9 research outputs found


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    Media pembelajaran adalah inovasi pembelajaran dalam menghadapi revolusi pendidikan. Media pembelajaran harus berdampak pada peningkatan motivasi belajar. Augmented Reality dengan metode markerless diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa karena ruang lingkup 3D menjadi lebih flexibel dan dapat memanfaatkan benda apapun disekitar untuk dijadikan target marker. Media pembelajaran pada metode ini di tiap tiap daerah mempunyai keunikan dan keunggulan masing-masing dalam proses pembelajaran yang lebih hidup. Banyak pengaruh positif meningkatkatnya motivasi belajar dari penerapan media ini seperti pembelajaran translate Bahasa Aceh ke Bahasa Indonesia, menentukan posisi Dewata Nawa Sanga dengan teknik gyroscope, dll. Sehingga, siswa dapat menghasilkan sifat kreatif, kecerdasan emosinya menjadi terukur, dan siswa lebih kompetitif serta kolaboratif dengan teman sebaya nya

    Cultural Heritage in Marker-Less Augmented Reality: A Survey

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is considered as one of the most significant technologies in the field of computer graphics and is utilized for many applications. In this paper, we have presented a comprehensive survey for cultural heritage using Augmented Reality systems. This survey describes the main objectives and characteristics of Marker-less Augmented Reality Systems through presenting up-to-date research results in this area. We describe the marker-less technologies in the area of AR, indoor marker-less AR, outdoor marker-less AR, real-time solutions to the tracking problem, real-time registration, cultural heritage in AR, 3D remonstration techniques, as well as presenting the problems in each research

    Buku Cerita Rakyat Riau Ketobong Keramat Berbasis Markerless Augmented Reality (AR) dengan Teknik User Defined Target

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    Folklore is a story that has been passed down from generation to generation, where each region has its own folklore. In Pelalawan District, there’s a folklore called Ketobong Keramat, where the folklore telling a story about a Magical Doctor who was willing to sacrifice his personal interests to help the King of Pelalawan. According to Malay Culture Study and Development Center, folklore is a cultural property that is not given enough attention. This can be seen in many folklore from certain regions which are quite popular but not yet known by the people in other regions. Therefore, in this final project, the Ketobong Keramat Augmented Reality application was made to the folklore. The method used in this application is the Markerless Augmented Reality Method using the User Defined Target technique, so that the Augmented Reality object can be displayed on the surface chosen by the user. Through the development of the Ketobong Keramat Augmented Reality application, it is hoped that it can increase community interest in undertaking excavations and disseminating folklore in the archipelago, as well as implementing technology on other folklore that is not yet widely known by the people of Indonesia.Cerita rakyat merupakan cerita yang telah diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi, dimana setiap daerah memiliki ceritanya masing-masing. Di Kabupaten Pelalawan, terdapat sebuah cerita yang berjudul Ketobong Keramat, dimana cerita tersebut menceritakan kisah tentang seorang Bomo Sakti yang bersedia mengorbankan kepentingan pribadinya untuk membantu Sang Raja Pelalawan. Pada proyek akhir ini dibangun aplikasi Augmented Reality Ketobong Keramat terhadap buku cerita rakyat Ketobong Keramat yang dituliskan oleh Wahyuningrum dan diterbitkan oleh Adicita. Aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Markerless Augmented Reality dengan menggunakan teknik User-Defined Target, sehingga objek Augmented Reality dapat ditampilkan pada permukaan yang dipilih oleh pengguna. Metode markerless ini menggunakan pattern recognition untuk membaca permukaan objek, sehingga kondisi ideal untuk menampilkan animasi yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini adalah dengan menggunakan permukaan yang memiliki pattern berwarna kontras dengan jarak antara kamera dengan permukaan objek sejauh 10 hingga 30 cm. Aplikasi Augmented Reality Ketobong Keramat ini dapat membantu pengguna dalam melihat cerita ini dalam berbagai sudut pandang, serta membantu pembaca dalam merasakan langsung suasana dari cerita rakyat Ketobong Keramat

    Aplikasi Pemodelan Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana Berbasis Virtual Reality

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    Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana merupakan pusat kegiatan akademik administrasi Universitas Udayana yang terletak di Bukit Jimbaran, Kabupaten Badung, Provinsi Bali, yang berfungsi sebagai pusat kegiatan akademik administrasi Universitas Udayana. Gedung Rektorat dipergunakan sebagai kantor Rektor, Wakil Rektor I (Bidang Akademik), Wakil Rektor II (Bidang Administrasi Umum dan Keuangan), Wakil Rektor III (Bidang Kemahasiswaaan dan Alumni), dan Wakil Rektor IV (Bidang Perencanaan, Kerjasama, dan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi). Aplikasi Pemodelan Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana berbasis Virtual Reality dikembangkan pada penelitian ini sebagai media pendukung promosi Universitas Udayana. Aplikasi diimplementasikan berbasis Virtual Reality dengan model interior yang menyerupai keadaan nyata dan memiliki fitur deskripsi tentang beberapa ruangan disertai dengan suara. Pembuatan Aplikasi Pemodelan Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana berbasis Virtual Reality menggunakan Software SketchUp untuk proses pembuatan tiga dimensi gedung dan Software Unity untuk penyempurnaan pembuatan virtual reality. Hasil pengujian aspek kegunaan aplikasi yang diujikan kepada responden mahasiswa yaitu 80% respon positif dan hasil pengujian aspek kegunaan aplikasi yang diujikan kepada responden masyarakat yaitu 89% respon positif. Kata kunci: Virtual Reality, Gedung Rektorat Universitas Udayana, Software SketchUp, Software Unit

    A Development of Augmented Reality Mobile Application to Promote the Traditional Indonesian Food

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    Traditional food is a representation of the culture and identity of certain regions and is a symbol of cultural heritage. Traditional Indonesian food must be preserved and introduced to the community, especially the easy generation as the next generation of the nation as a form of love for the culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. It aims to avoid the influence of food or foreign cuisine that enters Indonesia, which from time to time makes the preservation of traditional Indonesian food increasingly eroded. One form of an effective cultural approach is by introducing to the easy generation and also to the wider community. Therefore the use of technology is very important to maintain the preservation of traditional Indonesian food and convey it to the community, especially the easy generation. This study aims to develop a mobile application for augmented reality as a promotional medium to introduce traditional Indonesian food. Mobile augmented reality in applications built with the Unity3D program is done in different ways in presenting information to other media. This method allows users to view the media as a presentation of their information in the form of 2D and or 3D image modelling by using tracking images through a smartphone device's camera. The mobile augmented reality application that will be developed can provide an interesting and interactive information experience so that it can be fun for every user so that knowledge of traditional Indonesian food can be distributed and channeled so that the preservation of traditional Indonesian food is maintained

    Augmented Reality as Learning Medium for Preservation of Traditional Musical Instruments in Bangka

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    Nowadays the use of technology is something that can be found anywhere. This condition has an impact on the loss of awareness of the Indonesian cultural treasures value in the form of traditional tools. No exception to traditional musical instruments on Bangka Island which began to lose its popularity. At present, most teenagers on Bangka Island cannot play traditional musical instruments. Likewise with the children who do not know and not even know their own regional musical instruments. With the continuation of this condition, it is feared that the existence of traditional Bangka musical instruments will disappear, as well as human resources that can play it. Augmented Reality (AR) is a visual technology that can display objects in 3D. The advantage of this technology is being able to give a display of real-time musical instrument in the form of dynamic 3D visualization of objects and it is in accordance with the movements of the user's smartphone camera. AR has also been applied in various cases as a solution to problem-solving. Therefore, to overcome this problem, an application to preserve the traditional Bangka musical instruments using Augmented Reality (AR) is forming. The 3D objects of musical instruments are made using Maya. Unity is also used as an engine for the application of 3D modeling on the Android system, and Vuforia SDK as it’s augmented reality engine. The results of performance testing obtained 100% running well. From the results of testing the user experience with the HARUS method, it is proven that the system has comprehensibility aspects of 75.98% and manipulability aspects of 80.74% so that the total value HARUS be 78.36%

    Acquisition 3D et visualisation d'objets culturels pour les applications de la réalité augmentée

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    Au cours des dernières décennies, le domaine de la reconstruction 3D a connu une croissance rapide et de nombreuses techniques ont été présentées par les scientifiques. L'enveloppe visuelle et la stéréovision sont deux de ces techniques, et sont classées parmi les techniques IBMR. Les enveloppes visuelles utilisent la forme d'un objet dérivée des images prises sous différents angles pour créer un modèle 3D approximatif de l'objet. La stéréovision calcule la dimension 3D (profondeur) en comparant deux images de la même scène qui ont été prises sous deux angles différents. Les pixels correspondants dans les deux images sont ensuite calculés pour déduire une carte de disparité qui est utilisée pour déterminer les profondeurs. Les deux techniques présentent des inconvénients lorsqu'elles sont utilisées seules, et l'un des objectifs de cette recherche est de surmonter ces problèmes et de développer une technique de reconstruction 3D efficace et robuste. Notre étude a abouti à la proposition d’une méthode innovante pour estimer l'enveloppe visuelle. Deux approches ont été combinées, à savoir, « la correspondance de caractéristiques » et « l’approche par bloc ». Ce qui a permis de reconstruire des objets avec des gains considérables de temps et sans perte de qualité. Nous avons utilisé les informations géométriques présentes dans les images pour réduire l'espace de recherche des algorithmes stéréoscopiques, réduisant ainsi le temps d'exécution de plus de la moitié du temps initial. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons eu l’occasion de reconstruire des objets culturels réels et d’intégrer leur modèles 3D à des applications de réalité augmentée.

    Markerless Augmented Reality Utilizing Gyroscope to Demonstrate the Position of Dewata Nawa Sanga

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    Dewata Nawa Sanga in Hinduism has an important role as the foundation of the religious concept implemented by Hindus in Bali, Indonesia. It has the meaning of nine deities or manifestations of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God Almighty)  that guard or control the nine wind direction. Dewata Nawa Sanga in terms of education in Bali has been learned by the elementary school students. However, in social life the concept of Dewata Nawa Sanga itself has not been attached and understood by all Balinese Hinduism yet. Based on the problem in social life, there is an idea to develop Markerless Augmented Reality Utilizing Gyroscope to Demonstrate the Position of Dewata Nawa Sanga. This application is designed to know, recognize, and understand the characteristics of Dewata Nawa Sanga using gyroscope. This sensor serves to fulfill the object of the deities in the coordinates to be determined. Furthermore, it serves to provide information about Dewata Nawa Sanga along with the innovative and informative 3D animation. The result of usefulness questionnaire of this application percentage value average is 88.4%. It can be concluded that AR Dewata Nawa Sanga is very useful and helpful for learners in exploring the Dewata Nawa Sanga position in a real-world environment. The result of usability and satisfaction questionnaire of this application percentage value average is 84.8%. It shows that the application is very useful for the participants to learn Dewata Nawa Sanga and very satisfied to use.</p