16 research outputs found

    The effect of augmented reality mobile learning in microeconomic course

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    Recently, there has been a surge of interest for students to use technology while engaging in their learning. Augmented reality is one of the technologies found suitable for use in the educational field, such as in science, mathematics, and engineering. However, it is not yet being explored in the Microeconomics course. Therefore, this study investigated the effectiveness of using augmented reality, namely Augmented Reality Mobile Learning in Microeconomic courses (ARMLAAPPS). This study used a quasi-experimental design, and two groups were involved: the control and experimental groups. They are undergoing teaching and learning sessions using ARMLAAPPS and conventional teaching methods. This study indicates that students in the experimental group showed a significantly higher visualization skills level than those in the control group after teaching and learning. Besides, this study also found that ARMLAAPPS can assist in highlighting student-centered learning, stimulating student interest and curiosity, increasing student cognitive, affective, and psychomotor processes, and increasing student involvement in the information-seeking process. Educators are suggested to use augmented reality in their teaching and learning since it has effectively enhanced students’ visualization skills and promoted a better understanding of knowledge

    Immersive Analytics of Large Dynamic Networks via Overview and Detail Navigation

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    Analysis of large dynamic networks is a thriving research field, typically relying on 2D graph representations. The advent of affordable head mounted displays however, sparked new interest in the potential of 3D visualization for immersive network analytics. Nevertheless, most solutions do not scale well with the number of nodes and edges and rely on conventional fly- or walk-through navigation. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the exploration of large dynamic graphs in virtual reality that interweaves two navigation metaphors: overview exploration and immersive detail analysis. We thereby use the potential of state-of-the-art VR headsets, coupled with a web-based 3D rendering engine that supports heterogeneous input modalities to enable ad-hoc immersive network analytics. We validate our approach through a performance evaluation and a case study with experts analyzing a co-morbidity network

    Escaping Flatland: Designing data visualizations in augmented reality

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    Augmented reality is becoming increasingly common in digital news, as nearly every major newsroom has released AR-driven stories in recent years. For this technology to become more than a fad, AR creators will need to pay attention to the user experience and find ways of telling stories that people will understand and remember. This study aims to solve a small part of that challenge, through a user-testing study of data visualizations in augmented reality. Drawing upon the 2D data visualization theories of Edward Tufte, Jaques Bertin, and others, three visualizations were created in AR and examined using user testing methodologies set out by previous AR researchers, as well as user experience researchers like Nielsen and Norman. Twenty-three undergraduate students viewed the augmented reality in the context of a sample news article, then answered comprehension questions and were interviewed about their experiences. Their reactions showed that AR design has particular complications to be careful of: users frequently expressed confusion about objects being occluded behind each other, labels being hard to read, and scales being difficult to measure. All their observations were condensed into five key best practices for AR development: “Keep all items in view,” “Optimize for macro/micro compositions,” “Assume users won’t move around,” “Use labels sparingly,” and “Allow opportunities to learn and fail.” With these guidelines, future development of AR data visualizations can continue to improve user experiences and help promote more widespread adoption of this new technology.Bachelor of Art

    Step into My Mind Palace:Exploration of a Collaborative Paragogy Tool in VR

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    Virtual Reality (VR) can mediate remote collaborative learning and can support pedagogical processes like paragogy. Within education, methods such as spaced repetition and memory palaces exist to support the cognitive process of remembering. We identify an opportunity to enhance learner-led collaborative paragogy involving these methods through immersive VR experiences. We present CleVR, a VR-mediated collaboration-based system that supports the memory palace and spaced repetition techniques. As an exploratory study, we aim to identify the applicability, viability and user perception for such a system combining these two techniques in VR. CleVR is a novel implementation which provides a location-driven metaphor to populate and present multiple resources related to a topic for peer-led exploration. We discuss the design and provide a prototype implementation of CleVR. We conducted two studies, a targeted expert user review and a broader proof of concept survey. The results of the studies show interesting outcomes, with the system described as ‘engaging’, ‘useful’ and ‘fun’. Our findings provide insights to the potential of using Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLE) geared towards collaborative learner-led activities

    Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics

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    The definitive version will be published in CHI 2021, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, JapanInternational audienceImmersive Analytics is a quickly evolving field that unites several areas such as visualisation, immersive environments, and humancomputer interaction to support human data analysis with emerging technologies. This research has thrived over the past years with multiple workshops, seminars, and a growing body of publications, spanning several conferences. Given the rapid advancement of interaction technologies and novel application domains, this paper aims toward a broader research agenda to enable widespread adoption. We present 17 key research challenges developed over multiple sessions by a diverse group of 24 international experts, initiated from a virtual scientific workshop at ACM CHI 2020. These challenges aim to coordinate future work by providing a systematic roadmap of current directions and impending hurdles to facilitate productive and effective applications for Immersive Analytics

    TEAMwISE: synchronised immersive environments for exploration and analysis of animal behaviour

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    The recent availability of affordable and lightweight tracking sensors allows researchers to collect large and complex movement data sets. To explore and analyse these data, applications are required that are capable of handling the data while providing an environment that enables the analyst(s) to focus on the task of investigating the movement in the context of the geographic environment it occurred in. We present an extensible, open-source framework for collaborative analysis of geospatial–temporal movement data with a use case in collective behaviour analysis. The framework TEAMwISE supports the concurrent usage of several program instances, allowing to have different perspectives on the same data in collocated or remote set-ups. The implementation can be deployed in a variety of immersive environments, for example, on a tiled display wall and mobile VR devices