89 research outputs found

    Mappings and grammars on trees

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    Mappings and grammars on trees for automata theor

    Top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead

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    Top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead are introduced. It is shown how these can be decomposed and composed, and how this leads to closure properties of surface sets and tree transformation languages. Particular attention is paid to deterministic tree transducers

    Categoral views on computations on trees (Extended abstract)

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    Computations on trees form a classical topic in computing. These computations can be described in terms of machines (typically called tree transducers), or in terms of functions. This paper focuses on three flavors of bottom-up computations, of increasing generality. It brings categorical clarity by identifying a category of tree transducers together with two different behavior functors. The first sends a tree transducer to a coKleisli or biKleisli map (describing the contribution of each local node in an input tree to the global transformation) and the second to a tree function (the global tree transformation). The first behavior functor has an adjoint realization functor, like in Goguen’s early work on automata. Further categorical structure, in the form of Hughes’s Arrows, appears in properly parameterized versions of these structures