9,674 research outputs found

    High accuracy tightly-coupled integrity monitoring algorithm for map-matching

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    A map-matching algorithm employs data from Global Positioning System (GPS), a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based road map and other sensors to first identify the correct link on which a vehicle travels and then to determine the physical location of the vehicle on the link. Due to uncertainties associated with the raw measurements from GPS/other sensors, the road map and the related methods, it is essential to monitor the integrity of map-matching results, especially for safety and mission-critical intelligent transport systems such as positioning and navigation of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. Current integrity methods for map-matching are inadequate and unreliable as they fail to satisfy the integrity requirement due mainly to incorrect treatment of all the related uncertainties simultaneously. The aim of this paper is therefore to develop a new tightly-coupled integrity monitoring method for map-matching by properly treating the uncertainties from all sources concurrently. In this method, the raw measurements from GPS, low-cost Dead-Reckoning (DR) sensors and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) are first integrated using an extended Kalman Filter to continuously obtain better position fixes. A weight-based topological map-matching process is then developed to map-match position fixes onto the road map. The accuracy of the map-matching process is enhanced by employing a range of network features such as grade separation, traffic flow directions and the geometry of road link. The Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) technique, which has been successfully applied to monitor the integrity of aircraft navigation, is modified and enhanced so as to apply it to monitor the quality of map-matching. In the enhanced RAIM method, two modifications are made: (1) a variable false alarm rate (as opposed to a constant false alarm rate) is considered to improve the fault detection performance in selecting the links, especially near junctions. (2) a sigma inflation for a non-Gaussian distribution of measurement noises is applied for the purpose of satisfying the integrity risk requirement. The implementation and validation of the enhanced RAIM method is accomplished by utilising the required navigation performance parameters (in terms of accuracy, integrity and availability) of safety and mission-critical intelligent transport systems. The required data were collected from Nottingham and central London. In terms of map-matching, the results suggest that the developed map-matching method is capable of identifying at least 97.7% of the links correctly in the case of frequent GPS outages. In terms of integrity, the enhanced RAIM method provides better the fault detection performance relative to the traditional RAIM

    Security of GPS/INS based On-road Location Tracking Systems

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    Location information is critical to a wide-variety of navigation and tracking applications. Today, GPS is the de-facto outdoor localization system but has been shown to be vulnerable to signal spoofing attacks. Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) are emerging as a popular complementary system, especially in road transportation systems as they enable improved navigation and tracking as well as offer resilience to wireless signals spoofing, and jamming attacks. In this paper, we evaluate the security guarantees of INS-aided GPS tracking and navigation for road transportation systems. We consider an adversary required to travel from a source location to a destination, and monitored by a INS-aided GPS system. The goal of the adversary is to travel to alternate locations without being detected. We developed and evaluated algorithms that achieve such goal, providing the adversary significant latitude. Our algorithms build a graph model for a given road network and enable us to derive potential destinations an attacker can reach without raising alarms even with the INS-aided GPS tracking and navigation system. The algorithms render the gyroscope and accelerometer sensors useless as they generate road trajectories indistinguishable from plausible paths (both in terms of turn angles and roads curvature). We also designed, built, and demonstrated that the magnetometer can be actively spoofed using a combination of carefully controlled coils. We implemented and evaluated the impact of the attack using both real-world and simulated driving traces in more than 10 cities located around the world. Our evaluations show that it is possible for an attacker to reach destinations that are as far as 30 km away from the true destination without being detected. We also show that it is possible for the adversary to reach almost 60-80% of possible points within the target region in some cities

    Satellite Navigation for the Age of Autonomy

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) brought navigation to the masses. Coupled with smartphones, the blue dot in the palm of our hands has forever changed the way we interact with the world. Looking forward, cyber-physical systems such as self-driving cars and aerial mobility are pushing the limits of what localization technologies including GNSS can provide. This autonomous revolution requires a solution that supports safety-critical operation, centimeter positioning, and cyber-security for millions of users. To meet these demands, we propose a navigation service from Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites which deliver precision in-part through faster motion, higher power signals for added robustness to interference, constellation autonomous integrity monitoring for integrity, and encryption / authentication for resistance to spoofing attacks. This paradigm is enabled by the 'New Space' movement, where highly capable satellites and components are now built on assembly lines and launch costs have decreased by more than tenfold. Such a ubiquitous positioning service enables a consistent and secure standard where trustworthy information can be validated and shared, extending the electronic horizon from sensor line of sight to an entire city. This enables the situational awareness needed for true safe operation to support autonomy at scale.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS

    Generating Compact Geometric Track-Maps for Train Positioning Applications

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    In this paper, we present a method to generate compact geometric track-maps for train-borne localization applications. Therefore, we first give a brief overview on the purpose of track maps in train-positioning applications. It becomes apparent that there are hardly any adequate methods to generate suitable geometric track-maps. This is why we present a novel map generation procedure. It uses an optimization formulation to find the continuous sequence of track geometries that fits the available measurement data best. The optimization is initialized with the results from a localization filter developed in our previous work. The localization filter also provides the required information for shape identification and measurement association. The presented approach will be evaluated on simulated data as well as on real measurements

    Multisensor navigation systems: a remedy for GNSS vulnerabilities?

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    Space-based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies, such as the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) provide position, velocity, and timing information to an unlimited number of users around the world. In recent years, PNT information has become increasingly critical to the security, safety, and prosperity of the World's population, and is now widely recognized as an essential element of the global information infrastructure. Due to its vulnerabilities and line-of-sight requirements, GNSS alone is unable to provide PNT with the required levels of integrity, accuracy, continuity, and reliability. A multisensor navigation approach offers an effective augmentation in GNSS-challenged environments that holds a promise of delivering robust and resilient PNT. Traditionally, sensors such as inertial measurement units (IMUs), barometers, magnetometers, odometers, and digital compasses, have been used. However, recent trends have largely focused on image-based, terrain-based and collaborative navigation to recover the user location. This paper offers a review of the technological advances that have taken place in PNT over the last two decades, and discusses various hybridizations of multisensory systems, building upon the fundamental GNSS/IMU integration. The most important conclusion of this study is that in order to meet the challenging goals of delivering continuous, accurate and robust PNT to the ever-growing numbers of users, the hybridization of a suite of different PNT solutions is required

    Context-aware GPS Integrity Monitoring for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

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    The integrity of positioning systems has become an increasingly important requirement for location-based Intelligent Transports Systems (ITS). The navigation systems, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), used in ITS cannot provide the high quality positioning information required by most services, due to the various type of errors from GPS sensor, such as signal outage, and atmospheric effects, all of which are difficult to measure, or from the map matching process. Consequently, an error in the positioning information or map matching process may lead to inaccurate determination of a vehicle’s location. Thus, the integrity is require when measuring both vehicle’s positioning and other related information such as speed, to locate the vehicle in the correct road segment, and avoid errors. The integrity algorithm for the navigation system should include a guarantee that the systems do not produce misleading or faulty information; as this may lead to a significant error arising in the ITS services. Hence, to achieve the integrity requirement a navigation system should have a robust mechanism, to notify the user of any potential errors in the navigation information. The main aim of this research is to develop a robust and reliable mechanism to support the positioning requirement of ITS services. This can be achieved by developing a high integrity GPS monitoring algorithm with the consideration of speed, based on the concept of context-awareness which can be applied with real time ITS services to adapt changes in the integrity status of the navigation system. Context-aware architecture is designed to collect contextual information about the vehicle, including location, speed and heading, reasoning about its integrity and reactions based on the information acquired. In this research, three phases of integrity checks are developed. These are, (i) positioning integrity, (ii) speed integrity, and (iii) map matching integrity. Each phase uses different techniques to examine the consistency of the GPS information. A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is used to measure the quality of the GPS positioning data. GPS Doppler information is used to check the integrity of vehicle’s speed, adding a new layer of integrity and improving the performance of the map matching process. The final phase in the integrity algorithm is intended to verify the integrity of the map matching process. In this phase, fuzzy logic is also used to measure the integrity level, which guarantees the validity and integrity of the map matching results. This algorithm is implemented successfully, examined using real field data. In addition, a true reference vehicle is used to determine the reliability and validity of the output. The results show that the new integrity algorithm has the capability to support a various types of location-based ITS services.Saudi Arabia Cultural Burea

    Benets of tight coupled architectures for the integration of GNSS receiver and Vanet transceiver

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    Vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs) are one emerging type of networks that will enable a broad range of applications such as public safety, traffic management, traveler information support and entertain ment. Whether wireless access may be asynchronous or synchronous (respectively as in the upcoming IEEE 8021.11p standard or in some alternative emerging solutions), a synchronization among nodes is required. Moreover, the information on position is needed to let vehicular services work and to correctly forward the messages. As a result, timing and positioning are a strong prerequisite of VANETs. Also the diffusion of enhanced GNSS Navigators paves the way to the integration between GNSS receivers and VANET transceiv ers. This position paper presents an analysis on potential benefits coming from a tightcoupling between the two: the dissertation is meant to show to what extent Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services could benefit from the proposed architectur

    Vertiport Navigation Requirements and Multisensor Architecture Considerations for Urban Air Mobility

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    Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) technologies are key enablers for future safe operation of drones in urban environments. However, the design of navigation technologies for these new applications is more challenging compared to e.g., civil aviation. On the one hand, the use cases and operations in urban environments are expected to have stringent requirements in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability. On the other hand, airborne sensors may not be based on high-quality equipment as in civil aviation and solutions need to rely on tighter multisensor solutions, whose safety is difficult to assess. In this work, we first provide some initial navigation requirements related to precision approach operations based on recently proposed vertiport designs. Then, we provide an overview of a possible multisensor navigation architecture solution able to support these types of operations and we comment on the challenges of each of the subsystems. Finally, initial proof of concept for some navigation sensor subsystems is presented based on flight trials performed during the German Aerospace Center (DLR) project HorizonUAM