35 research outputs found

    Mapping the business model canvas to ArchiMate

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    Many IT projects fail to succeed in the market, as they start purely from technology. Much effort is therefore wasted, while the potential benefits are not realized. We argue that the design process should start with creating a business model, which is then translated to an architecture to ensure fitness for market of the future system. Therefore, we propose a mapping from Osterwalder’s business modeling canvas and ontology to the enterprise architecture modeling standard ArchiMate, which makes the above translation possible and represents a formal basis for business modeling in ArchiMate. A case study illustrates the mapping between the two languages

    A Comparative Analysis of Business Model Notations

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    Although there were many comparative literatures of Business Models, there were not clear comparison criteria. Therefore, these comparisons were fragmented based on different viewpoints. In general, questions on business models can be categorized by interrogatives. In other words, the interrogatives imply a set of key features of business model notations. The feature category of business models using the interrogative will provide a unified way to compare different business models. The paper first defines the fifteen key features of Business Model Notations with five interrogatives. Then we concretely compare typical Business Model Notations based on the key features. The result clarifies the difference of Business Model Notations by using the proposed comparison framework. The result also implies a method to choose appropriate business model notations by using a set of interrogatives which correspond to important questions on business models

    Impacto del sistema de monitoreo en la productividad de la empresa carbón y miel de Trujillo, 2018

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    La presente investigación de diseño pre - experimental bajo un diseño pre – test y post-test con un solo grupo, el cual tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto del sistema de monitoreo en la productividad de la empresa Carbón y Miel de Trujillo, 2018, para lo cual se contó con la participación de una muestra conformada por 44 colaboradores de la empresa; a quienes se evaluó con el Cuestionario de Productividad, fue validado previamente con expertos en el tema, además su coeficiente de confiabilidad fue de 0.88. Los resultados demostraron que existe un incremento en las dimensiones de verificación de la disposición, en donde antes de la implementación del sistema sólo el 20.45% mantenía un nivel alto frente al 68.18% que mantenía dicho nivel posteriormente; además existió un incremento en la dimensión verificación de equipos, dado que antes de la implementación un 59.0% mantenía un nivel alto, mientras que una vez implementado el sistema el 75% de los trabajadores mantuvo un nivel alto, y existe una mejora en la dimensión verificación de procedimientos, dado que antes de la implementación el 27.27% mantenía un nivel alto, mientras que después de la implementación un 77.27% obtuvo un nivel alto. Se llegó a la conclusión que la implementación del sistema de monitoreo incrementó la productividad en la empresa Carbón y Miel S.R.L, dado que durante el año 2018 se apreció un progreso de la productividad del 186% en comparación con el año anterior, así como se estima que el índice de productividad se mantendrá en ascenso durante los siguientes años.The present research with pre - experimental design under a pre - test and post - test focus with a single group, which aims to determine the impact of the monitoring system on the productivity of the company Carbón y Miel at Trujillo city, 2018, for which was attended by a sample consisting of 44 employees of the company; whose were evaluated with the Productivity Questionnaire, was previously validated with experts in the subject, also its reliability coefficient was 0.88. The results showed that there is an increase in the dimension verification of the provision, where before the implementation of the system only 20.45% maintained a high level compared to 68.18% that maintained that level later; there was also an increase in the dimension verification of equipment, given that before the implementation a 59.0% maintained a high level, while once implemented the system 75% of workers maintained a high level, and there is an improvement in the dimension verification of procedures, given that before implementation 27.27% maintained a high level, while after implementation 77.27% obtained a high level. It was concluded that the implementation of the monitoring system increased productivity in the company Carbón y Miel S.R.L., given that during the year 2018 a productivity progress of 186% was achieved compared to the previous year and it is estimated that the productivity index will continue to rise during the following years

    Revisión sistemática de la literatura de la automatización de procesos de negocio

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    Companies face the challenge of placing a product or service before their competition, and need to respond to their customers’ requirements. For these reasons, its organizational structure is being oriented to an optimization of the business processes. They are required to be agile to respond to the business environment, i.e., customer requirements, as well as new legal provisions and business strategies. The automation of business processes contributes significantly with the agility of these processes. The purpose of this article is to classify the methods used for the automation of business processes. The literary review used articles related to this topic as reference. Therefore, articles were searched in Scopus, Google Scholar and Springer. The review process was carried out in two stages: first, the articles found were filtered based on the reading of the titles, abstracts and keywords; second, articles were selected based on the complete reading of the filtered articles.Las empresas enfrentan el desafío de colocar un producto o servicio antes que su competencia, y necesitan responder a los requerimientos de sus clientes; por estos motivos, su estructura organizacional está orientándose a una optimización de los procesos de negocio. Se requiere que estos sean ágiles para responder al entorno empresarial, es decir, a los requerimientos del cliente, así como a las nuevas disposiciones legales y a las estrategias del negocio. La automatización de procesos de negocio contribuye significativamente con la agilidad de estos procesos. El presente artículo tiene el propósito de clasificar los métodos utilizados para la automatización de procesos de negocio. La revisión literaria utilizó como referencia artículos relacionados con este tema. Por tanto, se buscaron artículos en Scopus, Google Scholar y Springer. El proceso de revisión se realizó en dos etapas: en la primera los artículos encontrados se filtraron sobre la base de la lectura de los títulos, resúmenes y palabras claves; y en la segunda se seleccionaron los artículos en base a la lectura completa de los artículos filtrados

    Application of Enterprise Architecture in Digital Transformation of Insurance Companies

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    Implementation of enterprise architecture is a major requirement for companies that want to develop business processes according to their needs. Business architecture is the company's initial plan to support the company's operations. An insurance company is a company that provides insurance services. Insurance is a form of contract in which the guaranteed party pays a premium to the insurance company. Insurance companies provide payment guarantees in the event of certain risks that are guaranteed in the insurance contract. Therefore, this company must think about operational forms to provide the best service for its customers. Structuring business processes starting from the sales process, administrative processes, claims processes, to financial processes which are the most vital processes. Insurance companies are different from other financial services companies, such as banking companies, fintech companies and others. The insurance company's unique process is to provide guarantees to its customers in carrying out risk protection. Before starting to implement enterprise architecture, the company already has a business architecture blueprint which is the enterprise architecture of a company. The design begins with running architectural business processes, architectural applications, architectural databases and architectural technology. Enterprise architecture implementation certainly cannot be separated from project management. Because project management is a process that manages the project so that the project becomes more organized in its implementatio

    Business Plan Proposal for a Company

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá podnikatelským plánem, který slouží k založení personální agentury. Součástí bakalářské práce je teoretická část související s daným tématem, analytická část a samotný návrh pro založení personální agentury. SLEPT analýza, analýza trhu a SWOT analýza budou použity v analytické části bakalářské práce. Výstupem této práce bude rozhodnutí zda se bude tento návrh realizovat.This bachelor thesis deals with composition of business plan, leading to establishment of personal agency. Part of the bachelor thesis is the theoretical part related to the topic, the analytical part and the proposal for the establishment of a personal agency. SLEPT analysis, market analysis and SWOT analysis will be used in the analytical part of the bachelor thesis. Final part of this thesis contains assessing the implementation of the proposal.

    Main differences in strategic decisions between sharing economy platforms and collaborative consumption platforms

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    Literature on sharing economy is still very limited and lacks clear boundaries to which businesses should and should not be included in its sphere. The present study defines the differences and similarities between the business models of pure sharing economy platforms, such as Turo, and collaborative consumption platforms, such as DriveNow, as both are frequently included in the sharing economy sphere. Using the business model canvas framework to compare each of the nine elements that constitute both business models, results show that the customer interface is the only similarity between the two business models while the value proposition, infrastructure management and financial aspects differ significantly between sharing economy and collaborative consumption platforms. Based on these results, it is clear that pure sharing economy platforms and collaborative consumption platforms should not be treated indifferently as part of the sharing economy sphere as generalizations would lead to wrong conclusions based on incorrect assumptions

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture