1,159 research outputs found

    Market Based Intraday Coordination of Electric and Natural Gas System Operation

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    This paper outlines the design of an intraday market-based mechanism for coordinated scheduling of gas-fired electric generation, intra-day natural gas purchases, sales and deliveries, and underlying pipeline operation. The mechanism is based on an exchange of physical and pricing data between participants in each market, with price formation in both markets being fully consistent with the physics of energy flow. In organized nodal electricity markets, prices are consistent with the physical flow of electric energy in the power grid because the economic optimization used to clear the market accounts for the physics of power flows. In the gas system, the proposed physical operation and pricing will be based on the transient optimization approach that accounts for physical and engineering factors of pipeline hydraulics and compressor station operations. The paper provides theoretical foundations for the market mechanism

    An Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Stochastic Power Producers

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    In energy systems with high shares of weather-driven renewable power sources, gas-fired power plants can serve as a back-up technology to ensure security of supply and provide short-term flexibility. Therefore, a tighter coordination between electricity and natural gas networks is foreseen. In this work, we examine different levels of coordination in terms of system integration and time coupling of trading floors. We propose an integrated operational model for electricity and natural gas systems under uncertain power supply by applying two-stage stochastic programming. This formulation co-optimizes day-ahead and real-time dispatch of both energy systems and aims at minimizing the total expected cost. Additionally, two deterministic models, one of an integrated energy system and one that treats the two systems independently, are presented. We utilize a formulation that considers the linepack of the natural gas system, while it results in a tractable mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model in accommodating high shares of renewables and the importance of proper natural gas system modeling in short-term operations to reveal valuable flexibility of the natural gas system. Moreover, we identify the coordination parameters between the two markets and show their impact on the system's operation and dispatch

    Design of ancillary service markets and products: Challenges and recommendations for EU renewable power systems: Deliverable D3.3

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The overall objective of the current study is to analyse the implications of the transition towards a renewable, climate-neutral power system in the EU for the demand and supply of ancillary services (AS) of this system in general and for the market design and related EU regulation of these services in particular. The study focuses predominantly on electricity balancing services (‘frequency control’). However, other ancillary services – not ably reactive power services (‘voltage control’) and system restoration services (‘black start’) – are, to some extent, considered as well. More specifically, the study analyses in particular (i) the current situation (‘base case’) of ancillary (electricity balancing) services in the EU, (ii) the future situation (‘towards a 100% renewable EU power system’) of these services, and (iii) the major challenges and recommendations for the main ancillary services markets in the EU in order to improve the performance of these markets in the coming years, i.e. up to 2030 and beyond.N/

    Utilization of Electric Prosumer Flexibility Incentivized by Spot and Balancing Markets

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    The use of energy flexibility to balance electricity demand and supply is becoming increasingly important due to the growing share of fluctuating energy sources. Electric flexibility regarding time or magnitude of consumption can be offered in the form of different products on electricity spot and balancing power markets. In the wake of the energy transition and because of new possibilities provided by digitalization, the decision intervals on these markets are becoming shorter and the controllability of electricity consumption and generation more small-scale. This evolution opens up new chances for formerly passive energy consumers. This thesis shows how electric flexibility can be monetized using the application example of commercial sites. These are often multimodal energy systems coupling electricity, heat, and gas, and thus deliver high flexibility potential. To leverage this potential, a comprehensive picture of demand-side flexibilization is provided and used to propose an energy management system and optimization for cost-optimized device schedules. The cost-optimization considers two simultaneous incentives: variable day-ahead spot market prices and revenues for offering possible schedule adjustments to the automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) balancing market. To solve the formulated optimization problem, a genetic algorithm is presented, tailored to the specific needs of consumers. In addition to addressing the trade-off between the two competing markets, the algorithm inherently considers the uncertain activation of aFRR bids and related catch-up effects. An analysis of the activation behavior of aFRR balancing market bids, based on a developed ex-post simulation, forms an important decision basis for the optimization. Finally, a simulation study concentrating on battery energy storage systems and combined heat and power plants on the consumer side enables the quantitative discussion of the optimization potential. The results show that consumers considering both markets simultaneously can achieve cost benefits that are up to multiples of those for pure day-ahead price optimization, despite the stochastic nature of aFRR balancing power activations. In conclusion, this thesis enables formerly passive electricity consumers to assume the role of alternative balancing service providers, hence contributing to the economic and reliable operation of power grids characterized by a high share of renewable energy sources

    Atlas of electrical indicators published in Spain and the EU

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on the compilation of the most important electrical indicators both at a national and international level. Since electricity is essential to our lifestyle, the analysis of these indicators provides with a solid basis for understanding the main characteristics of the electrical system in each country and the most notable differences and similarities across them. In addition to selecting and analysing these indicators based on data provided by several agencies, a comparison is made between different countries in order to get a more global idea of the components of the electrical system and the parameters that evaluate it. The countries on which the comparison and analysis are made are: Spain, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, it is intended that these data and statistics, as the most relevant for describing an electrical system and showing a global view across countries, are presented in a single document as well as incorporated in a tool which encompasses them. For this purpose, the tool developed is a webpage, which being free-access and user-friendly allows to quickly locate a specific or several indicators for future analysis, research or curiosity of the user.IngenierĂ­a de la EnergĂ­

    Improving the Market for Flexibility in the Electricity Sector. Report of a CEPS Task Force. CEPS Task Force Report

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    Electricity will play a greater role in the transport and building sectors and all decarbonisation scenarios point to the increasing electrification of the energy system. To reach EU climate change targets, however, electricity will need to come increasingly from low carbon sources, especially (but not only) from variable renewable energy sources. Both trends − the electrification of sectors and the need to integrate electricity from variable renewables − mean that the electricity sector should become more flexible. This report reflects the discussions held in the CEPS Energy Climate House Task Force on Creating a Market Design for Flexibility in EU Electricity Markets, which met between April and September 2017. The Task Force formulated a number of recommendations in the areas of short-term and balancing markets; grid reinforcement and cross-zonal capacity allocation; aggregation; priority dispatch; DSOs (distribution system operators); and sectoral integration

    Evaluating Benefits of Rolling Horizon Model Predictive Control for Intraday Scheduling of a Natural Gas Pipeline Market

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    This paper analyzes a mechanism for clearing a physical market for intra-day schedules of receipts and deliveries of a natural gas pipeline. The Gas Balancing Market (GBM) is implemented to trade deviations from previously confirmed ratable nominations by solving a rolling horizon model predictive control (MPC) optimization formulation. The GBM mechanism operates by accepting quantity/price offers and bids from sellers and buyers of gas and producing an economically optimal schedule while guaranteeing its physical feasibility. The GBM’s solution engine is based on a strict mathematical representation of engineering factors of transient pipeline hydraulics and compressor station operations. The GBM’s settlement of cleared transactions is based on Locational Trade Values (LTVs) of natural gas that are fully consistent with the physics of energy flow. In this paper we provide numerical results of simulating a hypothetical GBM market operation using historical SCADA data for an actual pipeline system operation during the Polar Vortex period of February – March 2014. Based on these simulations, we quantify the potential deliverability and economic benefits of the GBM utilizing transient optimization of pipeline operations
