10,775 research outputs found

    CU2CL: A CUDA-to-OpenCL Translator for Multi- and Many-core Architectures

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    The use of graphics processing units (GPUs) in high-performance parallel computing continues to become more prevalent, often as part of a heterogeneous system. For years, CUDA has been the de facto programming environment for nearly all general-purpose GPU (GPGPU) applications. In spite of this, the framework is available only on NVIDIA GPUs, traditionally requiring reimplementation in other frameworks in order to utilize additional multi- or many-core devices. On the other hand, OpenCL provides an open and vendorneutral programming environment and runtime system. With implementations available for CPUs, GPUs, and other types of accelerators, OpenCL therefore holds the promise of a “write once, run anywhere” ecosystem for heterogeneous computing. Given the many similarities between CUDA and OpenCL, manually porting a CUDA application to OpenCL is typically straightforward, albeit tedious and error-prone. In response to this issue, we created CU2CL, an automated CUDA-to- OpenCL source-to-source translator that possesses a novel design and clever reuse of the Clang compiler framework. Currently, the CU2CL translator covers the primary constructs found in CUDA runtime API, and we have successfully translated many applications from the CUDA SDK and Rodinia benchmark suite. The performance of our automatically translated applications via CU2CL is on par with their manually ported countparts

    NVIDIA Tensor Core Programmability, Performance & Precision

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    The NVIDIA Volta GPU microarchitecture introduces a specialized unit, called "Tensor Core" that performs one matrix-multiply-and-accumulate on 4x4 matrices per clock cycle. The NVIDIA Tesla V100 accelerator, featuring the Volta microarchitecture, provides 640 Tensor Cores with a theoretical peak performance of 125 Tflops/s in mixed precision. In this paper, we investigate current approaches to program NVIDIA Tensor Cores, their performances and the precision loss due to computation in mixed precision. Currently, NVIDIA provides three different ways of programming matrix-multiply-and-accumulate on Tensor Cores: the CUDA Warp Matrix Multiply Accumulate (WMMA) API, CUTLASS, a templated library based on WMMA, and cuBLAS GEMM. After experimenting with different approaches, we found that NVIDIA Tensor Cores can deliver up to 83 Tflops/s in mixed precision on a Tesla V100 GPU, seven and three times the performance in single and half precision respectively. A WMMA implementation of batched GEMM reaches a performance of 4 Tflops/s. While precision loss due to matrix multiplication with half precision input might be critical in many HPC applications, it can be considerably reduced at the cost of increased computation. Our results indicate that HPC applications using matrix multiplications can strongly benefit from using of NVIDIA Tensor Cores.Comment: This paper has been accepted by the Eighth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) 201

    Architecture-Aware Optimization on a 1600-core Graphics Processor

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    The graphics processing unit (GPU) continues to make significant strides as an accelerator in commodity cluster computing for high-performance computing (HPC). For example, three of the top five fastest supercomputers in the world, as ranked by the TOP500, employ GPUs as accelerators. Despite this increasing interest in GPUs, however, optimizing the performance of a GPU-accelerated compute node requires deep technical knowledge of the underlying architecture. Although significant literature exists on how to optimize GPU performance on the more mature NVIDIA CUDA architecture, the converse is true for OpenCL on the AMD GPU. Consequently, we present and evaluate architecture-aware optimizations for the AMD GPU. The most prominent optimizations include (i) explicit use of registers, (ii) use of vector types, (iii) removal of branches, and (iv) use of image memory for global data. We demonstrate the efficacy of our AMD GPU optimizations by applying each optimization in isolation as well as in concert to a large-scale, molecular modeling application called GEM. Via these AMD-specific GPU optimizations, the AMD Radeon HD 5870 GPU delivers 65% better performance than with the wellknown NVIDIA-specific optimizations

    Astrophysical Supercomputing with GPUs: Critical Decisions for Early Adopters

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    General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is dramatically changing the landscape of high performance computing in astronomy. In this paper, we identify and investigate several key decision areas, with a goal of simplyfing the early adoption of GPGPU in astronomy. We consider the merits of OpenCL as an open standard in order to reduce risks associated with coding in a native, vendor-specific programming environment, and present a GPU programming philosophy based on using brute force solutions. We assert that effective use of new GPU-based supercomputing facilities will require a change in approach from astronomers. This will likely include improved programming training, an increased need for software development best-practice through the use of profiling and related optimisation tools, and a greater reliance on third-party code libraries. As with any new technology, those willing to take the risks, and make the investment of time and effort to become early adopters of GPGPU in astronomy, stand to reap great benefits.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    GPU acceleration of brain image proccessing

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    Durante los últimos años se ha venido demostrando el alto poder computacional que ofrecen las GPUs a la hora de resolver determinados problemas. Al mismo tiempo, existen campos en los que no es posible beneficiarse completamente de las mejoras conseguidas por los investigadores, debido principalmente a que los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones llegan a ser extremadamente largos. Este es por ejemplo el caso del registro de imágenes en medicina. A pesar de que se han conseguido aceleraciones sobre el registro de imágenes, su uso en la práctica clínica es aún limitado. Entre otras cosas, esto se debe al rendimiento conseguido. Por lo tanto se plantea como objetivo de este proyecto, conseguir mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de una aplicación dedicada al resgitro de imágenes en medicina, con el fin de ayudar a aliviar este problema