706,781 research outputs found

    Grid Marketing and Beef Carcass Quality: A Discussion of Issues and Trends

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    Beef industry data suggest that improvements in carcass yield and quality grades have stagnated recently. Empirical analysis, based on USDA market reports, indicates that the share of steer slaughter volume marketed on a grid is less than industry estimates and the growth in market share has stagnated. Trend analysis of market share suggests that grid pricing has become an important marketing channel, but has not become the dominant marketing channel. The lack of industry progress toward achieving the carcass quality goals suggests that grid pricing has not captured the level of market share needed to realize the goals envisioned for it as a value based marketing system.cattle pricing, grid pricing, farm policy

    Audit Market Dynamics: Effects on Audit Quality

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    This study researches the effects of market share dynamics on audit quality in the U.S. audit market from fiscal years 2005 to 2013. Thus far, the audit market has only been researched in terms of static market share mobility. This research reflects competition more accurately by using market structure dynamics to map the U.S. audit market.  The study finds that there is in fact a rather high degree of market share instability within the audit market, which indicates a high degree of competition. Moreover, two out of three models show a significant influence of market share instability on proxies for audit quality. The directions of these effects indicate that market share instability has a positive effect on audit quality. The paper therefore concludes that audit market share dynamics have a positive effect on audit quality. 

    Grid Marketing and Beef Carcass Quality: A Discussion of Issues and Trends

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    Beef industry data suggest that improvements in carcass yield and quality grades have stagnated recently. Empirical analysis, based on USDA market reports, indicates that the share of steer slaughter volume marketed on a grid is less than industry estimates and the growth in market share has stagnated. Trend analysis of market share suggests that grid pricing has become an important marketing channel, but has not become the dominant marketing channel. The lack of industry progress toward achieving the carcass quality goals suggests that grid pricing has not captured the level of market share needed to realize the goals envisioned for it as a value based marketing system

    The Efficacy of the Grid Marketing Channel for Fed Cattle

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    Beef industry data suggest that beef carcass yield and quality grades have shown little improvement over the last six years. Empirical analysis, based on USDA public market reports, indicates that the share of steer slaughter volume marketed on a grid is less than industry estimates and the growth in grid market share of total steer slaughter is stagnate. Trend analysis of grid market share and carcass quality suggests that grid pricing has not made sufficient progress in achieving the goals envisioned for it as a value based marketing system. We conclude additional research on producer resistance to selling on a grid is needed

    Quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of tourists

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    Tourism is a growing industry in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. However, little is known about how tourists evaluate this destination, something which certainly constitutes a shortcoming if one takes into consideration that this is a very competitive industry, with new destinations appearing every year and others increasing their market share. This paper focuses on the quality of the Azores destination in the perspective of tourists and, to an extent, has the goal of contributing to reduce this shortcoming. According to our findings, 74% of the tourists interviewed consider the global quality of the Azores destination to be very good or excellent, with the landscape, the climate/weather, the hospitality, the cleanliness and the security being the most highly-rated partial indicators. Additionally, a regression analysis indicates that the evaluation of the global quality of this destination varies according to the individual characteristics of tourists.N/


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    The study aims to analyze the Market share of the competitive advantage of the iPhone Smartphone in mobile phone sales agents in Semarang. This study departs from the research problem is: "How to increase Market share on Apple products?" A literature review conducted has led researchers to produce a model of research studies the relationship formed by four (4) variables: product quality, product innovation, price, competitive advantage and one (1) indicator is Market share. This research method using a technique of sampling purposive with sample as many as 100 respondents at a sales agent of mobile phone in Semarang. Analysis method used is an analysis of quantitative and qualitative analysis uses linear regression analysis double with SPSS. This analysis includes: test of validity and reliability, classic test assumptions, regression analysis double, the testing of hypotheses through t test and test f, determination and the coefficients (r2). The results showed that in the first equation of product quality, product innovation and a significant positive effect on competitive advantage. For the second equation competitive advantage and price positive and significant impact on Market share. Variable product innovation is the most dominant factor affecting the competitive advantage of 0.572 and the smallest factor affecting the Market share is the price of 0216. Then through the F test can be seen that all the independent variables is feasible to test the dependent variable. Figures Adjusted R Square on the first equation 0.568, while the second equation by 0091. This shows bahwa56.8% competitive advantage can be explained by the variable quality of products and product innovation. While in the second equation indicates that 9.1% of Market share can be explained by the competitive advantage and price variables. The rest can be explained by other variables outside of research

    Export Competitiveness Indicators of the Fijian Sugar Industry

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    Competitiveness has always been a concern to most countries in recent years. The major problem, which is facing the Fijian sugar industry, is the decline in its share in the world market. This indicates that Fiji's export competitiveness in the world market is declining. The objective of this study is to examine the export competitiveness of the Fijian sugar industry by using selected indicators. The study utilises revealed comparative advantage (RCA), constant market-share (CMS) and shift-share technique to measure the competitiveness of the industry. The study uses secondary data collected from various sources, namely, the FAO, COMTRADE (ITC), UNCTAD, and FIBS and the analysis for this study is restricted to trade data from (1989 to 2003). The data is decomposed into three, five-year periods, i.e. Period I (from 1989-93), Period I1 (1 994-98) and Period I11 (1999-2003). The five-year periods is chosen because these periods coincide with the major policy changes, which are based on five-year development plan and political polices. The results obtained from the RCA computation indicates that Fiji has a comparative advantage in producing sugar. The performance of the industry for period 1989 to 1990 showed a comparative disadvantage, where RCA was less than one. However, it improved from 1991 but it showed a fluctuating trend in the performance. The RCA from 1992 onward was above one indicating comparative advantage. The Export Performance Ratio was 92.66 percent for period 1, 86.47 percent for period I1 and 70.10 percent for period 111. This indicates that Fiji's comparative advantage was declining over the study period. This happened because Fiji had to import sugar in period I1 and period 111 to maintain the requirements for preferential quota in EU market. Result of the Constant Market Share analysis shows that size of market is one of the dominating factors which determine the expansion of export of a country. In the case of Fiji, the opportunities exist for more export of sugar if Fiji has had maintained its market share of period I. However, the statistic revealed that Fiji's sugar production has declined and this subsequently has led to the decline in export. Fiji's sugar market competitiveness effect was negative between period I and 11. This was due to the reduction in Fiji's share in the world export market. If Fiji had maintained its share of period I, it would have an export market potential of 570,145 tonnes for period 111 (1999-2003), but it only exported 364,703 tonnes, resulting in a hypothetical loss of 205,442 tonnes. The fall in sugar production was due to a drop in cane production, which is attributed to non-renewal of agricultural land leases. The situation was further compounded by the adverse effect of climate such as drought and the hurricane. PERPUSTAKAAN SULTAN ,WUL SAMAD UNlVERSlTl PUTRA MA.IAYSIA Result of the shift share analysis indicates that the market opportun~t~eosf FIJI'S sugar are mainly offered by Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Canada, Singapore, China, New Zealand, and South Pacific Island States countries. In order to be competitive, the Fijian sugar industry needs to increase its share in the total export of Fiji. The competitiveness of the sugar industry was decreasing mainly due to the inability of the industry to maintain its sugar export share in world market due to the decrease in sugar production. Based on the above findings, and because sugar is a major contributor to the Fijian economy, it is imperative that the government rejuvenate the sugar industry by introducing several development programs and policies. These should include the followings: (i) integration of small farms into plantations, (ii) introduction of improved technology, (iii) making changes to in the payment system by giving emphasis on quality, (iv) provision of security to tenants, and (v) increase downstream activities

    Creating a Geographically Linked Collective Brand for High-Quality Beef: A Case Study

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    Many farmers who produce high-quality products do not use market mechanisms that would allow them to differentiate their products and take the fullest advantage of price premiums. This paper describes a pilot program to develop and commercialize an origin-based collective brand for very high quality US beef. We hypothesized that, by using specific market mechanisms to differentiate the beef, cattle producers might be able to capture a greater share of price premiums often captured elsewhere in the marketing channel. Specifically, the pilot program analyzed the feasibility of two mechanisms for differentiating and marketing beef: a certification mark and a USDA Process Verification Program. The research indicates that small producers groups could reasonably protect high-quality products with a certification mark but large groups would be required to justify the high costs of a process verification