7 research outputs found

    Technology Road Mapping for Innovation Pathways of Fibrates: A Cross-Database Patent Review

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    Purpose: To examine international technology development of fibrates based on a cross-database quantitative patent review and to describe the evolution pathway for fibrates by means of a technology roadmap.Methods: The patent data were collected in March 2013 from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO) and China Intellectual Property Right Net (CNIPR) to broadly represent global patent activities.Results: This study selected and examined 84 patents from USPTO, 41 patents from EPO and 39 patents from CNIPR. It showed that most of the fibrate patents were fenofibrate patents (41.67 % at USPTO, 46.34 % at EPO and 33.33 % at CNIPR). The number of preparation patents (44 at USPTO, 24 at EPO and 17 at CNIPR) and combination patents (23 at USPTO, 11 at EPO and 15 at CNIPR) was obviously larger than other types of fibrate patents. The technology roadmap shows that new monomersor derivatives of fibrates can drive fibrate evolution into a new cycle of application-synthesiscombination- preparation.Conclusion: This study provides a comprehensive picture of fibrate development. It will aid researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers to identify foci for fibrate research and ensure better  decision-making

    Patent Citations to Journals: The Innovation Impact of the Lancet

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze citations to the Lancet journals in patents based on the Lens database. This study indicates to what extent the Lancet is used and cited by inventors worldwide. We analyzed the innovation impact and distributions of patent citations to the Lancet. The primary source of patent data utilized in this study was the Lens database (www.lens.org). This study indicates to what extent the Lancet is used and cited by inventors. We analyzed the distributions of patent citations to the Lancet. The results show that the total number of patent citations to the Lancet papers on the Lens was 114,069. Most patents cited to the Lancet papers have been granted by the United States, WIPO, European Patens, China, Japan, Korea, Germany, UK, France, and Russia. It was noted that the highest number of patents were in the A class (Human necessities), especially the following CPC subclass: A61P 35/00 (Antineoplastic agents: Drugs); A61P 43/00 (Drugs for specific purposes, not provided for in groups A61P 1/00-A61P 41/00); A61K 45/06 (Mixtures of active ingredients without chemical characterisation, e.g. antiphlogistics and cardiaca); A61P 29/00 (Non-central analgesic, antipyretic or antiinflammatory agents, e.g. antirheumatic agents; Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAID]); A61P 25/00 (Drugs for disorders of the nervous system). This study analyzed the frequency of patent citations to the Lancet. The results show that the total number of patent citations to papers published in the Lancet was 114,069. The Lancet's papers are cited in patents of the Class A (Human Necessities). Thus, the Lancet serves the human necessities and health care

    Mapping Iranian patents based on International Patent Classification (IPC), from 1976 to 2011

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    Patents are used as an indicator to assess the growth of science and technology in a given country or area. They are being examined to determine research potentials of research centers, universities, and inventors. The aim of this study is to map the past and current trends in patenting activities with a view to better understanding and tracking the changing nature of science and technology in Iran. The patenting activity in the Iran was investigated for the period 1976–2011, based on the USPTO, WIPO, and EPO (Esp@cenet). We analyzed the affiliation of inventers and collected patents which have at least an Iranian inventor. The collected data were analyzed applying Microsoft Excel. Analytical results demonstrate that between 1976 and 2011, 212 patents have been registered by Iranian inventors in the three above-mentioned databases. The average number of Iranian patents registered per year has increased significantly from 25 in 1976–1980 period to 119 in 2006–2011. It was noted that the highest number of registered patents (27 %) were in ‘‘chemistry, metallurgy’’ area of International Patent Classification (IPC), followed by ‘‘human necessities’’ (18 %), ‘‘electricity’’ (17 %), and ‘‘performing operations; transporting’’ (15 %). Overall, it can be concluded that patent-activities are highly country-specific, the results indicate that Iran is focused on ‘‘chemistry, metallurgy’’ technology

    Inovação tecnológica da UFRGS: uma análise da colaboração identificada nas patentes indexadas na base Orbit

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    This article is a descriptive study, with a patentometric bias, which goal is to study the characteristics of the interinstitutional collaboration in patents at UFRGS, including the networks with different institutions and another countries, and also identifying the technological fields and the main inventors. Data from 124 registers indexed in the Orbit database were collected, and they were treated and analyzed with the following softwares: Pajek, MapChart, VOSviewer e Excel, and is presented in nets, maps e tables. The results shows that UFRGS: has a strong partnership with Braskem, University of Caxias do Sul and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; collaborates with more intensity with Brazilian institutions, but Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay also appear in their foreign relations; has more records in the areas of Human Necessities, Chemistry, Performing Operations and Transporting and Physics, with patents deposited majorly in the Brazil’s Office, specially inventors from the fields of engineering, pharmacy, veterinary and chemistry. In the end, concludes that UFRGS is seeking for international collaboration.É um estudo de caráter descritivo, com viés patentométrico, que objetiva estudar as características da colaboração interinstitucional nas patentes da UFRGS, contemplando as redes de colaboração com outras instituições e países, e identificando os campos tecnológicos e os principais inventores. Foram coletados dados de 124 registros indexados na base de dados Orbit, que foram tratados e analisados com a ajuda dos softwares Pajek, MapChart, VOSviewer e Excel, resultando em redes, mapas e tabelas. Apresenta nos resultados que a UFRGS: possui forte parceria com Brasken, Universidade de Caxias do Sul e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; colabora mais intensamente com instituições brasileiras, mas aparecem Paraguai, Argentina e Uruguai nas suas relações estrangeiras; possui mais registros nas áreas de Necessidades Humanas, Química, Operações de Processamento e Transporte e Física, com patentes depositadas majoritariamente no escritório do Brasil, destacando inventores das áreas da engenharia, farmácia, veterinária e química. Finaliza com a ideia de que a UFRGS está buscando colaboração internacional

    Innovation and entrepreneurship in organization studies

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    This work, following the conceptual recombination theory, by which ideas and concepts are mentally merged to transform and extend knowledge, explores and summarizes the current sources of academic literature, simultaneously engaging research in the fields of entrepreneurship and creativity. A bibliometric co-citation analysis was applied to identify the invisible colleges and the latent relationships among the most significant papers. Multivariate analyses including cluster, latent class, multidimensional scaling, and Pathfinder were combined to map the nodes positioning the literature. The goal of this study is (1) to increase the awareness of scholars by detecting and visualizing the intellectual structure of the shared ground among both sets of literature; (2) to identify the connected schools of thought, methods, constructs, and theories to problematize or literature gaps to be filled; (3) to reveal the network structure the central, bridge, and peripheral nodes and to hypothesize trailblazing trends, sidings, or forgotten contributions; and (4) to generate, thanks to a creativity grant, new insights to enable entrepreneurs to explore new frontiers. Using creativity techniques and a panel of experts in support, 26 keywords were generated, extracted, assessed and exploited to identify the research unit of 1533 articles. Following a further evaluation process, 73 major co-cited items were finally selected. Given the transverse nature of the creativity domain and of the search for academic interdisciplinary comminglings, data were collected from Science (SCI), Social Sciences (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities (A&HCI) citation indices for the 1991-2013 period

    Cenário das patentes relacionadas ao babaçu indexadas na base de dados Derwent Innovations Index

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    Discorre sobre o panorama das patentes relacionadas ao babaçu indexadas na base de dados Derwent Innovations Index. Traz o seguinte problema de pesquisa: como a Ciência da Informação pode contribuir com a informação tecnológica observando o caso específico do Babaçu? Tem por objetivo geral entender como a Ciência da Informação pode contribuir com a informação tecnológica no contexto das patentes de Babaçu. O estudo caracteriza-se por ser uma pesquisa descritiva, com viés patentométrico e documental, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa de natureza básica. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que os pedidos de patentes relacionados ao babaçu possuem como principais depositantes grandes corporações estrangeiras, entre elas estão a L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble e Unilever. A pesquisa também revelou que os cinco países de prioridade que mais se destacam nos depósitos de patentes relacionadas ao babaçu são os Estados Unidos, a Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual, o Brasil, o Escritório Europeu de Patentes e a China. A evolução diacrônica dos pedidos das patentes relativas ao Babaçu apresentou uma constância, do ano 1980, onde ocorreu o primeiro depósito, até 1998, o número de pedidos se manteve estável, tendo uma média de 5 depósitos por ano. A partir de 1999 houve uma ampliação significativa seguindo numa crescente até o ano de 2019, sendo depositado, em média, 60 pedidos por ano. Com relação à Classificação Internacional de Patentes, viu-se que a maior parte das patentes foi classificada na área da ciência médica ou veterinária e higiene, no campo de produtos alimentícios e na esfera das indústrias do petróleo e do gás, abrangendo os segmentos de combustíveis e lubrificantes. E por meio da Classificação Internacional de Patentes foi possível reconhecer as categorias de uso do Babaçu nos pedidos de patentes. Acerca do conhecimento tradicional associado ao babaçu, os conteúdos contidos nas patentes lidas e analisadas deixaram evidente que há um grau de ligação com saberes tradicionais atrelados ao fruto. Conclui-se que a Ciência da Informação possui uma grande contribuição no âmbito da informação tecnológica, por meio de técnicas cientométricas, mas também pode colaborar na esfera do conhecimento tradicional, associando os estudos métricos da informação e indicadores de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação com análises qualitativas e contextuais.The current study discloses the prospect of babassu related patents indexed in the Derwent Innovations Index database. It brings up the following research problem question: how can Information Science contribute to technological information by looking at the specific case of babassu? General objective is to understand how Information Science can contribute with technological information in the context of Babassu patents. The study is characterized as descriptive research, with patentometric and documental analysis with a quantitative-qualitative survey approach. The analysis of the results suggests that patent applications related to Babassu main depositors are large foreign corporations, among them is L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble and Unilever. The survey also revealed that the top five priority countries for babassu-related patent deposit are the United States, World Intellectual Property Organization, Brazil, European Patent Office and China. The diachronic evolution of patent applications related to Babassu showed a relative deposit flow, from the year 1980 where the first deposit occurred, until 1998, the number of applications remained stable with an average of 5 deposits per year. Since 1999, there has been a significant expansion, following an increase until the year 2019, with an average of 60 orders being deposited per year. Regarding the International Patent Classification, it was seen that most of the patents were classified in the area of medical or veterinary science and hygiene, in the field of food production also in the sphere of oil and gas industries covering the fuel segments and lubricants. Through the International Patent Classification, it was possible to recognize the categories of use of babassu in patent applications. Towards traditional knowledge associated with the fruit, the contents reported in the patents analyzed made it evident that there is a degree of connection with traditional knowledge linked to the Babassu. Conclusion leads to assertions that Information Science has a great contribution in the scope of technological information through scientometric techniques, it can also collaborate in the sphere of traditional knowledge associating the metrics studies and indicators Science, Technology and Innovation with qualitative and contextual analysis