1,711 research outputs found

    Deep Thermal Imaging: Proximate Material Type Recognition in the Wild through Deep Learning of Spatial Surface Temperature Patterns

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    We introduce Deep Thermal Imaging, a new approach for close-range automatic recognition of materials to enhance the understanding of people and ubiquitous technologies of their proximal environment. Our approach uses a low-cost mobile thermal camera integrated into a smartphone to capture thermal textures. A deep neural network classifies these textures into material types. This approach works effectively without the need for ambient light sources or direct contact with materials. Furthermore, the use of a deep learning network removes the need to handcraft the set of features for different materials. We evaluated the performance of the system by training it to recognise 32 material types in both indoor and outdoor environments. Our approach produced recognition accuracies above 98% in 14,860 images of 15 indoor materials and above 89% in 26,584 images of 17 outdoor materials. We conclude by discussing its potentials for real-time use in HCI applications and future directions.Comment: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System

    Occupant-Centric Simulation-Aided Building Design Theory, Application, and Case Studies

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    This book promotes occupants as a focal point for the design process

    Sense-Assess-eXplain (SAX): Building Trust in Autonomous Vehicles in Challenging Real-World Driving Scenarios

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    This paper discusses ongoing work in demonstrating research in mobile autonomy in challenging driving scenarios. In our approach, we address fundamental technical issues to overcome critical barriers to assurance and regulation for large-scale deployments of autonomous systems. To this end, we present how we build robots that (1) can robustly sense and interpret their environment using traditional as well as unconventional sensors; (2) can assess their own capabilities; and (3), vitally in the purpose of assurance and trust, can provide causal explanations of their interpretations and assessments. As it is essential that robots are safe and trusted, we design, develop, and demonstrate fundamental technologies in real-world applications to overcome critical barriers which impede the current deployment of robots in economically and socially important areas. Finally, we describe ongoing work in the collection of an unusual, rare, and highly valuable dataset.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Workshop on Ensuring and Validating Safety for Automated Vehicles (EVSAV), 2020, project URL: https://ori.ox.ac.uk/projects/sense-assess-explain-sa

    Indoor Localization for Fire Safety : A brief overview of fundamentals, needs and requirements and applications

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    An indoor localization system for positioning evacuating people can be anticipated to increase the chances of a safe evacuation and effective rescue intervention in case of a tunnel fire. Such a system may utilize prevalent wireless technologies, e.g., Bluetooth, RFID and Wi-Fi, which today are used to survey incoming and outgoing traffic to a certain space or location, to estimate group sizes and to measure the duration of visits during normal operation of buildings. Examples also exist of where the same wireless technologies are used for safety purposes, for example to assess real-time location, tracking and monitoring of vehicles, personnel and equipment in mining environments. However, they are relatively few, and typically rely on a high degree of control over the people that are to be tracked, and their association with (connection to) the localization system used for the tracking. In this report, the results of a brief overview of the literature within the field of indoor localization in general, and the application of indoor localization systems within the field of particularly fire safety, is summarized. This information forms the underlying basis for the planning and execution of a future field study, in which an indoor Wi-Fi localization system will be tested and evaluated in terms of if, and if so how, it can be used to position evacuating people in tunnels. Whereas such a system allows digital footprints to be collected within a wireless network infrastructure (also already existing ones), questions remains to be answered regarding aspects such as precision and accuracy, and furthermore, how these aspects are affected by other independent variables. In the end of this report, examples of research questions deemed necessary to answer in order to enable a sound evaluation of the system is presented. These need to be addressed in the future planning of the above-mentioned field study

    Methods to Obtain the Occupant Perspective

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    This chapter summarizes the most important methods for actively engaging occupants in the processes of designing buildings. Each stage in the building life cycle places different demands on the professional-to-occupant relationship. Both objective and subjective data are important in this relationship and raises key epistemological questions about factors that cannot be directly observed—e.g., how do we know what we know about occupant behavior? The chapter guides the reader through this intellectually dangerous terrain by suggesting that the best way to find out what people think is to ask them. Some methods discussed here are familiar to practitioners, including interviews, surveys, focus groups, and direct observation. Others are just entering widespread practice, including virtual reality simulations, ubiquitous sensors and monitoring systems, and momentary ecological assessments. Each method has strengths, weaknesses, and appropriateness for use during certain stages of the building life cycle. The key takeaways from this chapter are that (1) building designers and operators can learn much value from occupants and (2) the new skills needed to engage successfully can be quickly learned. Occupant-centric design approaches that employ these methods improve the likelihood of successful building, interface design, and occupant outcomes

    Advanced Occupancy Measurement Using Sensor Fusion

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    With roughly about half of the energy used in buildings attributed to Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems, there is clearly great potential for energy saving through improved building operations. Accurate knowledge of localised and real-time occupancy numbers can have compelling control applications for HVAC systems. However, existing technologies applied for building occupancy measurements are limited, such that a precise and reliable occupant count is difficult to obtain. For example, passive infrared (PIR) sensors commonly used for occupancy sensing in lighting control applications cannot differentiate between occupants grouped together, video sensing is often limited by privacy concerns, atmospheric gas sensors (such as CO2 sensors) may be affected by the presence of electromagnetic (EMI) interference, and may not show clear links between occupancy and sensor values. Past studies have indicated the need for a heterogeneous multi-sensory fusion approach for occupancy detection to address the short-comings of existing occupancy detection systems. The aim of this research is to develop an advanced instrumentation strategy to monitor occupancy levels in non-domestic buildings, whilst facilitating the lowering of energy use and also maintaining an acceptable indoor climate. Accordingly, a novel multi-sensor based approach for occupancy detection in open-plan office spaces is proposed. The approach combined information from various low-cost and non-intrusive indoor environmental sensors, with the aim to merge advantages of various sensors, whilst minimising their weaknesses. The proposed approach offered the potential for explicit information indicating occupancy levels to be captured. The proposed occupancy monitoring strategy has two main components; hardware system implementation and data processing. The hardware system implementation included a custom made sound sensor and refinement of CO2 sensors for EMI mitigation. Two test beds were designed and implemented for supporting the research studies, including proof-of-concept, and experimental studies. Data processing was carried out in several stages with the ultimate goal being to detect occupancy levels. Firstly, interested features were extracted from all sensory data collected, and then a symmetrical uncertainty analysis was applied to determine the predictive strength of individual sensor features. Thirdly, a candidate features subset was determined using a genetic based search. Finally, a back-propagation neural network model was adopted to fuse candidate multi-sensory features for estimation of occupancy levels. Several test cases were implemented to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed occupancy detection approach. Results have shown the potential of the proposed heterogeneous multi-sensor fusion based approach as an advanced strategy for the development of reliable occupancy detection systems in open-plan office buildings, which can be capable of facilitating improved control of building services. In summary, the proposed approach has the potential to: (1) Detect occupancy levels with an accuracy reaching 84.59% during occupied instances (2) capable of maintaining average occupancy detection accuracy of 61.01%, in the event of sensor failure or drop-off (such as CO2 sensors drop-off), (3) capable of utilising just sound and motion sensors for occupancy levels monitoring in a naturally ventilated space, (4) capable of facilitating potential daily energy savings reaching 53%, if implemented for occupancy-driven ventilation control