific choice of journals was subject to a compromise between comprehensiveness and the availability of space for this article. Practical implications – As for many people CSR is fuzzy, with unclear boundaries, to clear things up, I proposed a series of definitions and theories that can form an overview of this concept. Originality/value – The article provides a brief analysis of the most important theories and definitions of CSR.Corporate social responsibility, consumer`s expectations, consumer behaviour

    Pengaruh Asset Spesifik Dan Kepemilikan Asing Terhadap Corporate Sustainability Dengan Mediasi Corporate Governance

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    This study aims to examine the effect of specific assets and foreign ownership on corporate sustainability with corporate governance as a mediation. This study is an empirical research using secondary data in the form of non-financial company data listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2011-2015. Based on the results of company sample selection conducted by purposive sampling method, it was selected 132 companies or 660 data years of the company. The theory used in this research is the stakeholders theory as the main theory with the theory of RBV as a supporting theory. The analytical method used in this study is path analysis using multiple regression test statistic tool - SPSS Version 24. The results of this study indicate that specific assets have a positive and significant influence on corporate governance, but have a negative and insignificant effect on corporate sustainability. While foreign ownership has no effect on corporate governance but has negative and significant influence on corporate sustainability. Sobel test shows that Corporate governance in specific asset relation with corporate sustainability in this research is classified as type full mediation, but in foreign ownership relationship with corporate sustainability, corporate governance variable is classified as type no mediatio

    Impact of consumer trust online on purchasing intentions of young consumer in e-commerce

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    Abstract. The dynamic growth of e-commerce is encompassed by the sale of goods and services by means of telecommunication networks. One of the factors that determine its development is online trust - the relations between online sellers and consumers. In the herein paper, the most important circumstances of consumer trust online have been identified, while also an analysis of its impact on the intentions of entering transactions on websites have been conducted. The principal aim of the authors was to search for answers to the following questions: What is the level of consumer trust online among young people? What factors have an impact on the level of consumer trust of young people? How does consumer trust online have an impact on the intention to continue further relations with the website? In the search for answers to these questions, the method of critical analysis of subject-related literature and survey were applied

    Enough is enough! When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations

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    Negative publicity has the potential to create negative corporate associations. However, consumers' identification with a company might moderate the extent of this effect. This article examines the impact of consumer-company identification on reactions to variable levels of negative publicity about a company. Exposing consumers who had strong identification with a company to moderately negative publicity was found to result in less negative corporate associations than for consumers who had relatively weak identification. In contrast, consumers' levels of identification did not affect reactions to extremely negative information, resulting in equally negative corporate associations for those with strong versus weak consumer-company identification. Thus, strong identification mitigates the effects of moderately negative publicity but does not attenuate the effects of extremely negative publicity. Consumers' perceptions of and thoughts regarding negative information about a company partially mediated the effect of identification on attitudes and behavioral intention


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    The new economy, by the courtesy of the information age, requires knowledge-based organizations and in turn new leaders to quickly respond to changes in resources, technologies, marketing and distribution systems. By the same token, the notion of leadership has shifted from a parochial point of view towards a more humanistic and vivid multi-dimensional angle of vision. In this context, transactional and transformational leadership styles in right combination are the source of guidance through the dynamic leadership journey and drawing upon the triple entente of rational, emotional and spiritual intelligence as well will benefit mutual parties - both at individual and organizational level, in terms of effective leadership processes and increased performance outcomes

    Practices and Disclosures of Corporate Social Responsibility in Financial Statements: A Comparative Study on Some Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

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    Enthusiasm in corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures information expanded as of late. This led to companies to set a clear view for the CSR reporting to fulfill their stakeholders’ needs. The Business world is changing quickly in all over world and in addition Bangladesh. Now the objectives of business are not only confining in profit maximization as well as business is currently occupied with social duties. Social responsibilities became the important issue in this time for business. The role of business worldwide and particularly in the developed economies has evolved over the last few decades from classical “profit maximizing” approach to a social responsibility approach, where organizations are dependable to its stockholders as well as to the majority of its stakeholders in a broader inclusive sense. Now in the age of information CSR reporting plays a vital role in the developing countries. This study tries to find out the CSR reporting practices of selective commercial banks in Bangladesh. The study is based on annual report of 2013 and 2014 in various CSR sectors. It is shown that most of banks maintained limited sector of CSR in their financial reports. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Reporting, Financial Information, Bank Companies, Bangladesh